Monday, December 09, 2019

Continued from previous entry.

Sensenbrenner is leaving Congress. No surprise. He is completely obtuse.

Gohmert has never witnessed a Congressionally run impeachment investigation. A "Special Prosecutor" (a lawyer) was hired to conduct the investigation of previous impeachments. 

I think there is a specific reason why the US Congress decided to run their own investigations and it is due to the high level of corruption that exists with the Trump administration. The laws also changed. So, Gohmert is way off base in his hissy fit. He is obtuse. I doubt he put much time into understanding the investigation and new laws.

October 21, 1973
By Carroll Kirkpatrick

In the most traumatic government upheaval of the Watergate crisis, (click here) President Nixon yesterday discharged Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and accepted the resignations of Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus.

The President also abolished the office of the special prosecutor and turned over to the Justice Department the entire responsibility for further investigation and prosecution of suspects and defendants in Watergate and related cases.

Shortly after the White House announcement, FBI agents sealed off the offices of Richardson and Ruckelshaus in the Justice Department and at Cox's headquarters in an office building on K Street NW.

An FBI spokesman said the agents moved in "at the request of the White House."...

The president can't discharge a Congress.

September 15, 1999
By Dick Thornburgh, Mark H. Tuohey III and Michael Davidson

...Earlier this year we participated in a bipartisan project, (click here) which was chaired by former Senate Leaders Bob Dole and George Mitchell and assisted by the American Enterprise Institute and The Brookings Institution, to recommend actions that Congress and the Executive Branch might take upon the Act’s impending sunset. With release of its public report on May 18, and following Senators Dole’s and Mitchell’s testimony before this committee on June 11, the project completed its work. In our testimony we will describe for comparative purposes some of the project’s recommendations. Beyond that, in light of the project’s culmination, the views that we express in this joint statement and in our individual remarks will be our own....

Does anyone actually believe Bill Barr would assign a Special Counsel to the violations by Trump in regard to the military aid to Ukraine? He hasn't, has he?

Just to illustrate the compensation of Hunter Biden in relation to his peers. $50,000 per month. This is Oxydental's public reporting to the SEC.

(Link, click here)

Below, Page 33 on the report and Page 92 of the PDF.

Compensation Decisions ƒ Base salary: Ms. Hollub’s base salary was unchanged in 2017.

Annual Cash Incentive: Ms. Hollub’s target Annual Cash Incentive award was set in February 2017 at $1,875,000, unchanged from 2016. The company performance portion of the Annual Cash Incentive award was earned at 130% of target. Based on Ms. Hollub’s individual achievements described above, the Compensation Committee determined that the individual performance portion of the Annual Cash Incentive award was earned at 140% of target.

Long-Term Incentives: The target value of Ms. Hollub’s long-term incentive award package for 2017 was $8,500,000, an increase of approximately 6% as compared to 2016. 70% of Ms. Hollub’s long-term incentive package is dependent on the company’s TSR performance over a three-year performance period. For information regarding how the Compensation Committee determines individual long-term incentive award amounts, please see “Elements of the 2017 Compensation Program – Long-Term Incentive Compensation” on page 27.

There may be a real reason Hunter Biden was offered and then accepted his position with Burisma's Board of Directors.

In deciding their compensation packages for the Occidental Board of Directors, the company exams their peers as well.

The ability of Burisma to pay exceptional talent was limited. I think they made a wise decision to add an American.

A different topic is that of the tariff income from China. It is amazing to realize the degree to which these tariffs have effected USA Commerce. Not only are these amazing numbers, but, Trump is doubling down on them.

December 9, 2019
By Gina Heeb

The US government collected a record amount in tariffs in October (click here) as a trade dispute between the Trump administration and China escalated, according to new data released Monday.

Revenue from import taxes jumped to $7.2 billion that month, the free-trade advocacy groups Tariffs Hurt the Heartland and The Trade Partnership said. That was the most in history and a $1 billion rise from the same time a year earlier.

President Donald Trump slapped steep duties on an additional $111 billion worth of Chinese imports on September 1, hitting far more consumer products than in previous tranches. He is scheduled to further escalate tariffs this Sunday as the two sides struggle to hammer out the details of an interim trade agreement....

