Tuesday, March 22, 2022

What happens when the goon squads decide to defect?

22 March 2022

Russian troops (click here) are being ordered to kill defectors trying to flee the war
Execution squads are reportedly being drawn up to kill attempted defectors
Ukraine have been bombarding Russian soldiers' phones with a guide to surrender

The Russian military has a real opportunity. They can surrender before they kill anyone and ask for asylum. That isn't a bad deal at all.

The wind would drive any nuclear explosion over Ukraine right back over Russia.

 Global Loop (click here) But, Putin is full of surprises. He irresponsibly entered into war without any prior plan for invasion. Never once has he consulted with others regarding his activities, so it is only best if others who are worried about Ukriane speak up to allow Putin to see how his agenda is not only ill conceived, but, dangerous for the entire planet. The radiation over the Pacific would contaminate the food chain.

A nuclear winter could occur over Russia with potential jet stream contamination for China, the Pacific and Alaska. There would be significant damage in Ukraine, but, the poison wouldn't stay in one place. 

The world is looking at uncontained environmental radiation that would pollute water and air and begin an entire issue with cancers 20 years from the day of detonation. Not to mention birth defects.

This is the year 2022 where the world population, even with COVID deaths, is nearly 8 billion. China and India alone sequester 2 billion of that number. The idea Putin would release a nuclear weapon in a war that is he sorely losing is grossly incompetent. This, however, is typical of Putin's escalation technique in that when the early weapons don't work simply increase the size of the destruction by more and more deadly weapons.

Earth cannot sustain these explosions and the idea there would be contamination that would travel to countries not involved in this war is an outrage. The world of 2022 should be the year when ALL nuclear weapons are disarmed and the idea of ever using them filed into history. Don't think for one minute Putin cares about anything except his own agenda. He does not care if the world is contaminated, lord knows, Russia already is.

The Ukrainian people have retaken Makariv from Russian occupation. It is time Vladimir Putin withdraw all his troops.

This is a ridiculous war based in fiction and myth. The Russians need to go home.

March 22, 2022
By John Ismay

The Pentagon (click here) has assessed that Russia’s “combat power” in Ukraine — comprising more than 150,000 troops massed in Belarus and western Russian prior to the invasion — has dipped below 90 percent of its original force for the first time, reflecting the losses Russian troops have suffered at the hands of Ukrainian soldiers.

A senior defense official, who was not authorized to discuss details of Russia’s actions in Ukraine publicly, said Tuesday morning that Russian forces were “struggling on many fronts,” including routine supply lines and logistics, and that the Pentagon had seen indications that some Russian troops had been evacuated because of frostbite....

The hotel stated the video surveillance of the floor showed no one entering the room after Bob Saget did. The coroner's report states he was COVID-19 positive. 

There is obviously a fall. But, the question is what caused the fall. The greatest impact is at the occipital area of the head with a linear fracture. There seems to be minimal blood loss, so the pictures of the shower show some blood in the shower that appear in the picture to be brown streaks. There was also impact of the face. None of the injuries at the back of the head and front explains the three hemorrhages that are subdural, subarachnoid and subgaleal. I suppose there could be some tearing after the initial impact of the head, but, there is also a chance the head bleeds were caused by the virus which may have caused imbalance and a fall. Unless all the head bleeds can be attributed to the impact of the fall, that is a viable explanation.

Another Osprey failure.

March 22, 2022
By Thomas Leffler

A foray into the depths of severe freezing conditions (click here) has led to the death of four United States Marines.

On Friday, March 18, the four assigned to the Second Marine Aircraft Wing were killed due to a crash of an American MV-22 Osprey aircraft, with the plane crashing in northern Norway during a NATO military exercise. Harsh weather conditions were occurring at the time of the crash, and in the aftermath, an array of weather hazards has hindered the investigation of the crash site.

“The Osprey belongs to the U.S. Marine Corps and is taking part in the Norwegian military exercise Cold Response in Norway,” said a statement by Norway’s Armed Forces Friday. “The aircraft has a crew of four and was out on a training mission in Nordland County, northern Norway.”

Every war crime committed needs to receive heavy fines, assets seized and sold at auction for a Ukraine Trust Fund established for muntions and survival.

Ultimately when Russia is defeated, any trust fund can be used to rebuild the country of Ukraine. As of right now, any Russian assets are the property of the nation of Ukraine.

Include in that any offshore accounts of any Russian, including Vladimir Putin.

22 March 2022
By Martin Robinson

Roman Abramovich's UK private property portfolio (click here) - and the amount of London he has been able to buy up in 20 years - is far larger than imagined as it today emerged the oligarch and his family has amassed a bank of 53 luxury British homes worth more than £250million.

The sanctioned billionaire, 55, who also owns £3.1billion Chelsea, is also said to be linked to a further 17 commercial properties and pieces of land in the capital, nicknamed 'Moscow on Thames' due to the amount of Russian cash pumped into the city.

This extraordinary global property empire, comprising more than 70 UK assets alone, raises questions about how effective sanctions against him really are because of opaque and arms-length ownership structures used by rich Russian to frustrate efforts to freeze bank accounts or even seize their homes....

This is why there is an exodus by the young Russia brain trust.

His clothes don't fit him anymore. Nothing of what he is accused of is true and if it were never needs this level of incarceration. This man is in priosn because Putin wants it that way.

Russian opposition (click here) leader Alexei Navalny, accused of fraud and contempt of court, his lawyers Olga Mikhailova and Vadim Kobzev are seen on a screen via a video link during a court hearing at the IK-2 corrective penal colony in the town of Pokrov in Vladimir Region, Russia March 22, 2022.

There is no hope for the future for the next generation of Russians. The elections are corrupt to bring about a repeat of the rule of the old communist party.

How is Alexei Navalny an opposition leader when he is chronically in prison. He represents a different Russia, but, he is hardly leading anything that will bring about a system of governance that is free of corruption.

When are Russians going to be arrested and tried for their crimes?

March 2, 2022

A recent alleged assassination plot (click here) against Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was foiled over the weekend and the Chechen servicemen sent from Russia were “destroyed,” a Ukrainian security leader said Tuesday....

Every Russian that can be captured needs to be incarcerated until trials at the World Court.

Every attack in this video is a human rights violation and a war crime. The trials of Russians should begin at The Hague.