Wednesday, April 14, 2021

At a time when SARS-CoV-2 cases are spiking after Spring Break...

I wanted to remind readers about New Zealand.

11 April 2021
By Helen Livingstone

To the left is the New Zealand infection rate graph.

Border workers (click here) have until the end of April to be vaccinated before being moved to lower risk roles, the prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, has said after a third worker from Auckland’s Grand Millenium managed isolation facility tested positive for Covid-19.

“We want everyone to be vaccinated on our frontline,” she told TVNZ’s Breakfast on Monday.

“From Monday through until the end of April, that becomes the final window where if people are not vaccinated in that period of time then they are redeployed, they are moved on. And that was always the point we had to get to.”

Her comments came hours before it was confirmed that the worker, known as case C, had not been vaccinated, adding to concerns raised last week when it was made public that case B had missed two vaccine appointments....

This came in an email to me. I never received the Pfizer vaccine.

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The J&J vaccine for COVID-19 is a killed virus vaccine.

A killed virus vaccine means it has dead components of the virus in the injection. Many, other vaccines the Ameican people receivce are manufactured in the same way. This is a standard method of making vaccines, but, this is an extraordinary virus.

A pause in administration of the J&J vaccine is appropriate for evaluation of the side effects which can cause death or strokes, even heart issues.

April 13, 2021
Katherine W. Hu

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine (click here) has entered regulatory purgatory. This morning, the CDC and FDA jointly recommended, “out of an abundance of caution,” a nationwide halt to the single shot’s rollout. The two agencies are investigating a rare blood-clotting disorder: In the six cases reported so far, all in the United States, women ages 18 to 48 developed an unusual type of blood clot within about two weeks of receiving the company’s inoculation.

Experts haven’t yet conclusively determined whether J&J’s vaccine is directly causing these strange clots, or how frequently the condition might be occurring, because they’re relying largely on people reporting their health conditions to federal agencies. Roughly 7 million doses of the vaccine have been administered so far in the United States; among them were about 1 million women under the age of 50. “I think it’s reasonable to say it is a rare event, but I don’t think we should go into false precision in this kind of situation,” Saad Omer, a vaccine expert at Yale, told me. “Our numerators and denominators are still emerging.”

Though the pause isn’t mandatory, most states have decided to temporarily pull the J&J vaccine and replace it with shots made by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech—neither of which has been associated with clots—when possible. The announcement has, within a matter of hours, trapped past and future recipients of J&J’s jabs in an uneasy limbo....

Human metabolism varies to some extent by individuals. There are dearly important sameness in human metabolism and that is a good thing. But, when a virus like SARS-CoV-2 manifests we have witnessed how such a monster can effect different ethnicities, different ages and different genders.

It is not surprising to find there are different responses in some people. What the medical investigators in the USA want to determine is what sets the chain reaction off that causes dangerous blood clots in some people.

Some might say, "So, what? We are going to get the vaccine anyway." That is not a true statement.

The medical investigators are seeking to understand the effects that trigger a dangerous reaction to the J&J vaccine. It is an intolerance that must be understood to stop such circumstances. If a basis of the blood clots are found in understanding why some people are NOT GOOD CANDIDATES for the vaccine, then they can be given a different vaccine while many, many others can still safely receive the J&J vaccine and develop immunity.

This CAREFUL dimension of the Biden Administration is new to the American people after the gross neglect of the previous administration. President Biden, his investigators and his agencies are being careful with American lives. Well. Isn't that nice? I think that is more than nice, it is VALUING EVERY AMERICAN LIFE without exception.

This investigation by no means indicates the J&J vaccine is inferior or a bad vaccine. It simply states it is different from the mRNA vaccines and it has to be understood to end a dangerous circumstance for the American people. Everyone that has received the J&J vaccine without any complications should be confident they are receiving a good dose of immunity. 


Afghanistan is a "do over."

We will have been in Afghanistan for two decades or one full generation. There is no reason to stay, but, be cognizant of the fact there are still terrorists hiding in Afghanistan.

We left Afghanistan to a minimal military complement to focus primarily on Iraq. That was the wrong thing to do. The USA was never able to fully suppress the drug corruption of Afghanistan while improving the outcomes of the people.