Back to the hearing:

There was no direct contact between the Whistleblower and the US House Intelligence Committee members.

November 13, 2019
By Lori Robertson

...The New York Times (click here) broke the story on Oct. 2 that Schiff knew about “the outlines” of the whistleblower’s concerns before the Aug. 12 complaint was filed. The whistleblower had contacted an intelligence committee aide after passing along concerns to the CIA’s top lawyer and being “[c]oncerned about how that initial avenue for airing his allegations through the C.I.A. was unfolding,” the Times reported.... 

One more time:

...contacted an intelligence committee aide after passing along concerns to the CIA’s top lawyer...

A casual observation, if I may? The Republicans are reading everything they state during this hearing as if scripted. It has that appearance. They are making speeches.

But, as to the Whistleblower contact with Adam Schiff; it didn't occur. An aide to the Congressman brought information forward. There was no direct contact with the Whistleblower with Chairman Schiff. The Chairman's office offered advise.

New York Times, Oct. 2: The House staff member, following the committee’s procedures, suggested the [whistleblower] find a lawyer to advise him and meet with an inspector general, with whom he could file a whistle-blower complaint. The aide shared some of what the officer conveyed to Mr. Schiff. The aide did not share the whistle-blower’s identity with Mr. Schiff, an official said.

That could be questionable if that isn't what was to occur. The Whistleblower did seek legal consultation which was obvious in the wording and scope of the complaint. I was astounded when I read it that it was as solidly correct in it's scope. Additionally, the Whistleblower did go to the Inspector General. It all fits. It is only natural a Whistleblower was alarmed to the events unfolding and would seek to provide information to a Congressional member that would help give voice to the wrongdoing by Trump.

Whistleblowing is not a perfect science or perfect procedure when in the hands of those loyal to the USA. It is a procedure to bring about the truth to concerns of those among Americans alarmed by issues before them. I still congratulate the Whistleblower and wish him/her well.

An observation about vaping:

November 21, 2019
By Hannah Knowles and Lena H. Sun

...Most of the patients (click here) who have fallen sick and for whom officials have demographic information are male and young: Almost 80 percent of the patients are under 35, and their median age is 24, according to the CDC. But until the report of the New York teen’s death, the deaths were older adults. The median age of patients who died is 53. Their ages range from 17 to 75....

...“We’re all wondering if this is new or just newly recognized,” the CDC’s Dana Meaney-Delman said earlier this summer....

The USA is beginning to have a failure in demographics across the country. One of those demographics is 50-year-old white men. Those investing vaping at the CDC question the idea this is a new disease so much as a newly recognized disease. I think it would be irresponsible to eliminate vaping as a possibility in this demographic group's deaths. 

Vaping does result in symptoms that are shared by tobacco, including coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath and respiratory distress syndrome. Could the 50-year-old demographic group be among the first to succumb to vaping disease?

The hearing:

Mr. McClintock is reading another speech made using THE SAME Republican talking points/rhetoric as others have already introduced. I think it is scripted.

November 22, 2019
By Sonam Sheth and Grace Panetta

In a Friday (click here) interview on "Fox & Friends," President Donald Trump admitted to holding up military aid to pressure Ukraine's government to investigate a baseless conspiracy theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 US election.

In other words, he acknowledged doing the very thing he could be impeached for and has repeatedly denied.

Trump referred to the conspiracy theory that Ukraine is hiding a mysterious Democratic National Committee "server" that contains incriminating evidence of Ukrainian interference and Democratic collusion. There is no evidence supporting this conspiracy theory — the former National Security Council official Fiona Hill testified this week that it was part of a Russian disinformation campaign....

The origins of Trump's conspiracy theory of which he withheld military aid to Ukraine was propagated by a White Supremacist/Nationalist website 4chan.

October 3, 2019
By Ben Collins

An anonymous post from March 2017 (click here) on the far-right 4chan message board teased a conspiracy theory that would eventually make its way to the White House.

“Russia could not have been the source of leaked Democrat emails released by Wikileaks,” the post teased, not citing any evidence for the assertion.

