Sunday, October 27, 2024

I just spoke with someone I know..

…who drank the Trump Cool-aid. The reason they believed the ringmaster of the Republican Right Wing is because she believed digital currency was making the ISA dollar worthless.


Digital currency is highly volatile.

Bitcoin in the past six months has gone from $52,000 to $70,000 down into the low $60,000 back to $68,000 and it is falling again. There is no way a country can run on currency that volatile. 

I really think average people that pay attention to extremist right wing media are primarily confused. They also are afraid of “what is coming.”

There isn’t anything coming. 

If they listened to President Biden they would know if anything was coming.  He tells people all the time what he knows about what concerns him. 

The interest causes anxiety because people don’t know what to believe. They can believe Joe Biden.

Digital cure is a commodity no different than oil. As a matter of fact, digital currency is the new oil. It also produces a lot of greenhouse gases.

“I profoundly regret my actions…”

(Click here

What are ya afraid of?

(Click here)

It is UnAmerican to be silent.

Yes, Donald was going to sell the documents.

How do I know?

One of the defenses he uses is that he could have easily declassified all those documents so there really is nothing wrong in the first place.

If that is not a lie and a President could have declassified all those documents, then why didn’t he? 

He didn’t because without classification those documents would not have value. No country leader is going to pay for declassified documents. 

There is a reason why highly classified documents were found in Mar-A-Logo and that is because they were going to be sold. 

Trump most likely figured who would miss them anyway? Because any other president after him would not be aware of documents filed during his term of office. Therefore they were his and no one else could have them.