Monday, August 03, 2020

The Department of Agriculture and the FDA aren't doing a good job notifying the dangers of vaping.

The product most often used since so many died of lung-related deaths caused by vaping has a base of Propylene glycol, vegetable glycol, and artificial flavors. If it weren't for the State of California most purchasers of these products would never know there are dangers and risks for cancer.

The by-products that cause cancer are acetaldehyde and formaldehyde. Both these chemicals are highly dangerous carcinogens.

The manufacturers have gotten clever, too. It used to be these vap products all contained some degree of nicotine. NOW, the products contain no nicotine, but, it is offered as a side product that can be added to the plant-based vap JUICE.

These products appeared in the market place as an alternative to smoking tobacco. There are many different manufacturers of these products and they really have gotten away with murder quite frankly. Now, it is more danger being introduced through vaping products in the way of very dangerous carcinogens.

Vaping needs to stop. It is an unsafe practice for many reasons. But, if it weren't for California no one would know the ingredients and by-products that can cause cancer. When tobacco was labeled as dangerous and can cause cancer, warnings to that fact were required to be put on the label. It came through a federal decision and every state in the country MUST only sell cigarettes with labels stating the dangers of smoking or chewing tobacco.

Now, there are vaping products that will cause cancer with repeated use over a period of time. There is no guesswork here. These two products are PROVEN to by highly dangerous carcinogens. For the USDA and the FDA to allow these products in the market place is neglect and endangerment of human life.

Congress needs to pass legislation requiring EVERY PRODUCT FOR SALE to label the products with their ingredients that are too dangerous to be consumed and of all places the lungs. The highly vascular lungs that can provide immediate delivery to a person's bloodstream of anything that enters those two organs only to be carried to the brain for an altered reality.

Nicotine is highly addictive HENCE sending products and resultant by-products that cause cancer into the body. The psychological and social addiction and the actual physical addition of the products are human rights violations simply because they are KNOWN CARCINOGENS. 

The US Congress has to ban these chemicals from entering the body today and permanently into the future. 

If people want to vape a plant-based JUICE they can take it out of the refrigerator and use it. Those carcinogens are preservatives. The vaping industry needs to remove all carcinogens and toxic materials to the lungs FROM THEIR VAPING PRODUCTS NOW!

Shame on Sonny Purdue and the FDA. It is a horrible time in the USA and the lack of expertise and CARING by this administration is only adding to the existing horrors.

I am certain Dr. Fauci would recommend wearing a mask to vote!

August 2, 2020
By David Smile

As Florida struggles (click here) with one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in the country, elections supervisors will welcome voters back to the polls Monday, kicking off a two-week run-up to the Aug. 18 Florida primary.

Nearly two dozen early voting centers will open at 7 a.m. in Miami-Dade County, and dozens more in Monroe and Palm Beach counties. Early voting doesn’t begin in Broward County until Aug. 8.

The election is Florida’s second since the coronavirus pandemic began to spread. Close to 3 million people voted statewide in the March 17 Florida presidential preferences primary,, 650,000 of whom voted during Florida’s two-week early voting period....

The Church is neglecting their own.

I saw with my 85-year-old mother how the local Roman Catholic Church took excellent care of their parishioners. However, when it comes to taking care of their own dedicated women/nuns it is losing the battle if addressing it at all.

August 3, 2020
By Frank Witsil

When Lisa Zervos heard 13 religious sisters (click here) living together in a Livonia convent died of coronavirus, she felt heartbroken.

She sent the Catholic order a donation, brought flowers to the sisters' graves at Holy Sepulcher Cemetery in Southfield and kneeled down to pray for the repose of their souls.

"I was so sorry they suffered, and I know there are some sisters are still ill," Zervos, 52, of Northville, said. "Their whole lives were devoted not to themselves but others. It helps — when you think about what they did with their lives — to be a better person yourself."

Religious sisters who dedicated their lives to the care of others are now in need of support, and Michiganders like Zervos, and many from as far away as Norway, are offering sympathy notes and donations....