The post baselessly insinuated that CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm that worked with the Democratic National Committee and had been contracted to investigate a hack of its servers, fabricated a forensics report to frame Russia for election interference. The 4chan post was published three days before then-FBI Director James Comey testified before Congress about Russian interference in the 2016 election....

Donald J. Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine for the investigation into a completely fictitious conspiracy. This alone is more than a worry, it is a clear indication there is little to no competency within the Oval Office. The Oval Office more or less is compelled by Breitbart. The right-wing media is already known to lay down cover for all Trump's lies. He endangered the lives of the people of Ukraine on a whim, a political whim for re-election.

There is no way of knowing if the anonymous post was made by a Russian operative. At least most people wouldn't know.

About hate:

Ferndale is again the victim of hate mongers.

August 28, 2019
By Robert Mittendorf

“Hate has no home” in Ferndale, (click here) speakers said at a meeting Tuesday night, Aug. 27, in response to recent white nationalist activity in Whatcom County.

Riveters Collective, a non-profit civic action group serving the Whatcom County area, sponsored the “Not in Our Community!” event after recruiting posters for the white supremacist group Patriot Front were posted last month along Main Street in downtown Ferndale.

A single Patriot Front poster was found last week in the Fairhaven shopping district of Bellingham....

December 9, 2019
By Robert Mittendorf

Ferndale Police (click here) are again looking into the activities of a white supremacist group after the downtown area was peppered with messages of hate directed at people for their race, national origin or political views.

City spokesman Riley Sweeney confirmed social media posts that said people found literature believed to be from the Patriot Front attached to utility poles and other places downtown.

“This is an active investigation,” Sweeney told The Bellingham Herald. “If members of the public see the flyers, we urge them to take a picture and send it to Detective Justin Pike ( We do not have a full count yet, although I’ve found two this morning. No damage reported beyond the defacing of public utility poles.”...

The Republicans are always saying the president was elected by the country and that should be respected. Well. The clear majority of Democrats were elected by the country, too. And why? Because the country wanted a stop on Trump's vicious and dangerous agenda.

Americans are paying attention to the hearings no matter where they are in the world.

December 9, 2019
By Erin Donnelly

Former first lady Michelle Obama (click here) — whom filmmaker Michael Moore has called the “one person that would crush” President Donald Trump in 2020 — may not be throwing her hat into the ring, but she is sharing her thoughts on the other pressing political issue of the day: the impeachment hearings.

On Monday, the Today show aired an interview between Obama and anchor (and former first daughter) Jenna Bush Hager in Vietnam, where the former FLOTUS is representing the Girls Opportunity Alliance alongside actress Julia Roberts. While Obama is in the country to raise awareness about the importance of education for young girls, the conversation naturally turned to the threat of impeachment currently looming over her husband’s White House successor....

..."It's surreal,” she told Bush Hager, adding that young people were unaccustomed to seeing a president go through the process. "I don't think people know what to make of it. But do I think we can come back from it? Oh yeah.

"We've seen tough times in this country,” she added. “You know we've gone through depressions and wars and bombings and terrorist attacks, and we've gone through Jim Crow, and we've always come out stronger. And that's what we have to continue to believe because what's our choice? To ball up in a corner and call it a day? Well that's not fair to this next generation that's coming before us that are counting on us to get this right."

Continued from previous entry.

The Republicans on the Judiciary Committee need to stop their speeches to block legitimate answers by the witnesses before the committee.

I believe Mr. Collins, the Ranking Member, should be reported to the ethics committee considering his demeanor in screaming at the witnesses.

Collins' hissy fit, it planned to attempt to intimidate witnesses with his yelling complaints. He is also attempting to intimidate anyone watching the proceedings as to the validity of the extensive Intelligence Committee impeachment investigation.

I don't know what Collins means by "It is a drive-by" in the context of this hearing. That is normally used when gangsters or terrorists use guns to kill people randomly. It is a serious crime local police try to end to protect innocent citizens. There is no legitimate reason to bring such images to a serious impeachment hearing.

Collins seems to be annoyed by the fact telephone records of those properly subpoenaed also includes other people not yet implicated in wrongdoing. I suppose that is a legitimate complaint, but, yelling it only provides a very legitimate appearance to that point. The fact there are names on properly subpoenaed documents does not alter the fact they provide value to the impeachment hearing today. Those that have names appearing on evidence can ask to have their names removed. I am sure it will be accommodated.

