Monday, June 08, 2020

The states experiencing problems of increasing number of cases of COVID-19 after opening their economies much close it again. That is what New Zealand did and it worked beautifully.

Those without sufficient hospital facilities need to appeal to the Governor to bring in the Army Corp. build temporary facilities unless there are buildings standing empty that can be used temporarily as hospitals.

This is not going to resolve itself. Exponential growth has started. People have to stop and go home again until the numbers come down. Exponential growth doesn’t stop on it’s own. The states have wildfires called COVID-19. 


The people have to understand this is not a light switch, but, glowing embers waiting to spark again. The people are the key to ending this virus. They have to practice BEST PRACTICES as the economy opens. 
I congratulate all those that marched to defeat racism, bigotry, and discrimination. 

Hate is not okay.

Oppression is not okay. 


Police endangering the life of another MUST be reported and removed from the ranks. Any resistance to that resolve is CORRUPTION.

There is no discussion. There is no dangerous restraint allowed. Period. If a suspect runs away - run after them. If they get away, swear out an arrest warrant at the prosecutor's office and actively seek to resolve the warrant WITHOUT danger to the police or the suspect and innocent bystanders.

There are too many guns on the street. That is part of the reason for these problems. Every police officer is a swat member in order to be safe on the street. This is ridiculous. Our streets aren't safe and our officers feel they need to have privileges to carry out an assault against citizens.

If a police officer needs special privileges to do their jobs, it is called corruption. Hate is corruption. Arrogance is corruption. Special privileges is corruption. This is the USA. This is not Russia. Some people may be confused about that. 

Deadly force is allowed when people are a deadly danger in violation of the law. Stopping a murder or a mass shooting means officers are allowed NOW to end the danger, but, not carry out the justice that is supposed to be rendered by the people and their judges. Honest judges. Honest prosecutors. It is called due process and it is dearly different than Russia's idea of justice. 

The USA states, "innocent until proven guilty." It was the basis of our Founders and our Constitution. No police officer is judge and jury. NONE. 

This is employee harassment and exploitation. HCA Healthcare needs to give the money back.

Federal monies are not Christmas presents for CEOs. Enough of this. The monies come back into the US Treasury and the American people so they can decide how best to address this level of greed.

June 8, 2020
By Jessica Silver-Greenberg, Jesse Drucker and David Enrich

HCA Healthcare (click here) is one of the world’s wealthiest hospital chains. It earned more than $7 billion in profits over the past two years. It is worth $36 billion. It paid its chief executive $26 million in 2019.

But as the coronavirus swept the country, employees at HCA repeatedly complained that the company was not providing adequate protective gear to nurses, medical technicians and cleaning staff. Last month, HCA executives warned that they would lay off thousands of nurses if they didn’t agree to wage freezes and other concessions.

A few weeks earlier, HCA had received about $1 billion in bailout funds from the federal government, part of an effort to stabilize hospitals during the pandemic....

This is a cover-up for greed. If a CEO's hospital is not doing well financially, they need to make real cuts to CEO's and middle management salaries. I don't want to hear how they will leave and the hospital will lose their best management. Hello? Financial failure is not good management and the professionals in the hospital don't need management. They can get along very well without their CEOs and Middle Management. All the professionals need is a purchasing clerk and stockpile management. The CEO needs to go if a hospital can't "make it" without federal money.

Federal monies are to stabilize the hospital and not indulge management and purchase another home for the CEO.

...Industry officials argue that furloughs and pay reductions allow hospitals to keep providing essential services at a time when the pandemic has gutted their revenue....

I understand the US House has passed police reform bill. Some police forces will find it easier to come on board than others.

...The legislation (click here) would make it easier for victims of abuses to recover damages, create a national registry of police misconduct and ban chokeholds, among other provisions....

June 8, 2020
By Matt Byrne

The Portland Police Department (click here) bars the use of chokeholds, neck restraints and other tactics that might cut off someone’s ability to breathe and classifies such techniques as deadly force, according to the department’s use-of-force policy.

The department released a copy of the policy last week as millions of anti-racism protesters flooded city streets across the country and around the world, demanding that police agencies be defunded and reformed, and that police stop killing people, especially people of color....

