Saturday, May 18, 2019

Secretary Munchkin actually believes he is above the law because of Republican rhetoric.

Kennedy, "I don't know if we are in a trade war..."

Then don't pander to Munchkin and allow him to believe you are really that ignorant about the issue. I do wonder if Former Secretary Paulson is begging Munchkin to end the torture over China.

Kenndy, "...I will save my other questions until my other colleagues have a chance to weigh in...." When Kennedy speaks again after two Democratic Senators he disputes the focus of the so called colleagues. He didn't have additional questions, he simply carried out minimization of his colleagues.

Senator Coones is concerned about Community grants to neighborhoods that stimulate growth. Call me crazy, but, I don't consider that a minor issue.

Charitable Giving has dropped because there is no financial incentive in the IRS code now. Hm. The question was when will the US Senate receive the report about the impact on charitable giving. Munchkin BELIEVES in charitable giving, but, it is too soon for the Secretary to know the impact. Ho-hum. It only effects 37 million givers that is now reduced to 16 million.

Munchkin has no answers for these Senators, but, he certainly knows how to complain about the computer programs the American people have provided.

$600 million was diverted to the Trump border wall by Munchkin. Oh, yeah, there is also lots of good requests for this fund, he doesn't specifics though. Does he punch a clock to know if he actually comes into the office rather than chasing day trading?

CDFI Program (click here) has been cut from the budget by the Secretary.

It is my judgment of Secretary Munchkin that he is a racist in defunding the CDFI Program. It is more abuse of power by this Plutocrat.

Secretary Munchkin states that the IRS weaponizes requests against any American. That is a judgment by the Secretary of the Treasury. He continues to refuse to provide Trump's IRS filings to oversight by Congress.

Kennedy, "Do you think we should have a about you send me the tax returns of all the Democratic colleagues..."

Kennedy is nothing more than a political hack as the chairman of this Senate Committee. He has absolutely no intention of taking his colleagues seriously and advocating for Americans that are impacted by the decisions of Secretary Munchkin. Now that Munchkin knows he will never be challenged in his decisions by the US Senate Republicans, he will never do anything that favorably impacts the American people, especially minority Americans. 

Secretary Munchkin is corrupt as is Senator Kennedy and only reflects the brevity facing the American people with this administration in office. Munchkin is abusing the power of his office, provides no confidence in what is occurring with the US Treasury and probably spends most of his time manipulating words and laws to find a way to let Putin have his sanctions removed.

This US Treasurer is doing exactly what he wants to do without any oversight or conscience.

As the US House moves toward "Impeachment Inquiry"...

...I believe there should be an official place for PUBLIC COMMENT. I do not believe we know or understand the depth of Trump's lawlessness. The Public Comment during the Impeachment Inquiry can become part of the official record of the proceedings. Congress may have to employ a few people to preserve the Public Comment for the record and maintain the government data base that would be exclusively used for this purpose.

Donald J. Trump was elected president in a very questionable election that included Russian interference. While he is president today, there are many Americans that regret that vote, especially in the face of his lies while a candidate.

This inquiry needs to be through and allow for all the facts to come forward. That level of fact finding requires a webpage to receive Public Comment. The American people should express the depth of their own experience with the fraud that is Trump.

While the process of an impeachment inquiry moves forward regarding Trump, there needs to be movement in removing or fining Bill Barr for becoming the president personal political attorney. There is just no doubt that is happening. His open accusations regarding the FBI is a gross infraction of the public trust.

I am quite confident there are rules regarding privacy and confidentiality fo any government employee. Those rules are being discarded by Bill Barr for his political convenience.

I might add this for perspective. The Trump Cabinet has primarily been a revolving door of persons least able to carry out the responsibilities of these important agencies. IN THAT, understand this revolving door has allowed the Secretaries to exploit the office only to be discharged due to ethics violations. 

Example: Zinke was Secretary of the Interior and he now works for a company that exploits the very policies Zinke wrote while Secretary of the Interior.

There is exceptionally large increases in corruption under this president in the Cabinet agencies. There was no oversight for two years and the corruption was allowed to explode without detection or Congressional intervention to end it. I am very concerned about the DOJ and that level of permissiveness in growing corruption.

There have been large numbers of federal employees that have resigned their positions for mistreatment even at the beginning of this presidency. All that needs to be included in the public record as abuse of office. For two years, the federal government lost employees and no one cared. They have a right to register their own stories of Trump's influence that forced their resignations.

The farmers, the unions and the lives of average Americans have been adversely effected by Trump. They need to register their own experiences for the record of the inquiry.

"Fetal Heartbeat" is a very deceptive term.

"Live Science" got this one right. Most people will not understand that a "fetal heartbeat" is not the result of a heart so much as a group of developing cells.

The Republican rhetoric is DESIGNED to mess with people's understanding of what is a viable life. This along with ultrasound requirements in seeking an abortion has taken lies and turned them into laws. There are laws requiring ultrasounds based in considerable Republican rhetoric.

A heartbeat is not a heartbeat without a heart. The minuscule pulse that Republican lawmakers use and I use that term loosely have lobbed on to is fraud. It is just that simple. The so called heartbeat restrictions on abortion should be challenged in court based in science. 

A fully functional human heart is very complex in that it has it's own autonomous nervous system as well. The pulsing TISSUE of a fetus is not a functioning heart that will sustain an infant into adulthood. The entire idea of basing the beginning of life at the point there is a pulsing node of tissue is fraud, redefines life as any human being knows it making these laws dangerous. We don't need anyone adding confusion to what is an American, we already have judges that say money is a citizen as well.

The heatbeat law is political dogma that completely rejects science and endangers our democracy by allowing fraud to become law.

May 17, 2019
By Rachel Rettner

...But what exactly (click here) do we mean when we talk about a "fetal heartbeat" at six weeks of pregnancy? Although some people might picture a heart-shaped organ beating inside a fetus, this is not the case.

Rather, at six weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound can detect "a little flutter in the area that will become the future heart of the baby," said Dr. Saima Aftab, medical director of the Fetal Care Center at Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami. This flutter happens because the group of cells that will become the future "pacemaker" of the heart gain the capacity to fire electrical signals, she said....