Sunday, August 11, 2024

A new Trump Tabloid pattern emerges.

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Remember the controversy over Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and the Trump prosecutor Nathan Wade? Well, here we go again.

Trump and his infotainment goals turned his prosecution in Georgia (which is an open and shut case due to overwhelming evidence) into a three ring circus. It is amazing how judicial political pundits violate ethics rules to play with the power afforded them. Trump gives them the histrionic reasons and the entire judicial system is off to the races.

So, in the Georgia case Trump had someone dig into DA Willis’ personal life and huge doubt was raised about her, her relationship with Prosecutor Willis, an ex-wife, a broken marriage, and all that somehow causing illegitimacy in prosecution of Trump. It is ridiculous and it is Trump and his minions at work, NOT THE LAW!

The Georgia case should have already gone forward and Trump sentenced. That hasn’t occurred because of scandalous appeals. The Georgia case is an open and shut case. It is all witnessed. Trump is guilty of election interference and it was NOT an official act of the president.

Here again Trump is trying to impose Mr. Brown for Mr. Holden to manipulate an audience to vote for him because of a non-existent scandal between Mr. Brown and Buce President Harris. The scandal is a fabrication and it is definitely racist as well as misogyny.

Trump is using the old racist standard of “the angry black woman” in trying to defame Kamala. That standard is hugely racist as well as misogynistic of a woman admired and wildly successful in her career. 

Kamala Harris is brilliant. She loves people. She wants what is best for the American people with an extremely high level of competency in doing so. In order to defeat her in the presidential elections of 2024 Trump has to fabricate some sort of story that will destroy a life of service by Kamala. So, just as with that “angry black woman” in Georgia, Trump is imposing the idea Kamala is not worthy of the presidency.

Trump is a convicted criminal. He is the GOP presidential candidate (don’t ask me why), and this is the Trump method to victory. Lies. Lies. And more lies.