Monday, May 07, 2007

Just as a side note...

... Senator Dorgan and all his supporters might want to challenge the procedural venue of the Republicans defeat regarding this amendment to the Supreme Court. Senator Hillary Clinton can be a bit of an expert on procedural matters such as this and could give a fairly interesting assessment. I make this observation in face of the defeat by the already existing Amendment which has PROVED to be a danger to the American Populous by NOT facilitating the FDA in specific measures to insure even domestic policy. I think Senator Clinton is a very good resource for interested parties. Go, Hillary !

March 28, 2007

1518 gmt

Tropical Atlantic Satellite

There has been a building phenomena for several months. Spring started March 21, 2007 and it was my estimation the turbulence in the northern hemisphere would occur much earlier in the Atlantic. It is not completely evident from this satellite picture but a noted Arctic air mass can be noted moving from just west of the Great Lakes (which froze over this year, by the way) southeast across the country and out into the Mid- Atlantic. The big orange paint spot in the Mid-Atlantic is actually a diffuse "Tropical Atlantic Vortex." I am not entirely surprised by the building vortex off the east coast of the USA actually.

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April 24, 2007

0318 gmt

Tropical Atlantic Satellite

When noting the two additional satellites above the system continually shifts west toward North America.

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May 7, 2007

2121 gmt

Tropical Atlantic Satellite

Hurricane Dennis was much later in the season. August. But 1999, considering the pattern is lining up with tornado season as well, looks like ...

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... a repeat performance. The hurricane season of 1999 started June 11th with Tropical Storm Arlene. Of course, with this vortex it would be the 'X' of Dennis's two paths that mark the place where season begins this year, but, this was also the year of Floyd. Dennis came up the coast of North America and then out to sea only to return. I don't think it can be underestimated. The thing about this year is that although there is some turbulence over west Africa the chance of that contributing, considering the Arctic vortex is present and reaching to the equator, is less. Buoy what a mess.

12 hour loop - It's picking up velocity from all the heat systems surrounding it.

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May 7, 2007
UNISYS Water Vapor GOES East.

One can literally see the 'depression' surrounding the central vortex. It reaches in a near perfect circle from Southern Pennsylvania, to Eastern Missouri to east of Monterey, Mexico onward to Honduras, passing over Aruba and out the Mid-Atlantic. The area south of Cozumel and North of Belize is actually a contributing inner depression. This system is huge.

It's starting to form an 'eye.' Link is to UNISYS.

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I'll see if I can figure the latitude. Somewhere around 32 - 33 degrees north. To be more exact it's 31.5 to 32 degrees north. It's taking on characteristics of minimally a tropical storm.

Global Warming Can Be Stopped, World Climate Experts Say (AKA "The USA needs to get it's act together.)

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John Roachfor National Geographic News
May 4, 2007
Humans have the means to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions and avoid the catastrophic consequences of global warming, a major climate report released today concludes.
But in order to stabilize the climate, the transition from fossil fuels like coal and oil needs to occur within decades, according to the final report this year from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Delegates representing a network of 2,500 scientists, economists, and policymakers from more than 120 nations hammered out details of the report at a week-long, closed-door meeting in Bangkok, Thailand.
"What is an extremely powerful message in this report is the need for human society as a whole to start looking at changes in lifestyle and consumption patterns," Rajendra Pachauri, the panel's chair, said at a press conference today.
The report outlines options communities can take, from using more renewable energy sources like solar and wind to using efficient light bulbs and planting trees. Even controversial nuclear energy is considered a viable option.
In addition the report says countries must adopt policies that put a price on carbon emissions and provide incentives to spur the development of energy-efficient technologies.
Widespread embrace of these measures could stabilize the amount of greenhouse gases at 2000 levels, according to the report.
Failure to adopt these measures, however, could send heat-trapping gases spiraling an additional 90 percent by 2030.
"If we continue to do what we are doing now, we are in deep trouble," Ogunlade Davidson, a co-chair of the working group that prepared the report, said at the briefing.
Monumental Challenge
This is the third IPCC report released this year. ...
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May 7, 2007

1923 gmt

Northern Hemisphere. The severe storm front is seen in the middle of North America. There is another huge supercell off East Asia. It's making it's way across the Pacific. The vortex off the Carolinas is doing a fair amount of damage to the beaches. Looks like another light tourist season.