...Police departments across the country are re-evaluating their use-of-force policies after Floyd’s death, and some departments have since banned maneuvers designed to cut off oxygen to someone’s brain and render them unconscious. Minneapolis allowed the use of the neck restraints by police until it also banned them on Friday.

Police officers in Minneapolis had used the technique 237 times, and rendered 44 people unconscious with the neck restraint since the beginning of 2015, according to NBC News....

The southern USA is always on vacation from the reality of the global pandemic.

The understanding of SARS-CoV-2 in the northern part of the country east of the Mississippi and the south is night and day. Either they don't understand it or they don't want to understand it. There must be a profound idea in the south that being slap-happy every day is the culture they desire because they completely reject the idea they are in danger.

The people in the south watched New York go through hell and they were simply watching during that time and never made the connection this could happen to every one of them.

While I was traveling I witnessed complete ignorance of the danger of the virus. Complete ignorance. People weren't even entertaining the idea they have to take the virus seriously. It wasn't until I got to mid-Virginia did I see people wearing masks in a profound understanding it was best to protect others while others protecting you.

It just doesn't matter to them. 

You know, when people are oppressed, their lives are so weary that understanding and protecting from ONE MORE THING is just too much and it seems like a bad joke to an already sorrowful life. I think that exists in the south. The white people/Caucasians were the worst. Walking into fast-food restaurants without masks and laughing and talking to others while the staff was wearing their gear.

It was bizarre to watch people carry on like nothing was wrong. Florida on Spring Break. Nothing is wrong because nothing will get in the way of their relief from their day to day lives. Relieving their burden was far more important than the damage any virus could cause. I mean they are unconscious when they die, right?

Central Virginia and north is what I call normal. They wore masks, practiced social distancing, and don't' lean into a conversation because they will move back from closer contact. They get it. They love their lives so much they don't dare put themselves in jeopardy. 

It was completely two opposite ends of the American culture. I found I pitied the right extremists and their hubris. Their ego structure was completely absent. To quote Freud, they were primarily ID with no Superego and no governing ego.

I was viewed as stupid and silly to be wearing a mask at all. No lie. In some ways it is true. The idea a mask protects others and others wearing masks protect you is meaningless if everyone isn't wearing them.

The word self-righteousness describes much of what I observed. They don't accept leadership unless it indulges their hubris and outlandish behavior in the face of danger.

The infection rates in these states are not falling at all. They are still increasing. 

When I reached far north, they probably have the least worry of all Americans and they are vigilant to the danger of SARS-CoV-2. It was the first time I saw a McDonald's restaurant dining section open. I peeked in to see how it was going. People were primarily wearing masks except to eat. That was interesting. They order the food and wait for it with masks on but then sit down and eat without it, but, by that time the people are dining they know the others and their health that are sharing their same space.

I strongly believe there is a profound difference in the way people in different areas of the USA value life. The south is more juvenile and hates the idea of imposition of rules that take away their happiness from day to day. It is worrisome. We are not all valuing our lives in the same way and are passing that difference onto our children. It is unfortunate. I am not imagining it. I was astounded at the difference. I am speaking in generalities of the majority of my observations. 

The traffic patterns are still different. The north had sparser passenger cars on the road, but, more than my initial trip south. The south never changed. There were many passenger cars on the road.

Interestingly, where the government was involved, the rules were sane. The high schoolers were carrying out their graduation in lines of cars to receive their diplomas. Post Offices demanded patrons to wear their masks and observe social distancing to the point of plastic sheets at the desk and marks on the floor to maintain the distance. People didn't have to guess where to stand when they were in line.

I found I was disappointed. I thought for sure as time went on people would modify their behaviors. That is only happening where people value information and respect it as the truth. It happens when social venues are closed. If the social venues are open it can mean to indulgence in all the feel-good feelings they can muster. There is the idea of "light switch" within that. In other words, if social venues were open it all must be okay, but, mostly because that is the way they wanted to understand the openings of society. It is unfortunate because I know there are dangers waiting for the opportunity and according to increasing number of cases the virus is finding that opportunity.

It is cultural. It is about permissiveness.