Sunday, August 14, 2022

Voting Democratic is very American

The Republican Party has never attacked me as one that supports liberty.

To begin an American has to be alive in order to enjoy liberty and the Republicans setting ridiculous standards like no regulations and everyone should carry a semi-automatic weapon of war. We have seen the performances of the good guy with a gun and it failed miserably.

There is no second chance in gun violence therefore the only effect method of protecting Americans is to reduce the ownership and the use of guns. No walking down Main Street with an AK-47 because the sun is out. That open carry is nothing more than bizarre and a mental disorder. 

So between the extremist Republican Supreme Count and guns everywhere we are losing our democracy.

Yes, AG Garland needs to prosecute all involved in January 6th, especially Trump. He was the ringleader.

Abortion rights is destroyed and religious zealotry bring questions of competency of the decision makers. 

It is time for a major shift to the left to BRING BACK FROM THE BRINK a country that is truly great and abused for it’s power. There is only one reasonable path forward and bring in majorities of Democrats in both Houses of government as existed once before when enormous challenges faced us. 

I won’t be blogging tonight but I expect to for a good part of the day tomorrow.

Be safe and well.

Thank you for your interest.