That is a proper method to complain about extraneous issues to properly subpoenaed evidence, not yelling and screaming at witnesses and the American people. A statement of objection to those names and a request to remove those names would actually result in compliance. It is unclear to me there will be any compliance to remove such names. Collins never asked to have them removed.

This is currently occurring in Iowa.

December 9. 2019

Polk County, Iowa

The Iowa State Patrol (click here) is working to clear some of the more than 50 vehicles involved in a crash on I-80 westbound near Altoona Monday morning, in hopes of getting at least one lane of traffic opened up.

Sgt. Alex Dinkla says one person was seriously injured in the crash, which happened around 11:00 a.m.

No other reports of injuries have come in to the Iowa State Patrol.

According to Dinkla, crews are working to clear vehicles at the beginning of the chain-reaction crash in order to open up traffic on westbound I-80 and get traffic moving again. He expects it will still be some time before the roadway is opened again....

Image to the right:
NOAA Visible GOES West Satellite (click here)
December 9, 2019
1800 UTC

GOES West Loop (click here)

The FBI not only had a right to investigate the Russian connection to the 2016 elections but, had an OBLIGATION to the Clinton Campaign, DNC and DCCC. There is just no question an investigation was required. Trump compounded the need for diligence when Comey was fired and the Russians came to the Oval Office in less than 24 hours.

December 9, 2019
By Katie Brenner

...The report, (click here) by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign....

The video below clearly shows Trump demanding espionage from Russia against Clinton and the findings of the Special Counsel investigation provide evidence that Russia began such espionage within hours of this statement.

Timeline to Inspector General's report (click here).

March 21, 2019

Donald Trump, a contender for the Republican presidential nomination, announces Carter Page as his campaign's foreign policy adviser....

continued in next entry

US House Impeachment Proceedings are legitimate and well documented.

It seems the House Republicans are willing to turn serious proceedings into a circus. The US House affords witnesses, besides constitutional rights, additional rights under Section 13.

I will have to blog the entire hearing. Now, I have to get set up to write rather than simply listen to history. 

The witness has exceptional rights to make a testimony.

Americans have to realize Trump is controlling the Republican response to any aspect of the impeachment process. He is after all "The Apprentice" CEO.

Early on, Trump stated there will be no negative press and demanded all the words spoken about him will be praise. When that didn't occur he simply set out war on the USA Press, called "Fake News." Trump's demand for an unblemished and shining iconic image in the presidency is reflected by Republicans as in the instance of demanding a witness' testimony to be struck from the record.

Sympathies to all who have valued Paul Volker and his lifetime of service.

Paul Volcker, (click here) the legendary economist who served as the 12th chairman of the US Federal Reserve, died Sunday at the age of 92.
He is survived by his wife, Anke Dening; two children, Janice and James; and four grandchildren.
Volcker was known as a towering Fed chairman — both for his impressive height (he stood 6 feet 7 inches) and also for confronting difficult economic circumstances....

Section 13 (click here) of the Deschler's Precedents discuss witness rights.

The Precedents of the U.S. House of Representatives collection contains four series of volumes of precedent: Precedents of the U.S. House of Representatives (2017 series), Deschler’s Precedents (1936-2013), Cannon’s Precedents (1907-1936), and Hinds’ Precedents (1789-1907).

Deschler's Precedents (1936-2013) (click here)- Deschler’s Precedents consists of 18 volumes and 41 chapters. Later volumes in the series were published under the names Deschler-Brown Precedents, Deschler-Brown-Johnson Precedents, and Deschler-Brown-Johnson-Sullivan Precedents. The first volume of precedents was published in 1973 and the eighteenth volume was published in 2013.
Mr. Castor's speech is nothing more than Republican political talking points. (click here) They have no legitimacy to facts. This report by the Republicans is very traditional anti-government Republican talking points such as "unelected officials/authority," etc. This report by the Republicans is a political document and simply carries out their dogma and dialogue without significant importance on honest testimony by the unelected (to separate facts from political influence) officials' testimonies.

There are very legitimate reasons to have unelected officials within the USA government including longevity of MEMORY to USA's policy and provide a non-political entity within the government to protect the USA Constitutional for exactly the reasons there exists an impeachment proceeding today.


The record of Ukraine regarding corruption stems directly from the heavy hand of Moscow. Since the revolution, the country has been performing backflips to end that corruption including removing two Prosecutor Generals along the way. Those two Prosecutor Generals were removed to end corruption and they are Guiliani's last best hope to exonerate the egregious actions by Trump and his own.

The current Ukraine administration has new officers. There is every expectation this administration will act in good faith while eliminating corrupt practices institutionalized by the Yanukovych presidency.

The discovery and reporting of the documents reported below is what Trump and the Republicans are calling Ukraine intervention in the 2016 elections. These are facts and not the manipulation of the 2016 elections. Paul Manafort was implicated in these documents. This was important news to the American people, hence, Manafort resigned as Trump's campaign chairman.

31 May 2016
By Maxim Tucker

Ukraine’s former president (click here) paid bribes worth at least $2 billion (£1.4 billion) during his four years in office – amounting to almost $1.4 million for every day he was in power – according to evidence handed to investigators.

Viktor Yanukovych, who was toppled during Ukraine’s revolution in 2014, appears to have kept a detailed record of backhanders distributed while he was in government.

A logbook has emerged listing the bribes paid to former and serving Ukrainian officials. In particular, election commissioners were handsomely rewarded in return for guaranteeing victory for Mr Yanukovych’s Party of Regions in the parliamentary election of 2012.

“We know that it’s real because of the minutiae of the detail - that so many of the small details corroborate with events or activities that took place under Yanukovych,” said Serhiy Leshchenko, the Ukrainian investigative journalist turned MP who published the logbook....

It seems as though Republican memories can be challenged to their ability to effectively legislate and conduct themselves at hearings. The facts of Yanukovych's corruption have been stated innumerable times on this blog. These facts are not my own but that of extensive reporting by news agencies worldwide. American Republicans are obtuse.

As early as July 3, 2019 the defense support by the USA of Ukraine was withheld.mili

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, (click here) a national security official working at the White House, becomes aware that the military aid has been held up. He testified that he received a notice from the State Department. “That’s when I was concretely made aware of the fact there was a hold placed,” he said in testimony to lawmakers....

Three full weeks before the telephone call by Trump to President Zelensky regarding the military aid to Ukraine was SECRETLY withheld. Ukraine's knowledge of this withheld military aid was DISCOVERED from global reporting of this fact. Ukraine's government knew nothing of the DELIBERATELY withheld military aid while Ukraine's soldiers died on the battlefield defending the new democracy.

...July 25, 2019

Trump speaks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, asking him for favors that include an inquiry into Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s dealings with Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, and to investigate whether Ukraine interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. He later calls it a “perfect” call....

...August 29, 2019 and after

William Taylor, the acting U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, testified that he did not know the aid had been withheld until after the Politico article appeared, when he started receiving “desperate” calls from Ukrainian officials.

“The minister of defense came to me,” he said. “I would use the word ‘desperate,’ to try to figure out why the assistance was held.”

Taylor said the minister thought if he spoke to Congress, or the White House, he could find out the reason and reassure them of whatever was necessary to get the aid. If the money wasn’t provided by Sept. 30, it would be lost....

The reason the withholding of the military aid was never discussed or reported to Ukraine was that Trump considered the withholding permanent while waiting for the expiration date to pass of the legislated monies. Trump withheld the monies secretly because he didn't want a challenge in order to release it. Of course, then came the Whitleblower.

Withholding military aid to Ukraine was a direct benefit to Russia regardless of any evidence to facts of such discussions with Putin by Trump. Weakening Ukraine would strengthen Russia and it's war with Ukraine at it's eastern border.

January 14, 2019
By William Cummings

President Donald Trump (click here) went to "extraordinary lengths" to keep details from his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin secret – even from officials within his own administration, The Washington Post reported this weekend, citing unnamed sources.

After meeting with Putin at the 2017 Group of 20summit in Hamburg, Germany, Trump took his interpreter's notes and told him not to discuss the meeting with anyone, including other U.S. officials, the Post reported.

The paper said Trump's handling of the Hamburg meeting was "part of a broader pattern by the president of shielding his communications with Putin from public scrutiny and preventing even high-ranking officials in his own administration from fully knowing what he has told one of the United States’ main adversaries."...

There is an ongoing Trump - Russia agenda that remains out of the knowledge of all others, except, Putin and those he shares such information. That is a breach of national security and a direct reason for impeachment as well.

Cruz grandstanding on "Meet the Press" is typical of the Republican propaganda campaign.

December 8, 2019
By William Cummings

Sen. Ted Cruz (click here) joined the list of Republican lawmakers who have argued President Donald Trump had legitimate reasons to ask Ukraine to investigate the 2016 election because they believe that country meddled in the 2016 election.

Cruz said on NBC News' "Meet the Press" there was "considerable evidence" that "Ukraine blatantly interfered in our election," though he could only point to one op-ed from a former Ukrainian ambassador to the U.S. as proof of that interference.

Cruz said the news media has been "misleading" by acting as if only one country could have interfered when it could have been both Ukraine and Russia....

Currently, Castor after being sworn in, continues to CHERRY PICK words and content to deceive the American people and the constitutional record. This is sworn testimony as US House Republicans demanded.

October 7, 2019
By Desmond Butler, Michael Biesecker and Richard Landner

As Rudy Giuliani (click here) was pushing Ukrainian officials last spring to investigate one of Donald Trump’s main political rivals, a group of individuals with ties to the president and his personal lawyer were also active in the former Soviet republic.

Their aims were profit, not politics. This circle of businessmen and Republican donors touted connections to Giuliani and Trump while trying to install new management at the top of Ukraine’s massive state gas company. Their plan was to then steer lucrative contracts to companies controlled by Trump allies, according to two people with knowledge of their plans....

This report is from "The World Bank."

"Gas Reform in Ukraine" (click here)

Reform of the natural gas industry in Ukraine (click here) started a year later than reform of the power industry. Because gas reform had no blueprint, its direction has remained ambiguous. That ambiguity is the result of a conflict between those who advocate vertically integrated, opaque, monopolistic structures and those who want a transparent, competitive gas market governed by stable rules. This conflict will likely continue for several years, making the ultimate outcome difficult to predict. More by accident than by design, the reform produced a number of innovative features that might be of interest for other countries planning to restructure and privatize their gas industries

This report was produced in December 1998. The last paragraph of the report states:

Even the first step toward a spot market—setting up a system of occasional gas auctions—requires strong political commitment to overcome opposition from suppliers and traders that stand to lose customers.

Ukraine didn't have gas auctions. It was a state-owned company that supplied natural gas to citizens and domestic businesses. The auctions of Ukraine natural gas didn't occur until 2018. Any accusations regarding Hunter Biden and gas auctions are completely baseless and there is plenty of evidence to prove that. The first auctions didn't occur until 2018. Only in 2019 were the licenses to these auctions issued. They were the first licenses ever issued by Ukraine. This level of capitalism did not exist before 2018. In fact, Russian companies were supplying natural gas to Ukraine and building up financial leverage against Ukraine's independence from Russia.

March 14, 2019

The third round of oil and gas online auctions (click here) has been launched on March 18.

Nine onshore blocks were offered in three regions of Ukraine, covering over 1,260 sq. km. All licenses are proposed for exploration and production of hydrocarbons for a period of 20 years. The undiscovered oil and gas resources of all blocks are officially estimated as inferred (yet-to-find).

Online auctions will be carried on at the ProZorro.Sale e-platform. The company, which submits the highest cash bid will be awarded lease rights for a concession license.

Investors will have 90 calendar days to pass the registration and submit a bid by 18 of June, 2019. The names of the applicants are kept in the confidence till the end of the auction.

First licensing round took place on 6 March, 3 blocks attracted bids, 7 had no bids. The total amount paid is record-breaking for Ukraine – over UAH 141 million (~USD5.2 million). Three leading domestic gas producers became winners: Burisma Group (block №2), DTEK Oil & Gas (block №3), UGV (block №7). Second licensing round will be held on 2 May 2019.

Continued in next entry.