Monday, June 03, 2019

George Nador is not insane, he is a pervert. One of Trump's perverts.

I want to know if George Nader was ever at the Teen Miss USA pageant to tour the dressing rooms with Trump.

Probably one of the most decent things Nader did was to testify to the Special Counsel. A child porn addict is capable of testimony. This strange obsession with child porn is a sexual obsession issue, not a cognitive one.

This arrest just proves one more time that the affiliates of Donald Trump are not mainstream folks, ask Mar-a-Lago. If only the staff could talk. Maybe subpoena them as to how many Chinese spies frequent the place.

The arrest of George Nader makes the illegal pursuit of prostitutes by Robert Kraft look like something grown-ups do.

June 3, 2019
By Ryan Bort and Andy Kroll

Figures associated with President Trump (click here) have been charged with everything from lying to the government to violating federal campaign finance law to just about every financial crime imaginable. Add trafficking child pornography to the list.
George Nader, a Middle East fixer who advised the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates and whose connections to Trump drew the attention of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, was apprehended on Monday and indicted on federal child pornography charges. According to federal prosecutors, he was arrested upon landing at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York and charged with “transporting visual depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct....