Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Governor Inslee was at the podium already.

According to the “ Seattle Times,” ‘We are going to fight like hell’ Washington Democratic leaders rage at draft abortion decision.

Why the Alito Leak?

Ginny Thomas?

She has access. She also is cozy with Trump. Nothing has been said about January 6th since the news about Roe v. Wade.

Lots of reasons to leak Alito’s extreme opinion.

Heat’s off. Not just for Ginny Thomas either. Trump is the victor for the right. This is a political event. Trump desperately needs champions for his breed of corruption.

Hopefully, Alito is simply having a hissing fit, but, if that is the case, who then is the real Chief Justice? And what about those confirmation answers? When do Americans stop accepting manipulative lies as the status quo?

Killing Women’s Rights

A change in abortion laws are always anti-woman. It is also a power movement by the Federalist Society into theocracy. There is more at stake with Roe v. Wade than woman’s autonomy and VALUE. There is also a religious requirement coming within the law. 

The Child Tax Credit was the correct measure for fostering families.

Laws prohibiting women’s choices promotes poverty. Any woman knows the best way forward for her life and her plans for a family and/or marriage. These laws are harmful to women, their choices in life and their health. 

There is a reason women are followed by gynecologists and obstetricians. Women have special physical and mental health needs that are satisfied by their own choices.

This return to oppression of women is an assault on our society and country. Women hold very powerful places of power, these changes in choice imperils the country and it’s brain trust as well as our national security.

The Robert’s Court is incompetent and living in their own ivory tower.

The Pandemic

It’s hanging around for a while isn’t it? And the longer it is with us the more easy it is to see the consequences of allowing a coronavirus to be rampant among human beings. I’ll get links later but we’re now facing long Covid, variants that continue to plague and real consequences that are irreversible. There is a study out recently that even the mild cases of this virus have caused brain shrinking. It is time to human race get serious about getting rid of this lousy set of viruses in our societies. It is the one true problem we all share and on balance others and genocide it is worse than Russia.

The sciences and medical research knew exactly what they were looking at from the beginning and no one listened. The one country that came close to doing exactly what needed to be done from the beginning has been New Zealand.

I might add the virus acted exactly as expected. The scientist dealing with this virus know exactly what they are looking at.