Thursday, February 04, 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene is an enemy to the USA

You won’t read this any place else. Marjorie Taylor Greene is affiliated with extremists that fully intend to dismantle the USA Constitution. She condoned and enthusiastically backed the insurrection on January 6th. She didn’t mind if a person radicalized by her words or the words of Donald John Trump killed elected House and Senate members, including the Vice President, so long as she would never be indicted for a crime. Her plan was perfect so long as Trump was still president.

Just because the USA Constitution still stands today doesn’t mean it doesn’t have enemies and Marjorie Taylor Greene is one of them. Through a default election she made it to the USA House of Representatives.

The US House has acted against an enemy of the USA Constitution to minimize her power to assault the most vulnerable Americans, children.

The US House did the work that needed to be done and the country should be grateful for it.

Democrats need to codify current policy.

President Biden stated he is not writing law with his executive orders, he is ending bad policy and empowering good policy.

There are many aspects of government that needs bills to pass it into law. One of those places is the type of information before the EPA for decision making. There was a lawsuit yesterday that ended upended values within the EPA facilitated by Trump.

The reporting was “Science.” The title is, “Death of EPA’s controversial ‘censored science’ rule delights researchers.”

That said...I believe Congress needs to protect Americans from adverse politics. We can no longer trust our political system with some of the country’s widely held views to protect quality of life.

Congress must do more than learn from the experience with Trump. Congress must write and pass legislation to require the agencies of the federal government that receive taxpayers’ dollars to use THE TRUTH in decision making. That includes accepting the truth from highly qualified people on the subject. There must be an enforcement clause, in that, any lack of highly qualified Truth Telling will bring about a reduction in spending accounts, salary, reduction in security clearance and after those measures removal from their position without any impeachment, but, with standing policy. 

There should be no resistance to that policy because highly qualified is a peer review measure that requires sober recognition of an alienated knowledge base. So, that means lobbyists that have a lawyers background and not much else are unqualified to make decisions requiring professional knowledge. 

Example under Obama:

Department of Energy was headed by a highly qualified physicist.

The EPA Secretary was a highly regarded chemist.

The American people pay taxes to be protected from danger. They have a right in the consistency of their government’s role in that protection.

Congress needs to get on with the Rescue Plan.

I know now why President Biden wanted to fast track his well researched Rescue Plan, testing is not being reimbursed.

There is an article in the New York Times, “Burned by Low Reimbursements, Some Doctors Stop Testing for COVID.”

Congress needs to include an Inspector General for the USA’s response to the pandemic. The virus now has variants that require containment including contact tracing. We need to know it is all working rather than just point to numbers that “sorta looks like it is improving.”

Pass Biden’s Rescue Plan now with an Inspector General to be sure nothing past or present became or becomes a slush fund!

The USA needs additional help for the Treasury to trace every penny to be sure Hedge Fund Managers are not supported by the legislation passed to save the people.

End the loopholes!

Let’s go!

The Republicans are sexist.

Liz Cheney was not the only Republican that voted for impeachment, yet, she was the only one placed in the dock. 

The same is true of extremists like Greene. There were 150 House Republicans that stood with Trump on his accusations of having the election stolen. Out of those members there are a few tied to extremists like Jim Arroyo and Paul Gosar and Oath Keepers, Andy Biggs is part of the Stop the Steal campaign, Matt Goetz and Laura Bobert are connected to the Three Percenters. Goetz is also connected with the Proud Boys. All these groups are militias. Some of the House members are being looked at by the FBI and their involvement in the insurrection on January 6th. 

That is just the US House, there are US Senators on the fringe as well.

The GOP victimizes women in a heartbeat, but, it took them years to get rid of Steve King.

There are no excuses for McCarthy. He isn’t a leader, he is a servant to a group of Republicans that refuse to acknowledge that fact there was leadership in Liz Cheney that upholds the USA Constitution.

All 150 Trump identified supporters need to be followed for their extreme ideology. They took an oath, as did McCarthy, to protect the USA Constitution and in their partisan vote assaulted the Constitution to support violence WITHIN the USA Capital. There is a lot wrong. Far more members should have stood with Cheney.

The Proud Boys were declared a terrorist group in Canada. That means that elected officials that fall in line with the Proud Boys are now affiliated with terrorists as identified by an ally. The USA must purge itself of this extremism.

I will remind, these groups are active militias placing them within a very violent economy within the USA in the weapons of war culture. Having allies beginning to identify terrorists within our borders will open the USA in time with economic sanctions.

None of this is a joke and “just politics.” This is serious and the American people need to purge violent militias from it’s society. There is no room for weapons of war in the USA. Removing the availability of these weapons saves the lives of some of our bravest law enforcement officers as well as the local police we value.

Let me add one more thing. These militias justify their existence to stop an overbearing government. Trump and January 6th prove these militias can be harnessed and used to pretend there is a Deep State to cause insurrection against the USA Constitution. It must end.