Thursday, July 11, 2024

Joe’s right.

He is doing exceptionally well as President of the United States of America. He has an incredible sets of accomplishments and his studdering disability should not be interpreted as dementia. The man at the news conference post NATO summit wasn’t even close to dementia. Not even close.

President Biden needs to continue to speak to the American people and minimize his work hours in the Oval Office. The people need to hear him. He needs to make the people a priority, they have become media drunk in tabloid gossip rather than the truth about the truly incredible work this administration has accomplished.

The gaffs are nothing but stumbles in his speech. Joe still has a stuttering handicap and it reacts to pressure. When he is involved with the idea of Putin and then again with Trump, they are areas of presidential pressure where he feels strongly. I did notice the news media were making a huge issue out of the gaff about Biden interchanging Harris and Trump, BUT, did they bother to print breaking news about the reassurance that NATO is far bigger today than the original countries or that Finland and Sweden are still yet two more countries within the alliance as well as 55 other countries that have sought affiliation with NATO? No. There was no breaking news about the strength of NATO. American media has become just about as tabloid as any of those are admittedly tabloid press. 

Joe’s demeanor doesn’t have the pomp and polish that the elite in the country wants to see, so therefore only insults exist in their dialogue. Joe needs to talk to the people. That is his strength. His is too genuine for the elite to appreciate and who wants to pay taxes, right?

The U.S. is making great inroads to a better future.

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I am not surprised.

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People are not making these choices any more. Just that simple. Americans don’t want what they are selling.

There was a time a person or family could go into a restaurant and get a meal without all the junk added. Now, it is difficult to go into these places without having bacon and its grease dripping all over the plate or the breading and frying makes it difficult to separate the real food from the coating.

These food chains did it to themselves. 

EAT LOCAL, the chefs are just as good and most of the time better.

I am growing tired of hearing complaints about food prices.

I have been shopping No-GMO stores for a long time. I belong to a food cooperative that has existed for 50 years and I have always paid higher prices than other folks. To be honest my prices haven’t gone up that much, if at all. I am seeing brands of some food manufacturers I never expected to see in the cooperative. So, it isn’t simply inflation hitting the food market, it is the demand for better quality food.

I can go to Walmart and still purchase cheap food at ten thousand items for a dollar. It is still the same chemicals mixed with sugar and high fructose corn syrup as it always has been.

The younger generations in the USA have witnessed enough disease in their parents and grandparents caused by food intake and they are rejecting it. So, they are making healthy choices for themselves and their families and they are paying more.

The reason the coop I go to hasn’t had high rates of inflation is because local providers line the shelves. There is still plenty to choose from because there are many local producers. They compete realistically (No artificially deflated prices.) with each other and contain any greed that might exist. I have not felt the pinch the way other consumers have because these suppliers have provided the coop for a long time. These producers also locally task others for their supplies, too, like animal feed if they don’t grow it themselves. 

The complaints from where I sit are not about real inflation. The complaints are because better quality food costs more. I congratulate these younger folks for making the switch because it will start to eliminate bad food in the USA diet and will make us all healthier.

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More neglect by Texas elected officials.

Last time it was Ted Cruz and now Greg Abbot joins the ranks of elected officials that simply don’t care about the people of the state.

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Whether it is the human suffering in a Bitcoin mining town or the latest tropical system to hit Texas, the state is turning politically blue to save itself from ruthlessness that dominates Texans lives.

There is a lot of suffering in that state. Its leaders talk past the suffering to those that survive as if they are extraordinary people. The fact is there is suffering and death due to heat in Texas. There were 28 heat deaths just this past week. There were recorded numbers of heat deaths in Texas in 2023.

(Click here)

Now, the power grid is down again as it was during a severe winter storm and people will be experiencing trauma to their lives again.

Some residents are forced to raid dumpsters for food and water due to power outages from Hurricane Beryl.

Texas is out of control. Its power grid can’t deliver what people need and when they need it the most. I can only hope the hospital and nursing homes have back up power generators.