Friday, July 23, 2021

The News Media has been the best record keeper of the poisoning of the water in Flint, Michigan.

"The Intercept" has printed an article listing the vast level of corruption that has surrounded the poisoning of a city. It is a considerable issue to consider. The evidence is incomplete, therefore the prosecutions are incomplete. Powerful people can literally get away with murder. That is not the way of the Rule of Law of this country, but, it is occurring and Flint, Michigan is a prime example.

July 21, 2021
By Jordan Chariton, Jenn Dize

...Investigators (click here) also discovered that phone data belonging to a key official close to Snyder was completely erased shortly before the Flint criminal investigation was launched.

Sara Wurfel, Snyder’s press secretary during the water crisis in 2014 through fall 2015, told Flood her phone was “wiped” when she left her job at the end of November 2015, after a civil suit was filed against the Snyder administration and a month before the launch of the Flint water criminal investigation.

“Do you have text messages from 2015 currently [on your phone]?” Flood asked Wurfel in a confidential interview obtained by The Intercept.

“No. So when I left the governor’s office, everything got wiped. I mean, when — I turned in my phone, it got wiped,” Wurfel told Flood. Wurfel, who kept her state cellphone number when she left her government job, said she didn’t recall if she had been asked to hand in her phone at any other time in 2015 prior to leaving her job in November. She also said she didn’t think that she had used iCloud to back up her phone data....

Where does corruption begin and why?

These are the stables of Glenn Youngkin.. Mr. Youngkin was able to get a 95 percent tax reduction because it is recently declared as an agricultural assessment.

Below is Glenn Youngkin and his wife, Suzanne. He is a newly minted GOP candidate for Governor in Virginia. There are a lot of horse farms in Virginia. Hm?

July 23, 2021
By Patrick Wilson

GOP gubernatorial nominee (click here) Glenn Youngkin and his wife last year successfully petitioned Fairfax County to designate their horse farm as an agricultural district, which led to a 95% reduction in the taxes they pay on the 31.5-acre property in Great Falls that surrounds their home.

The agricultural district reduced the Youngkins’ real estate tax bill on the farm by a total of $151,844.90 in 2020 and 2021 combined, according to public information that the Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration provided to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Youngkin spokeswoman Macaulay Porter said in a statement that the couple sought the agricultural designation as part of a commitment to environmental stewardship and conservation.

“The Youngkins made their home in Fairfax County in order to meaningfully enjoy and care for the unique land and habitat of the area,” the statement said. “The Youngkins are wholly committed to keeping the land protected and preserved, and remain in full compliance with all local, state and federal laws, regulations, tax codes and ordinances.”...

That all seems very noble and responsible and even a left-wingish Liberal Republican, except, environmental stewardship is not considered an agricultural designation in Virginia's agricultural assessment.

...Title 58.1-3230 of the Code of Virginia (click here) states that, “a county, city, or town may adopt an an ordinance that provides for use-value assessment under four categories: real estate devoted to agricultural use, horticultural use, forest use and open space use. Land used in agricultural and forestal production in an agricultural district, a forestal district, or an agricultural/forestal district is eligible for use value assessment in the absence of a local ordinance.” The State Land Use Advisory Council (SLEAC) was created in 1973 to estimate the use value of qualifying land for every locality participating in a use-value program. As of now, 64 counties and 13 cities in Virginia including Albemarle County participate in a use-value program. There are some people, like Martha Moore of the Virginia Farm Bureau who see land use assessment as an effective (if temporary) method to halt excessive land development. Moore says, “Without land use assessment, the tax burden would increase so rapidly that the land would not be able to be used for agriculture or forestry operations. There would be development at a rapid pace rather than at a planned pace.”...

The only assessment that remotely applies to the Youngkin's estate is "Open Space Use." I stress USE in that designation because accordingly, this is a private residence and not open to the use of the public. If the Youngkins are going to say their estate is Open Space Use, then every backyard in the State of Virginia should receive the same agricultural designation.

It is a sham. As a result of a corrupt president the USA has the most extremist Supreme Court in history.

I was a good boy, went to the finest schools, was an ordinary drinking bastard that sexually assaulted whatever women could be trapped, worked within the system to achieve a station of power to remove the rights of citizens and replace them with religious dogma. And why? Because it was what my parents and the power structure that accepted by wayward credentials wanted.

July 22, 2021
By Kate Kelly

Nearly three years after Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s (click here) tumultuous confirmation to the Supreme Court, the F.B.I. has disclosed more details about its efforts to review the justice’s background, leading a group of Senate Democrats to question the thoroughness of the vetting and conclude that it was shaped largely by the Trump White House.

In a letter dated June 30 to two Democratic senators, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Chris Coons of Delaware, an F.B.I. assistant director, Jill C. Tyson, said that the most “relevant” of the 4,500 tips the agency received during an investigation into Mr. Kavanaugh’s past were referred to White House lawyers in the Trump administration, whose handling of them remains unclear.

The letter left uncertain whether the F.B.I. itself followed up on the most compelling leads. The agency was conducting a background check rather than a criminal investigation, meaning that “the authorities, policies, and procedures used to investigate criminal matters did not apply,” the letter said.

Ms. Tyson’s letter was a response to a 2019 letter from Mr. Whitehouse and Mr. Coons to the F.B.I. director, Christopher A. Wray, posing questions about how the F.B.I.’s review of Mr. Kavanaugh was handled....

Based on this reality, the Senate Democrats will draft a bill to demand all records be sent to the confirmation committee to expose wrongdoing and ethical violation. That bill will die when McConnell demands a filibuster and the people of the USA will be trapped in a corrupt judiciary at the highest levels of the court. It will happen because ONE MAN CAN STOP VITAL LEGISLATION TO KEEP THIS DEMOCRACY ALIVE AND TRUE TO IT'S RULE OF LAW.

The reason this occurred is that the FBI falls under the authority of the Executive Branch no more than Homeland Security and the Border Guards. One person in the White House with the power the USA can muster to protect itself and bestow to the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED KING can undo every democratic norm to ensure a theocracy that violates the rights of every citizen that falls outside the Christian dogma.

That is why this occurred. It wasn't the FBI, it's practices, or the ability of it's agents, but, the power over that agency by the president. It is wrong and the confirmation committee should have the right to receive all reports about a nominee and to openly question that nominee to guarantee the American judiciary is free of any form of corruption, including theocratic dogma.

What Trump did here was unethical as was the four years of his presidency, yet, no one seemed to be able to remove him from the very highest office in this country, while Senate Republicans pretended to be able to control his corrupt demands upon this democracy. Kavanaugh is one of them!