Thursday, April 18, 2024

A subversive Supreme Court

18 US Code 1512 (click here)

Look, the current case of Fischer v. US (click here) is clear. The law as written is below. It is my opinion given the overall performance of the Robert’s Court that they are a subversive court to the Rule of Law. Besides this case, there is the assault against New York use of law and Roe v. Wade, etc 

The US has a problem with this court. The conservative justices have given themselves permission to rewrite law passed by the legislature as well as stare decisis. That is subversive to the Rule of Law and leans heavily into corruption and permission of criminality.

Law enforcement officers were completely disabled from enforcing the rule of law  on January 6, 2021. It took the arrival of the National Guard to return law and order. 

Where does the Robert’s Court assault on the U.S. Constitution end? This is far more than political hubris.

Communism oppresses religious freedom

Ron DeSantis signed the teaching of communism into law during the most formative years of Floridian children (click here). 

Add to that former Attorney General Barr is now endorsing Trump for president and realize the idea of freedom is dead in the Republican Party. My first reaction is what does Barr need a pardon for?

At one time the fear of communism was never more evident when the fringe political left embraced communism. Now, a major political party of the USA is embracing communism in a toxic manner with our children. Communism is a dictatorship. If Americans have a reason to fear for their country it is on full display in Florida. DeSantis was a candidate for president. This reality with his priorities is starkly alarming.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Maror during Passover has never been more real.

(Click here)