Once again, Antarctica is receiving heat from the Western Pacific

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May 7, 2007

2211 gmt

West Pacific Satellite
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May 7, 2007

2133 gmt

Pacific Global Satellite
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May 7, 2007

1924 gmt

Southern Hemisphere

Click for 24 hour loop. The hours of 12 AM and 3 AM are not included.

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The map shows an overall warming of the continent.

The warmest this week:

Base Bernardo O'Higgins, Antarctica
Elevation :: 33 ft / 10 m
Temperature :: 31 °F / 0 °C
Conditions :: Partly Cloudy
Humidity :: 43%
Dew Point :: 17 °F / -8 °C
Wind :: 12 mph / 18 km/h / from the SE
Wind Gust :: -
Pressure :: 30.04 in / 1017 hPa (Steady)
Visibility :: 22.0 miles / 35.0 kilometers
Clouds :: Scattered Clouds 5906 ft / 1800 m
(Above Ground Level)

The coldest this week:

Dome C
University Wi Id 8904, Antarctica
Elevation :: 10761 ft / 3280 m
Temperature :: -76 °F / -60 °C
Wind :: 1 mph / 2 km/h / from the
Wind Gust :: -
Pressure :: in / hPa (Steady)

Vostok is still immune from the heat, but, the areas affected are episodic depending on jet stream (click here) and winds (click here).

Vostok, Antarctica
Elevation :: 11220 ft / 3420 m
Temperature :: -73 °F / -58 °C
Humidity :: 27%
Dew Point :: -82 °F / -64 °C
Wind :: 10 mph / 17 km/h / from the South
Wind Gust :: -
Pressure :: in / hPa (Rising)
Visibility :: 12.0 miles / 20.0 kilometers
Flight Rule :: VFR ()
Wind Speed :: 10 mph / 17 km/h /
Wind Dir :: 190° (South)
Ceiling :: 100000 ft / 100000 m

Current conditions at Glacier Bay National Park

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The weather at Glacier Bay National Park (Crystal Wind Chime) is:

Elevation :: 33 feet

Humidity :: 70%

Dew Point :: 34 F / 1 C

Wind :: 12 mph / 18 km/h / 5.1 m/s from the SE

Pressure :: 30.09 inches / 1019 hPa (falling)

Windchill :: 37 F / 2 C

Visibility :: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers

UV :: 1 out of 16

Clouds :: Mostly Cloudy 3200 ft / 975 m

Mostly Cloudy 3800 ft / 1158 m
Mostly Cloudy 7000 ft / 2133 m
(Above Ground Level)

This is what the corporate terrorists at The New York Times have done for the people of the USA

The reason the federal government takes these issues to heart is not only to provide better opportunity for people to afford the medications they need everyday, but, also to protect those that find in desperation they need to look elsewhere and outside the country for drugs. In providing the power to the FDA to monitor the import of less expensive medications it would insure the best prices to people while also protecting them from medications that they can find a way to personally import. People needed protection as well as better prices.

It's a darn shame Wall Street runs the country rather than the people of the USA. Not only that, but, it would have a global effect on countries that wanted to import. They would have to raise their standards in order to do so and therefore would increase the standards to their citizens. In supplying the USA with better quality as per specification, the general overall supply to their people would be far better as the manufacturing improved. It was great legislation with a lot more potential then just saving money for Americans. It would have raised the standard of medications globally in order for other countries to compete.

