Tuesday, March 07, 2023

There has been a travel advisory since October 5, 2022


There have been many travel advisories about Mexico. Since before El Chappo, Mexico has grown more dangerous. 

Americans need to take their government seriously. Medical insurance should not be out of reach for any American.

Norfolk Southern…

 …has to reduce its rail speed to 25 mph while we sort out the problem. They need to be required to take all the cars regardless of freight to a freight yard for inspection before they are even allowed to run at 25 mph.

There are systematic problems with this rail service and they cannot be allowed to practice unsafe standards. The issue in Ohio was NOT an isolated problem. They can sell the railway whenever they are ready, pending inspections and adequate and qualified staffing.

This railroad is unsafe. We don’t need a rail service that destroys our land and it’s people.

The Wealth Tax is long overdue.

 The USA must maintain it’s democracy in good and ready condition, as well as, maintain its support for allies. If there was ever a time in recent history to pass a Wealth Tax it is now. And, of course, Republicans oppose it, they oppose our democracy, so anything that makes it stronger is all wrong for them.