April 19, 2021
By Julian E. Barnes and Eric Schmitt

Washington - The Sept. 11 attacks led American troops (click here) into Afghanistan in 2001 for what became a two-decade war. Now President Biden’s decision to withdraw military forces has prompted a central question: Will the threat of terrorism against America re-emerge from Afghanistan?

The answer is no, at least not right away. But over the longer term, the question is far more difficult to answer. The United States could find itself pulled back into Afghanistan much as it was in Iraq, some current and former officials warned.

Intelligence officials have offered the Biden administration an overall grim portrait of the future of Afghanistan itself, predicting that the Taliban will make battlefield gains, Afghan government forces will struggle to hold territory and a peace deal between them is unlikely. The broad outlines of that assessment were made public in an intelligence report released on Tuesday.

Still, on the critical question of whether direct threats to the United States still exist in Afghanistan, U.S. spy agencies have privately offered a rosier picture....

President Biden, who I think is a really great president, has picked an arbitrary date to bring all the troops home. It is a symbolic date that all those in Afghanistan should not ignore. The USA is not sincerely leaving Afghanistan, we are allowing two decades of protecting the people to cement into profoundly democratic governance that has no fear of the American military.

The USA has allies nearby that require vigilance. We have had a questionably loyal relationship with Pakistan. Pakistan allowed a radical religious sect, the Taliban, to reconstitute into a militia with deadly intent. Pakistan also allowed Osama bin Laden to live under the protection of it's ISI. The ISI is nearly an autonomous body in Pakistan and there is doubt as to the president of the country having knowledge of bin Laden's existence in Pakistan. No one will ever convince me that the ISI knew nothing of bin Laden's residence and his covert activities that used thumb drives and couriers to order heinous acts by others within the al Qaeda network.

Under President Obama, the safe haven bin Laden had was ended, and ultimately the house destroyed by the Pakistan government.

Pakistan also tolerates to this day the Haqqani Network. They are a drug cartel with a great deal of power because of their lucrative poppy business. From the beginning of the Afghanistan retaliative invasion by the USA I stated we should march through Pakistan to reach Afghanistan's al Qaeda network, but, Don Rumsfeld opted for a "paid by the taxpayer" fly-over privilege. Those monies that went to Pakistan allowed the country to order munitions from China. Those monies allowed China to build 100 more nuclear warheads. IT WAS A MISTAKE OF MONUMENTAL PROPORTION.

The USA will be leaving behind an Embassy (click here) and a vibrant diplomatic effort. The USA, through USAID, has many partnerships with Afghanistan. When the USA military leaves Afghanistan with all it's munitions and hardware, it will not be leaving a blank slate for any other country or terrorist organization to occupy. China and Russia should conduct their interests in Afghanistan accordingly.

The USA military needs to have at the ready a plan to institute another offensive into Afghanistan if the country fails in it's commitments to the US. There are many, many improvements in Afghanistan to further it's economy, including, roads and bridges. It would be a shame if those were destroyed by the USA military in a reoccupation of a dangerous country.

The USA is always demanding peace. It demands people to live a good quality of life. It demands countries move to take care of those most vulnerable to disease. And in Afghanistan, the USA demands equality for women and girls, an opportunity for women to serve in the government and be educated at universities. 

There are many good and decent reasons for the USA military to have a hand on Afghanistan to increase stability while eliminating the influence of Daesh and other terrorist networks. The USA military also needs to decide about Pakistan. Is Pakistan a friend or so disinterested in it's alliance that any manner of governance is good governance. The Haqqani Network must be dismantled and any terrorist influence in Pakistan ended, that includes disloyal people within the ISI that sabotage the Pakistani governance and substitutes terrorist fear as a real solution to any president.

The Late Ambassador to Afghanistan, Richard Holbrook (click here) had expectations for that country that cannot be forgotten. I don't know if the USA Afghanistan Embassy has been named yet, but, it should bear his name.

Those hopes are not empty dreams. Afghanistan has an opportunity to take what has occurred over two decades and become a real country and not simply a terrorist haven. The Afghan people are good people. They love their country and their families. They also welcome change and improvement and they do not tolerate corruption.

The region needs to remain stable. The USA is bringing their troops home after many have died, but, it also has expectations for that country and at the first sign of deterioration of it's democracy the USA will never think twice to occupy it once again.

Afghanistan and Pakistan are challenges to the USA military and one that it should welcome to protect NATO allies and insure terrorism doesn't rule again in that country or the region.