Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Sanctions on the ICC will solve nothing.

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I was waiting for this one. Robert O’Brian couldn’t book his plane flight soon enough when talk turned to indictments of Israeli officials at the ICC. Trump’s extremists are becoming intractable in their lies and are doing their level best to legitimize them. This is one way they will try.

The ICC prosecutors are not corrupt. They are misinformed and believe they need to apply pressure to end the strife in Gaza. The problem is the prosecutors are placing their definition of the strife on a timeline after October 7th and not decades before. 

The American Republican Party has become a monster and it is out of control. O’Brien does not belong in this situation and is attempting to confuse wild allegations and ideas of sanctions with legitimate concerns and solutions. President Biden is correct in stating there is no moral equivalent between Israel’s leadership and Hamas terrorists. The ICC believing there is similar claims against Israel’s leadership is more confusion and misplaced values. The ICC prosecutor is wrong, but, not corrupt.

Israel was attacked on October 7th, not Hamas. Israel was left with no choice but to declare war in Gaza. There was no other way of securing Israel, but, to eliminate the cause. It was virtually impossible for Israel to carry out the destruction of tunnels and securing Hamas munitions in hospitals without involving the Gaza Strip infrastructure. Impossible.

The inhumanity within Gaza started long before Hamas decided to slaughter Israelis. The inhumanity in Gaza began with the Palestinian people being used as human shields. The Palestinians were never valued so much as owned as a method to secure power by terrorists pretending to benevolently govern. There was never one day of benevolent governance by terrorists in Gaza as experienced by the people themselves. 

The war theater was Gaza. It still is Gaza. The tactics employed by Israel were to end any aggression by the terrorists and in that were repeated issues of humanitarian concerns. 

Israel’s Defense Forces have one vision and it is to secure the citizens of Israel from certain death. That is something the accusers of Israel leadership refuse to see. The IDF and the country’s leaders were to protect the country’s people from death. If the ratio of dead in Gaza seems out of balance and the 
methods very deadly to achieve that goal it was the battlefield the IDF was faced with. The battlefield was not created by the Israelis. The battlefield was created by terrorists that have no value for human life even the citizens of Palestine.

The accusations by the ICC prosecutor of Israel’s leadership are wrong. The accusations must be rescinded to focus on the real perpetrators of the human rights violations and massive casualties in Gaza, the terrorists that still persist to carry out aggressions.

I repeat, none of this was Israel’s doing. Also, the idea that Gaza will revert back to what it was before October 7th is a very wayward idea that will never occur.

Gaza was supposed to be an icon of peace between the two peoples. Instead, Gaza became a shelter for terrorists. The Palestinian people have paid an enormous price while the world allowed terrorists a safe haven there. This was not Israel’s plan or hope for Gaza. Israel wanted a peace loving neighbor and to that end it never occurred. Why? Because Iran’s hate for Israel was expressed through the actions of its terrorist proxies.

Enough of accusing Israel for the world’s poor diplomatic judgement in allowing terrorists to rule the Palestinian people.