Teargas bans must go forward.

There are dangers to citizens and medical reasons to ban these "crowd control" methods. The First Amendment to the USA Constitution preempts the use of crowd control. This is NOT insurrection. This is messaging to the society that something is very wrong and must stop. The demonstrators are not interested in overthrowing their government regardless of undertones otherwise. If the VERY HARSH methods of crowd control end and legislators pass laws that eliminate the threat to BLACK LIVES, there will be no protesting. Isn't that what democracy is about?

The damage being done to the human lungs by the harsh chemicals in tear gas is more than can be tolerated in an environment as dangerous as the one with SARS-CoV-2. The tear gas cause behaviors that result in RISK. They remove their masks and cough spewing potential contaminants into the air. The police in their use of these measures are spreading the virus. Enough. Stop.

July 24, 2020
By Dick Vanderheart

Law enforcement officers in Oregon (click here) would be banned from using tear gas, constrained in how they could use other crowd-control weapons, and required to prominently display their names and ID numbers, under bills that might be considered in a forthcoming special session.

Those proposals are included in concepts released in recent days by the legislative committee convened to take up police reforms in the state. They come as police use of force in Portland has become a national focal point, with federal law enforcement officers freely deploying tear gas and other munitions against demonstrators night after night. Many of the same crowd-control tactics have been employed by Portland police in protests that are now stretching into their ninth week....

Fighting the good fight.

July 28, 2020
By Rebecca Ellis

Attorneys for the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (click here) have asked a judge to hold federal law enforcement in contempt for allegedly violating an order that protected legal observers and journalists covering nightly protests against racism and police violence in Portland.

In a Tuesday filing, attorneys with the ACLU also asked a judge to order Chad Wolf, acting secretary for the Department of Homeland Security, and Ken Cuccinelli, acting deputy secretary, to appear before the court and explain why the federal officers deployed by the agency should not be sanctioned for violating the temporary restraining order.

Last Thursday, U.S. District Judge Michael H. Simon issued a temporary restraining order on officers from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Marshals Service sent to Portland to guard federal buildings.

The new restrictions barred federal officers from arresting, threatening to arrest or using physical force against someone who they should “reasonably know” is a journalist or a legal observer unless they have probable cause to believe that person has committed a crime. Under the order, journalists and observers were not required to follow orders to disperse nor could a federal officer tell them to stop documenting the protest....

To address the observations from the weekend.

In regard to flooding along the coast of the Great Lakes, there could be pure negligence. Canada is a better gauge of that then trying to figure out if Trump is being stupidly ambitious in relation to a westward canal. It will be impossible to scale the Rocky Mountains with a canal for large ships. A more likely scenario is that Trump is eliminating personnel that run the apparatus of the St. Lawrence Seaway. Not the lock operators, although he might throw that expense completely to Canada, the administration that receives information about the impact of the locks on the shoreline. I would first eliminate the possibility that a heap of complaint letters is sitting on an empty desk. I still think the courts are a better mechanism at this point to end the shoreline erosion that will result in catastrophic damage to lakeshore towns. Canada's administrators will be seeing problems too, that might provide insight to NEGLIGENCE by the Trump Administration to the problems along the lake shores.

The trucks:

I think the semis/tractor-trailers are running from Sunday night to Friday night. There has been a movement in the country over the past three years by drivers that are demanding to be home on the weekends. That would explain the absence of the semis on the weekend. I sincerely believe that is what has occurred.

There are more interesting dynamics that go along with that. The drivers are still probably clocking long hours during the week and on the road 24 hours a day. Not one driver for 24 hours a day, each driver working his max hours in 5 days and not 7 days. That provides a fresh set of hours to drive as of a return to work on Sunday evening or Monday morning. 

So, therefore, what about the freight? More or less?

That dynamic is better determined by consumer sales and amount of diesel fuel sold to trucks. The amount of diesel fuel sold will determine the number of miles clocked by the drivers. If the amount of gross diesel fuel sold is less then the miles are down and the amount of freight being moved is down. If the inverse is true then the freight being offloaded to warehouses has increased. 