Literally, the newspaper ran a campaign this past weekend to defeat the Dorgan-Snow Amendment that would provide for SAFER drug supply to the USA both domestic and international. There is no other newsprint any less noted in their anger over the determination of the people of the USA to have their autonomy back. This directly affects the elderly and their ability to afford medications. Amazing

The vote was 49 - 40 with 11 Senators not even voting. It was astounding to see what a New York Times Corporate Campaign can do. I find it completely out of line to attempt to torpedo the good intentions of legislation that would make medication costs lower to the people of this country. They literally terrified the people to write their Senators and reverse their decisions. Among the Democrats that participated in the destruction of good policy that would have expanded the FDA's power and influence in protecting the people of the USA was Kerry. Obama never showed up for the vote, I'm sure he'll make it up to everyone when he's president, but, Senator Clinton did vote to uphold the Dorgan-Snow Amendment and was among the 40 that voted the objection down. She wanted Seniors to have the advantage of imported medications with strict supervision from the FDA.

It's incredible to realize the power and influence these drug companies have as a strangle hold over this country. It's going to take a concerted effort to defeat the Pharmaceutical Lobby. We still aren't there. This action has made the country less safe !

The American Public literally has to get the Republicans out of office if they want policy that reflects the best interest of the people.

On the other hand, the rest of the world void of Neocons maintain their sanity. Wolfowitz isn't going to get away with it and AMAZINGLY, his aide resigns. Where have we heard that one before?

Wolfowitz aide quits World Bank amid controversy (click here)
By Lesley Wroughton May 7, 2007
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A close aide to World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz resigned on Monday, saying turmoil at the bank over its current leadership has made it difficult for him to do his job.

The departure of Kevin Kellems was a blow in a critical week for Wolfowitz, a key architect of the Iraq war who is now under fire for his handling of a lucrative promotion and pay raise for his companion, Shaha Riza, a Middle East expert at the bank.

Twilight of the neocons (click here)
World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz wants the world to believe that he is the blameless victim of a "smear campaign" orchestrated by his political enemies. But in light of the resignation from the bank, reported today by the Wall Street Journal, of one of his top aides, Kevin Kellems, one could come to another conclusion. The neocon chickens are coming home to roost.
Kellems has a long and undistinguished history as a flack, first for Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar, then for Wolfowitz at the Pentagon, then as spokesman for Vice President Dick Cheney, and until yesterday, at the World Bank, where his job title was director of strategy of the World Bank's External Affairs Department.
As flack for Cheney, Kellems was responsible for doing his best to push the line that the U.S. was justified in invading Iraq because Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction and supporting al-Qaida -- two of the most damaging falsehoods ever promulgated by the U.S. government.
My favorite line from Kellems,
in a speech delivered in April 2003 at the Public Relations Student Society of America Midwest Regional Partners Conference: "The United States did not seek this conflict."
Imagine you are a World Bank staffer, and in the wake of Wolfowitz's appointment as president, in come people like Kevin Kellems, grabbing $250,000 plum jobs, and immediately setting to work pushing the Bush administration's partisan agenda. At the time of their arrival, the worldview of these conquering heroes was triumphant, and they surely thought they could do whatever it is they wanted.
Now their worldview is in tatters. Their war is an unmitigated disaster. Their president is a cancer on the Republican Party. They are under assault from all sides. And they are beginning, as Kevin Kellems' resignation proves, to drop like flies. No smear campaigns necessary. Just the truth.
-- Andrew Leonard

The lower Mississippi and New Orleans needs to pay attention as they have already received flooding rains.

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May 7, 2007

Kansas City, Missouri

Photographer states :: This was taken This morning - high water with a lot of tres, limbs & debri headed to the mississippi!

The Missouri River is already flooded. Get people to high ground ! Now !

City reports all pump stations running at 100 percent
Pumping at London Avenue canal was briefly stopped to allow canal to drain into lake, but was resumed a short time later
Street flooding was being reported in various sections of the New Orleans area Friday afternoon as severe thunderstorms moved through the area.
The most notable event of the day's weather came when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers asked the New Orleans Sewerage Board to turn off Pump Station No. 3 on the London Avenue Canal after the water level in the canal reached 4.3 feet. Since Katrina, the Corps has limited the water level in the canal to 4 feet to protect the integrity of the canal walls. The pumps were turned on a short while later after enough water in the canal drained into Lake Pontchartrain to drop the water level to 1.3 feet.
The move has no relationship to the hurricane gates at the mouth of the canal, which are only closed in advance of a tropical event pushing storm surge into Lake Pontchartrain. The gates were not closed.

