Friday, October 12, 2018

Dr. Eden Wells should not be receiving any awards.

It seems to me since the Presidential election of 2000 America’s moral compass has been turned upside down. The entry about Fint this week is an exact example of that.

Dr. Eden Wells has been awarded Michigan’s top honor for exemplary service in a career in Public Health. The Roy R. Manty Distinguished Service Award is going this year to a State of Michigan cabinet level health officer.

Roy R. Manty worked for 30 years in Michigan rehabilitation of the disabled, he worked with those afflicted with tuberculosis and lung disease. Fifteen of those years were exclusively in public health. The award was named in his honor. 

Dr. Wells has been charged with involuntary manslaughter for over a year in the deaths of Fint residents that succumbed to Legionnaires Disease. There is something wrong with a state government that awards some of it’s highest honors to someone who blatantly ignored the pleadings of Flint residents for over a year. Over a year until a pediatrician and a Virginia college professor and his students published irrefutable evidence of poisons in the water Flint residents drank and suffered from and died.

There is something extremely wrong with a cabinet level official to Governor Snyder being handed a coveted award when she did not act to save lives so much as look the other way in a cruel economic strategy handed down to Flint, Michigan.

There is evil at work in the USA and this is another example of it. The American people need to reclaim their moral compass and now.
I can’t believe there are US jets lying on their backs in Florida. The good news is there are F35s that need a new home and mechanics. Can’t think of a better place.

Funny thing about jets, they have wings and when high velocity air is forced under the wings they lift off the ground. Did anyone in the US Air Force actually give that a thought or were they in some high level meeting trying to ponder whether Saudi Arabia is an ally in the same neighborhood as Israel. Not that production and sale of military armaments should be curtailed until we know the region is safe from a madman. No, I am not talking about Trump.

An incoming hurricane is too much for the US Air Force to handle, huh? There was Pearl Harbor. Just because it was the US Navy doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply.

Where are the personnel and families, under debris?

Don’t send more aircraft until the Air Force knows there’s a viable and clear landing field. Large helicopters with support personnel to begin the clean up and restore land access.