Thursday, June 13, 2024

Evan Gershkovich should be returned to the USA unharmed.

His family misses Evan and needs him at home in the USA. The charges against Evan are manufactured by Russian intelligence at the order of Vladimir Putin. Evan is not guilty
and could never have been involved in espionage. Never.

The problem with prisoner exchanges with Russia is that they are untrustworthy. The very same assassin was supposed to be swaped for the Late and Correct Russian President Alexei Navalny, but, Putin had him murdered with upcoming elections that he was on the ballot for re-election as Russian President.

(Click here)

I don’t know if Russia will ever be a reliable partner again in any negotiations, yet alone those for an innocent journalist accused of espionage.

Look, it just isn’t a good idea to travel to
Russia or any other communist country. Americans are a prize for these governments. The prize is a new source of propaganda.

Americans should stay away from communist countries like Russia or China. Americans are not safe there and are targets for detention and wild stories  such as espionage. 

The USA intelligence is all any Free World country needs to know what is transpiring in Russia.