Consumer sales will state a couple of things. It can state that items are moving off the shelves quickly and are selling at moderate prices. If the sales dollars are down then the cost is consistent and the number of items sold is less. However, we know that capitalism requires items to be more costly if the number available is down. So, if the consumer sales are down when reported in dollars, that means there is less merchandise for whatever reason that is the case. Considering there are Wall Street brick and mortar stores declaring bankruptcy that indicates sales are down and inventory is down.

It may be that this entire paradigm shift may indicate a permanent shift in the way consumers are spending. They are focused on their homes. A quick glance at mortgages and the chance they are being paid down or paid off to prevent such threat in the future is a real possibility. The homes are also receiving facelifts and improvements to increase their value. I think consumer spending is more fixed on the home than items. The children have been home for school as well so that means some dedicated space to conduct class in the home and study afterward in preparation for the next school day.

Now about what I found in Traverse City:

PEOPLE ARE FOLLOWING THE RULES. Americans are definitely concerned about the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Most Americans. The nut cases running around spreading the virus need to be arrested as a public nuisance and put in jail. Trump's mixed messaging also is disrupting the well being of the people. The Democrats and the Lincoln Project folks need to have a counter-message about public safety and how that is achieved by sheltering at home when not engaged in work, demanding a work environment that is safe, wearing masks as a mandate until the country is free of the virus, being patient about a vaccine that works, protecting children by schooling at home, postponing school athletic events until the virus is under control and continue to social distance.


What I saw in Traverse City were people enjoying their lives, exercising caution, understanding the danger, AVOIDING POTENTIAL HARM, and BELIEVING THEIR GOVERNMENT TO DIRECT THEIR ACTIVITY.

Wearing facemasks was a requirement by the local government. It was a good rule. The people in Traverse City were obeying the law and were grateful for clear and concise directions about their social activity. They didn't mind the masks. No one was complaining or demonstrating against their freedom. They were having fun and enjoying their lives because they were wearing masks and not being stupid about it.

The fact no one was on the roads after the bars and restaurants were closed means the people were in Traverse City for at the very least the entire weekend. But, more likely the entire week. They weren't there for the day. They weren't there for the moment. They were there after making plans, securing reservations (quite possibly reservations made a year earlier), and fulfilling their expectations for a vacation.

The fact there were a wide variety of vehicles carrying passengers, pulling boat trailers, four wheel motorcycles (Quads), ski-doos, and some with camping equipment mounted on the roof and BICYCLES galore means theamy were being cautious about their movement. The people were literally moving in herds of predictable activity within the American definition of a vacation. They were doing what each other was doing and enjoying their lives. Again, they were following the rules their government told them was the best and safest way.

There were also motorcycles traveling in packs. The motorcyclists were not wearing masks on the road, they had face shields with helmets. THERE NEEDS TO BE A RULE ABOUT THAT TO ENFORCE CONFORMITY BY EVERY CYCLIST. This is necessary so when they stop for fuel and go into convenient mini-marts others are protected. So, the motorcyclists need to conform to social protections by either wearing masks when not riding or leaving their helmet and face shield in place when mingling with the public.

Along with car movement was the very occasional bus. Buses need to require masks while on the bus and at any stop along the way. 

I think that does it. The moral of the story is that Americans are counting on their government to be as good as they expect it to be to protect their lives. When the government "OPENS UP" the social realm it is believed to be completely opened UNLESS there are rules they have to conform to within the social venues as there was in Traverse City. The people are trusting their government to protect them. Parents are expecting their government to make absolutely sure their children are safe.


The government at all levels needs to be making good rules. The people want and will conform to good rules and be happy within those rules. No one wants anarchy. 

The recovery by the USA will occur when there are good rules that are PROVEN to work and bring about complete and absolute elimination of SARS-CoV-2. I feel really bad for the nonconformists screaming about freedom. They are wasting their time and ranting about nothing anyone wants to hear about.