Sunday, May 08, 2022

Jury selection error and a potential prejudiced female juror erases all the facts of a pregnant woman.

Time,” April 28, 2003 and the dead still can’t rest in the peace of justice.

Good night.

Happy Mother’s Day

When are women going to be respected for their own lives and decisions?

We really needed Hillary. Greed and disloyalty won in 2016.

American women need an agenda all their own and hold to it until it is achieved. Men in power will never achieve an agenda for women. It will never happen. 

- The Equal Rights Amendment which will include equal pay for equal work.

- Protective rights for the family including a   permanent child tax credit that support and elevate children in their natural families.

- Climate solutions that end the danger of greenhouse gases forever.

- Made permanent The Violence Against Women’s Act

- Permanent guarantee for Women’s health care, including abortions of unwanted pregnancy decided between the woman and her doctor.

- Sex education that is concise and age appropriate as part of health education that beginning in the 4th grade.

- Support for gender identity issues as early as birth in the case of transgender when genetic analysis reveals potential gender struggles. Support for parents to make well informed decisions as children grow and their identity emerges. A new discipline within genetic medicine recognized by healthcare insurances specializing in gender identity support.

- Permanent funding for Planned Parenthood and similar agencies that provides a safe haven for the decisions of minor girls under the age of 18. Reproductive education and inexpensive contraception for young women beginning at age 15. Opening options for the education and intervention for boys and men including male contraception and birth control.

- Strong laws holding rapists and pedophiles, including incestuous family members, responsible for their actions, including the payment of abortion options that remove forever the link between victim and perpetrator.

- Well funded research and development that builds a high quality of life for every girl and woman.

- Funding for higher education in all disciplines, with The Equal Rights Amendment providing every opportunity.

- A mandate for a seat at every table and committee impacting women, children and family such as paid family leave beginning with the optimal home time for the safety of father, mother and infant with options to work at home for the duration of the pregnancy and appropriate months after the birth.

- Nutritional Education throughout life to end heart disease and cancers in women forever.

On this Mother’s Day…

 …I wish all Moms, Grandmoms and Great Grandmoms a happy day full of those they love. 

It is notable today that First Lady Jill Biden is spending her Mother’s Day in Ukraine where these past months women, pregnant women, children and infants are under attack and dying. This is the second high ranking person in the USA government to visit Ukraine. First Lady Biden is making a huge statement today in the face of genocide by Russia of innocent women and children.

In the USA, there are families with children mired in homelessness. The last count occurred before the beginning of the pandemic. There were more than a half million Americans homeless and of them 30 percent were families with children. Of the 70 percent individuals homeless 6 percent were unaccompanied youth under the age of 25.