Monday, June 03, 2024

Happy Birthday, First Lady Jill Biden

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I completely identify with the First Lady’s presence at her son’s trial. I did the same thing through a very difficult time for my son. Fortunately, the accusations against my son were completely false and choosing a jury was never necessary. The charges would have brought 20-30 years in prison.

There are just things a mother knows about her children when they are facing adversity. I believe the circumstances I faced were not much different then the First Lady. The Assistant Prosecutor was corrupt and politically motivated while running for a political position within her profession that required a public vote. The front page of the local newspaper helped her achieve her goal. Unfortunately, when the charges were dropped the news was a few sentences inside the paper.

My son’s lawyer stated at the very beginning of his defense that he had been a prosecutor for five years and for as circumstantial the evidence was he would never have brought the case in the first place. 

First Lady Jill Biden is right where she is needed the most today, even when her birthday is such a precious day. I firmly believe Hunter’s charges are grossly over blown, harsh, misguided, and, yes, very political. I wish him and her well. Neither of them deserve this, but, none the less it is occurring.

I admire Hunter for reclaiming his life from what seemed an intractable addiction. I am confident he was successful because of the embrace of his loving family. Today is an example of exactly that. I know the mother’s heart that is sitting in that courtroom today. Justice needs to prevail in a case that carries far too much political brevity.