Monday, June 03, 2019

Trump arrives in UK and attends welcome ceremony - live

"Morning Papers"

The Rooster


The people of the USA provide a great jet along with a couple of helicopters and all the needed and highly qualified staff to facilitate a trip to a trusted ally, the United Kingdom.

What do we get in return?

Trump called the Duchess of Sussex, a new mother with a beautiful baby boy, nasty. He did this all on hearsay. REGARDLESS, if it is hearsay or not there is absolutely no reason to aim lousy remarks at this wonderful lady.

We get the London Mayor nearly declaring war on Trump and rightfully so.

1 June 2019
By Sadiq Kahn

Praising the “very fine people on both sides” (click here) when torch-wielding white supremacists and antisemites marched through the streets clashing with anti-racist campaigners. Threatening to veto a ban on the use of rape as a weapon of war. Setting an immigration policy that forcefully separates young children from their parents at the border. The deliberate use of xenophobia, racism and “otherness” as an electoral tactic. Introducing a travel ban to a number of predominately Muslim countries. Lying deliberately and repeatedly to the public....

Here again, rather than rising to the occasion to make lemonade out of lemons rather than resorting to 3rd grade intellect, Trump says of the Mayor, "He is a "stone cold loser," "very dumb and incompetent," and short."

SHORT? OMG. I'd say Trump wants to take the London Mayor into the back alley, but, I already know Trump is too chicken to show.

He is not welcome in the UK. His itinerary is more that of a tourist.

l.  Lunch with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Harry.
2. Lay a wreath at the Grave of the Unknown Warrior
3. Tour the World Heritage site
4. Have tea with Prince Charles and Camilla at their residence at Clarence              House
5. Attend a state banquet at Buckingham Palace
6. Meet with the Prime Minister Theresa May

The Brits seem to have accomplished something few others do, silence the mouth and minimize social trauma. That is what the President of the USA has come to, a trauma riddled mouth that seeks to destroy the social fabric of most if not all civilized nations.