Monday, September 16, 2024

One of the reasons…

…why the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women is important is the regular reporting of the condition of women in a society, in this case, Canada.

(Click here)

The regular reporting from Canada was found to contain concerning statistics about women and medically assisted suicide. 

It is due to this reporting that the Canadian legislature will now seek an understanding about medically assisted suicide. I do not recall any such reporting of that dynamic coming out of the U.S.A..

It is time USA women put their own interests first and elect the first woman president ever. 

So, what is the issue besides attempting to raise a sympathetic vote for “The Don?”

(Click here)

The Secret Service did their job and did it well. Since the time of JFK they haven’t been mind readers and there are plenty of Americans that wish they could. Ronald Reagan was the focus of a mad man, too, but the best these great patriots can do is see the attack as it occurs and throw their bodies in front of the bullets. 

Sure there are preparations that are carried out, but, when it comes down to it there is only one thing the Secret Service can do and that is to act to stop the bullet. I mean Abe Lincoln never had a chance because there existed no bodyguards.

The Secret Service isn’t doing anything wrong and it appears a lot right not once but twice.

Trump made his own hell. Or as my mother would say, “You made your own bed, now lie in it.”

I thank the Secret Service for their continued dedication and bravery. 

I believe President Biden has already addressed the events of the day and ending the threat of political violence.  There really isn’t much else to say except if the right political wing wants greater protections like a Pope Mobile, threatening a government shut down is not the best idea.