Monday, June 17, 2024

Meet Andres Mark john

This is a true story. This is supposedly his office somewhere in Gaza. He is a contractor to the IDF. 

He has a romantic need and goes to the internet to find a friend to talk to since there are few in his current position to pursue for conversation.

Below is also a picture of him (he likes to be comical for the girls, you understand), except he corrects his name to be John Mark Andres. He apologizes for the error. Now, come on here. 

He goes on to say that he is an American (that doesn't know the proper way to express his name) and he has two daughters that live in Utah and go to the Mormon academy. They are taken care of by a nanny. Starting to feel sympathy for this man so far away from home and missing his daughters? He states he is not interested in getting money from anyone, simply conversation. That turns out to be mostly true, but, the next bump in the road is nearly unbelievable. He decides to change his name, just for fun of course, to "Gracias." 

Yes, that is Spanish for thank you. Now, anyone should be wondering why he would be thankful, yes?

So the conversation goes on for a few more days and the couple is becoming cozy and comfortable. Mark states he goes out on patrol from time to time, but, primarily he is a statistician and composes daily reports for the military. 

And when Gracias believes the woman is enthralled with him, the picture below becomes the true face of Gracias and he is now asking for a gift card for $25.00.

This very true bait and switch scenario only begins to express the inherent danger to this game of internet relationships.

This case has already been reported to the State Authorities.

The problem as it presents itself here is that who is who? This is all conducted over the internet. Was there ever a John Mark Andres? Was Gracias, who's name no one knows, in control the entire time? Is there a conspiracy between the two men? Why Gaza? 

Regardless, a perfect stranger WITH A GOAL to obtain money from an American woman for his own purposes made an emotional connection and when he felt comfortable with that emotional attachment he began his game plan. This is nothing but dangerous. What if he has connections of some kind in the USA? How much danger is someone facing? Not only that but realizing there is a new person in the relationship is alarming. That itself can be intimidating.

People can laugh at those that get entangled with scammers and consider it a personality weakness, but, in all honesty don't Americans care a great deal about life as it presents itself? Don't they care about each other? 

September 11, 2001 brought a new reality to this country and there was a paradigm shift that sort of stated, "We are better together." What occurred was real heroes coming out of nowhere sometimes to rescue others. There was nothing wrong with that and they saved lives, but, Americans changed and now we have social media that brings strangers to our lives with seriously dangerous intent.

This case with Gracias is real. It happened. It was alarming and caused panic in a person's life. If this ever occurs in anyone's life, DO NOT BECOME PARALIZED and report the entire incident no matter how embarrassing it might be to the authorities. If the first authority one approaches might not be interested enough or think it a frivolous issue, go then to the next step up. Go from the cops, to the sheriff, to the state police, to the state bureau of investigation and on up to the feds.

It is a shame when monies are exchanged between strangers when the American believes they are helping those less fortunate then themselves, but, as seen in this case, there is a very real possibility there is real danger in that relationship that only reveals itself when it is too late.

Please have a better and more protected day. Americans are great people. We know that and we don't have to prove it to  anyone.

One other thing.

If the United Nations has a program to hold assets for those that sign on to work in foreign service, why don't they have a fail safe program that provides services when the unexpected happens and/or their contractors what to go on vacation. To my way of thinking assets are tricky things to hold in trust for those servicing overseas. A separate agency needs to provide that capacity with agreements with the contractor leaving for a period of time and mostly unreachable. The United Nations should not be overseeing such services to their contractors. All that has to be between private entities and the contractor providing a third party to contact in case of an emergency. Some people, as portrayed by the good doctor, have no family to act in their best interest.

I can understand the safety issue when serving in places like Somalia, but, at the same time these are civilized people with needs from time to time.

When Americans get involved with a scammer there is an element of danger they never consider.

First I want to provide a backstory to Dr. Wilfred Richards. It is important to realize there is always a sobs story that comes with these people.

Supposedly, as he provides no proof of his statements, he was orphaned at the age of 8 by parents killed in a car crash in Germany. He grew up in Germany after being born in San Francisco. All of that may be true, but, without knowing the facts as facts why would a perfect stranger be granted so much trust? There is no reason to grant that degree of trust where facts are not presented. Even if some facts are presented, these circumstances were not anyone's doing. There is no reason to feel badly when in fact an American holds no responsibility, even remotely, for that person's reality.

So, as to Dr. Wilfred Richards. He came to LinkedIn for social content. Now, mind you this man is in a UN mission in Somalia. Why in God's name would a UN mission even allow social contact with the outside world? Seriously. It is a dangerous place and there should be all kinds of alarm bells going off when these communications occur. Case in point, Dr. Richards has changed his email address several times because his accounts had been hacked. At least that is what is stated.

The PROBLEM that presents itself with Dr. Richards is a problem created by the UN. According to his statements, when he signed up for Somalia (volunteer) he placed all his assets (several homes) and his bank accounts into a trust with the UN. I am not saying he volunteered his services, quite the contrary, he had a contract with the UN. According to his statements he cannot obtain access to his assets or accounts for his own safety. So, I ask you, what does a hard working surgeon do when he is feeling burnt out and wants a vacation. He has no access to his accounts, so he has to obtain monies somehow. Next best thing to his own account is one that belongs to someone he has struck up a conversation with, namely an average everyday American.

The ask for the money is not about donating to his worthy cause of needing a vacation, it is about romance. The conversation is romantic with the understanding he will meet his new American darling somewhere with sunshine, a bedroom and plenty of good food. If one cares to go on vacation somewhere nice, the "Untied Nations" will arrange it all right down to the favorite wine and alcohol. Upon agreeing to the romantic getaway thousands of US dollars (at least $4000) will have to be sent in the way of gift cards. There are no bank transfers. And, oh by the way, there are a few fees for the paperwork necessary to let Dr. Richards leave the compound with notice and for the transportation off the compound.

That is the sort of thing that goes on in conversation over the internet between the happy couple.


Dr. Richards' case is complicated by other factors. In his case there was a death threat about the same time a security guard was killed. It is Somalia, these things go on, ya know? As a result of these scary circumstances he decides to take his own initiative and leaves the compound with plans to travel to Mogadishu's airport and leave the country for good. In route, there is a car accident, he never leaves the country, a medicine man rescues him to a hotel, all his belongs in the car are stolen and it would seem no one at the compound is worried enough to look for him.

Hence, here is this former US Navy surgeon needing assistance and there is only one person that cares enough to help, and you guessed it, his new found love. That begins a wild ride of needs and transportations and the list just keeps getting longer and more and more needy.

Now, his story may be true, but, there is an inherent danger to anyone involved when realizing he is openly stating this is Somalia. I mean get for real. Of course, the lady is worried and willing to help, but, the episode is not so clear of any danger. Basically, run! Don't walk to the nearest authority and begin to report this stressful situation and the monies that may or may not have been spent.

Now, let just say these circumstances of our former Navy surgeon are real and he is in need of help. 

Put that aside, because I can clearly illustrate in the next story  exactly what occurs that Americans have no clue about.