Monday, June 10, 2024

4 Jewish Hostages

Is anyone happy at this magnificent feat by the IDF?

DID I MISS THE REPORT whereby the Palestinian citizens were yelling to the IDF, “They are over here? The hostages are over this way. Come this way to save them!”

I am happy about the IDF rescue of four hostages. These four hostages are completely innocent in all of this and they should be embraced by the world in general for having survived captivity. They have their freedom back and now their safety has to be guaranteed. Anyone agree? 

Oh, by the way, their rescue also involved the deaths of those opposed to the IDF rescue. The IDF didn’t decide with morning coffee to kill nearby Palestinians on their way to the rescue. I would bet my last dollar on it.

More the truth is that those dead tried to inhibit the rescue. I think that is the case.

All the whiners about the deaths of Palestinians do not discern the fact many of those killed/dead were Hamas and/or Hamas sympathizers and/or other jihadists. 

“The Whining” about the dead is becoming more and more clear Palestinians are more important than those attacked and kidnapped on October 7th.

Not for me. The Palestinian civilians can be victims to THE OCCUPATION by Hamas and jihadists, but, if they are going to fight and/or obstruct Israel from securing their peace then they are part of the problem. Women are not necessarily the exception. Palestinian women are known to carry out knife attacks before October 7th and they were probably doing so after October 7th as well.

Gaza, with no intervention by Israel, became a wasteland to terrorists and the hate culture they propagated. That was not the purpose AT ALL when Israel vacated Gaza as a DECLARATION of peace between the two peoples. The Palestinians, including the terrorists that governed, broke the peace agreement with Israel almost immediately, but, October 7th was the last time violence would rain down on Israel because of hate. Previous to October 7th the attacks were by individuals that could be taken to prison to end any repeated attempts. October 7th was a completely different war paradigm. Previous to October 7th there was no declaration of war so much national security issues.

Israel has spent decades seeking recognition in the Middle East by sovereign countries it considered neighbors. Israel for decades has looked to these sovereign countries for trade relationships and treaties of good will. These sovereign countries have problems with terrorists within their borders, but, they don’t send them into Israel to kill citizens asleep in their beds or attending to unsettled infants.

Iran and its proxies, including the civilians of Gaza, ruthlessly DECIDE to not recognize Israel as a sovereign power or its citizens as worthy of life and the free and open practice of their faith.

I hope I am making clear that Israel wanted none of this. There is not one person in Israel that rather the hate over the recognition of the right of Israel to exist. In peace. With all their Arab brothers and sisters.

Like it or not Israel holds the moral high ground and I am confident the citizens of Israel are sickened by the deaths occurring after October 7th. What are they to do? The terrorists won’t stop. Countering the attack of October 7th is a necessity. 

I am relieved there are at least four more hostages returned home to Israel attempting a return to normalcy. But, as of yet Hamas is not interested in peace and recognition of Israel as a sovereign country with the right to exist. Neither is Iran.

Quite frankly any end to these hostilities is not even within sight, yet already decided as to the path of peace. Iran and its proxies have to stop bemoaning the past and end their hatred in hopes of peace. Becoming more hostile and more determined to cause pain to Israel will be met with more aggression by Israel. Within that aggression is not hatred, but, a determination to have peace and security.