Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Nationwide testing (click here)

One of my concerns is that if there is a Republican majority in both houses of Congress the movement to end these toxins will be hauled. That is especially true if a Republican or Independent is elected into the executive branch. 


A lot of good can happen in four days of peace. Why is Hamas being difficult in stating who of the hostages will be released? 

Having these people in this kind of danger is idiocy. It is the worst possible example a star can set.

The idea "the show must go on" is no longer relevant to today's world. How many people have to die to make the climate crisis real?

November 20, 2023
By Lara Williams

Taylor Swift, (click here) one of the world’s most successful and wealthiest pop stars, has come face to face with the climate crisis in Brazil during her global Eras tour.

Fans struggled through a Friday night performance in Rio de Janeiro as extreme heat and humidity hit the city, with many complaining about poor access to water. Last week, temperatures in Rio topped 39.1C (102.4F), but it was the humidity that made the unseasonal heat even more dangerous. The heat index — essentially the “feels-like” temperature combining heat and humidity — reached 59.3C on Friday and 59.7C on Saturday. The show for Saturday was postponed until Monday due to concerns for people’s safety.

Much of the focus has been centered on a tragedy: 23-year-old Ana Clara Benevides died in hospital after collapsing at the show. Brazilian newspaper Folha de S. Paolo reported that Benevides suffered two cardiac arrests, though officials have not confirmed the cause of death. A video also showed Swift appearing to struggle to breathe on stage during her performance that night....

15 percent of working Americans…

 …are earning $100,000 for more (click here). It requires higher education, but, not always.

Biden Victory Fund

Finally, something other than text messages. Nothing like USPS to get one’s attention.

Joe and Kamala haven’t started campaigning yet. Not formally. Maybe after the holidays. Out number Trump on news articles before the public. Keep it positive through known accomplishments. The truth, while controversial, is still the truth and invites conversation.

There is a lot to be happy about with this administration. The issue of diversity is being solved everyday. While there are still strong White Supremacist head winds politically from the Trump camp, the American landscape has become better.

The rate of inflation is down markedly from the pandemic. Wages are better. But, food insecurity for those economically challenged has never been greater. I expect to see leaders at food pantries and community meals this Thanksgiving, too. They may need a reality check that AI can’t provide. 

Wall Street has been unable to deal with a global shift due to national security issues. That is where Trump becomes attractive to donations to the Republican Party. He is the standard, cut taxes to the wealthy and assault every social program that exists to help struggling Americans. The “thing” about Trump and the GOP is money. The Speaker solidarity, no matter how wrong, was about extreme conservative standards and reassurances to Wall Street and campaign funds. The court decisions violating the 14th amendment is about money. Trump brings it in for the party and then distributes to other as he sees fit. Without him on the ballot the money can dry up.

The US Supreme Court is a major disappointment in that they have rolled the USA Constitution into a turn of the century constitution. The question is, what century are they focused on?

Americans want to be happy, healthy and wealthy. The vote follows that, too. Iowa has the most home owning millennials. The Red States have the most millennials owning homes and the Blue States the least. Governors as well as the President and Senate need to pay attention to that. The American Dream is still alive, but, challenged and that is not good. Renting real estate/an apartment is not a method of securing retirement.

This administration is the strongest in identifying the climate crisis and moving forward to address it. Regardless, there are lots of reason to look skeptically at the coastlines and in one word, “Thwaites.” Wind and solar are the way forward. Get rid of fossil fuels now. The administration has focused on leaking methane. Earth is not a friendly plant with growing amounts of methane in its atmospheres. Life doesn’t exist in methane, at least not  human life. Neptune (click here ) is Sol’s methane planet, it doesn’t need another one. The BLM and Interior Departments are finally working as they should in assessing the land, water, and the future the climate is a factor.

Child labor is a growing concern and needs to be addressed. The option for parents caught in the inflation bind is “school choice” and child labor. The GOP does not have good policies in regard to children. Poverty and labor are children’s futures, especially when outlawing abortion and contraception. Women and children are under assault. The GOP is still the White Man’s angry party willing to victimize women and children for their ideology.

It would be helpful for the US EPA to have a real discussion about PFAs, water quality, and a clean environment in the home and out. Americans don’t want poison in the lives and the US EPA needs to be sensitive to that fact. But, the USA EPA is also in a unique position to have matter of fact discussions about healthy environments and the way forward. It was President Obama that first opened the door to far better alternatives in chemistry. Americans need information and not propaganda. 

There has been some strange images of black women in the fantasy media. I am thinking of a program called, “Found.” The “power” character is a black woman. She seeks to solve mysteries and bring children home to their parents, but, doesn’t quite get the job done without the assistance of a man locked in her basement. The imaginary is a real insult to black women. She should be heading up the department with strong self-reliant leadership with perhaps an interesting romance life if not her own family. The concept of the show is good especially when it addresses missing and abducted children, but, the sexual undertones of incompetence as well is a real problem. It just isn’t right and lacks real respect.

So, using recycled card stock and paper with candidate credentials and accomplishments to reach voters is still a good idea that promotes the USPS as well. Text messages have their limits. Campaigns need to get underway after the holidays.

Until later.