Joel K. Bourne, Senior Editor–Environment, National Geographic Magazinefor National Geographic News
May 6, 2007
Almost a year ago the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers declared that it had restored New Orleans' levees and floodwalls to pre-
Hurricane Katrina strength.
But the system is actually riddled with flaws, and a storm even weaker than Katrina could breach the levees if it hit this year, say leading experts who have investigated the system.
The unwelcome news comes as residents gird for what is predicted to be a "very active" Atlantic hurricane season, and as residents are still slowly rebuilding their homes and lives after Katrina.
During a recent inspection of the levee system with
National Geographic magazine, engineering professor Bob Bea of the University of California, Berkeley, found multiple weak spots.
(See an
interactive map of the weak spots).
The most serious flaws turned up in the rebuilt levees along the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet ship channel.
The channel's levees had failed in more than 20 places when Katrina's storm surge pounded them, leading to devastating flooding in the
Louisiana city's Lower Ninth Ward and in St. Bernard Parish, which borders the city to the southeast.
Bea found several areas where rainstorms have already eroded the newly rebuilt levees, particularly where they consist of a core of sandy and muddy soils topped with a cap of Mississippi clay.
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May 6, 2007

Kansas City, Missouri

Photographer states :: Over flowing in Kansas City - Can you spot the tire?

This is called a whirlpool. This is not the natural course of the waterway with extra water. It is extremely dangerous and MOSTLY deadly. Some would call it a form of 'White Water' (click here), not so. This is uncharted and undetermined in it's capacity to kill.

MULE CREEK CANYON, Oregon (CNN) -- Fifty people have drowned this year in accidents during trips down whitewater rivers in the United States, where state-by-state safety laws can be spotty.
The 50 deaths this summer are approaching the recent high of 57 in 2003, according to the nonprofit American Whitewater organization's Web site. It's the third time in the past 12 years that 50 or more people have died in whitewater accidents in the United States.
Fewer than half the states where victims have died on commercial rafting trips in the past four years have laws or regulations requiring people to wear life jackets on whitewater rivers.
Other states mandate that jackets be on board, but do not require passengers to wear them, CNN found in an informal state-by-state survey.
Oregon leads the nation with eight drowning deaths this summer, despite a law that went into effect this year that requires life jackets be worn and a rescue rope be present on every guided excursion through rough waters.
Julia Clark's father drowned in Mule Creek Canyon on the Rogue River when a fishing boat overturned in swirling waters in autumn 2002.
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May 6, 2007

Leawood, Kansas

Photographer states :: Raging waters - Geese in flight ... Overflowing Mill Creek in Leawood Kansas
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May 6, 2007

Detroit Lakes, Minnesota

Photographer states :: Straight line winds...Taken this morning at a campground near Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. Didn't have an anemometer handy, but my best guess is that the winds were at least hurricane strength.

It ain't over yet. 12 hour loop - click here

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May 7, 2007


West and North Hemisphere

The Northwest is still building in concentration of water vapor leading to more potential for violent weather, including Canada. The vortex off the Carolinas is continuing to cause cold temperatures and increased winds. The densities are not high enough to spawn a hurricane, but, the recent trend is near coastal hurricanes. The center of the country/North America should still be under tight scrutiny for severe weather.

Damage I can accept. Damage is uncontrollable. But, deaths are out of the question. We need to do better.

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OKLAHOMA CITY -- Hours after a tornado caused damage in Seminole County, multiple tornadoes were reported overnight in central Oklahoma, including a radar-indicated twister near the Oklahoma City Zoo.

After two days of severe storms and tornadoes affecting residents in western Oklahoma, those in central Oklahoma likely heard loud thunder overnight. A series of storms banded together to produce heavy rain, damaging winds and even some isolated tornadoes in parts of Oklahoma, Lincoln and Pottawatomie counties.