Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The devastation of the continuing Climate Crisis is unknown to people until they witness it for themselves.

This is only part of what occurred in Nebraska June of 2024. There are tornadoes appearing everywhere from parking lots to golf courses. EF 2s are frequent. 

I am growing weary of the Age Discrimination in the media.

March 11, 2024
By Daniel J. Stone

Studies show (click here) that high-functioning seniors like the president compensate for slower reaction time by applying superior knowledge and judgment. The presidency is not a job that requires lightning-quick reflexes. Time-tested judgment offers far more than speed in speech or decision-making....

Ageism (click here) involves stereotyping or discriminating against people based on their age and can occur both in the workplace and in your personal life. Ageism can be directed at older adults and young people alike. However, our culture tends to glorify youth, so older adults are more often the victims of age-based discrimination and negativity.

Ageism can take root early in life. Even as children, we begin to pick up on the idea that aging is an unsatisfying process and older adults are incapable of taking care of themselves. These messages can show up in the media we consume. Just picture commercials that promise to reverse “unsightly” age lines or television shows that depict older adults as clueless and frail. Ageist messaging can also be passed along through jokes and casual comments from family members and friends....

There are aspects of the USA media that are really terrible. They do not understand the Middle Class, except, to solicit their vote in anyway they can. They don't care to understand the vast difference in unions, minority opportunities and the American Middle Class since President Biden took office. They just want to find that Wall Street Look and have it dominate the media pages once again. You know, the gold plated American Express Card carrying American that works in some of the most menial jobs in this country. Those Wall Street types. Right? That would be so much better than this old man in the White House.

December 30, 2019
By Joe Kita

About 35 percent of the U.S. population is now age 50 or older. (click here) Yet, in 2018, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — the nation’s workforce watchdog — issued a damning special report on age discrimination against older Americans. It concluded that even though 50 years had passed since Congress outlawed the practice, “age discrimination remains a significant and costly problem for workers, their families and our economy.”

Victoria Lipnic, the EEOC’s acting chair at the time, went so far as to compare it to harassment: “Everyone knows it h
appens every day to workers in all kinds of jobs, but few speak up. It’s an open secret.”...

Joe Biden is a great president and First Lady Jill is remarkable. She carries her families concerns proudly in her day to day role with the President. They are both very remarkable people with a great deal of insight as to what the USA democracy means to the 54 percent of Americans identifying as Middle Class (click here).

The Plutocrats feel threatened. They are scared there might be less money in their pockets and the end to achieve the First Trillionaire might be in jeopardy.

I DON'T WANT TO HEAR how a President as fine a person as Joe Biden is being demeaned in any way, shape, or form. He has a great deal of experience in the capacity of fighting the good fight. He knows what it takes to build alliances, make them stronger, and protect the freedoms Americans enjoy.



The Ageism being practiced in some of the media in the USA is a disgrace and certainly is not appreciated anywhere in the rest of the world where aging is viewed as WISDOM.

President Biden is aware of American's concerns about his birthdate. He also has chosen one of the best Vice President's in the world. She is a remarkable human being and leads not only a country with dignity, but, a family of achievers. Every American has every reason to be proud of Vice President Kamala Harris and her Second Gentleman Douglas.

The Second Gentleman (click here) delivers remarks at the Department of Labor’s Equity in Focus Summit on Thursday, September 22, 2022 

Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff isn't just at his spouse's side to wave to the crowd, he is involved in promoting a good life for all Americans.

The "thing" about President Biden is that he is very aware of his differences, including his disability of stuttering. So, as a role model he is remarkable. There is opportunity for anyone in the USA, and he intends to be that example to all those that care about freedom and it's potential to bring all Americans to the table with the talent a country this size needs in order to move forward and tackle the hard problems facing it.

The American media needs to stop looking for problems with President Biden and seek out the remarkable achievements that are solely his to date. 

What is the expression? 

Oh, yeah. "We aren't getting older, we are getting better."

March 1, 2023
By Kristen Weir

Vol. 54 No. 2
Print version: page 36

Psychologists are examining the age discrimination (click here) that pervades American culture and helping people to reimagine healthier relationships with their older selves...

"Opps" (AKA The Robert's Court Tabloid Media Reports during election years)

Again? This is happening again?

...US Supreme Court’s decision (click here) in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization overturned Roe v. Wade. This represents a rate of 15.9 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age,* and is a 11% increase since 2020,...

The Republican response to women needing an abortion to save their lives is to end the FEDERALLY MANDATED laws and proceed as if a woman has no emergencies due to pregnancy. That is what these lawsuits are about. Idaho and Texas WANT TO CLEARLY end the power of the federal government to decide what is best for the American people from sea to shining sea. 

States Rights do not ensure that state legislatures can override federal law when it applies to every citizen EQUALLY in the USA. State Rights are about exceptions to federal law ONLY when the circumstances of the particular state apply. Last I checked women in Texas and Idaho all were women with uterus no different than women in 48 other states. The States have no authority to override FEDERALLY LEGISLATED REQUIREMENTS to ensure the health and well being of every American woman.

Do I have to state the obvious? The Robert's Court is incompetent. Why not leak the pentagon secrets while they are at it? I am sure Trump would appreciate an update for Putin.

In the graph above and the text accompanying it, it is noted the incidence of abortion are increasing since the Trump Supreme Court Political Right Wing Extremists overturned Roe v. Wade. Why? Anyone's guess, but, it is most likely that the extremist right wing states are demanding abortions earlier and earlier so women are reacting to the fear of not having access at a later time. They are basically panicked into acting without fully considering their options. 

Trump's Political Right Wing Extremist Supreme Court DO NOT TRUST WOMEN and assign them second class citizen decisions.

June 26, 2024
By Michael Macagnone

The Supreme Court (click here) inadvertently posted on its website briefly Wednesday morning a version of an opinion that one news report suggested would for now prevent Idaho from enforcing its abortion ban in emergency rooms.

Bloomberg News reported that the court briefly posted an opinion in one of the two cases about the state’s abortion law and its interaction with the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, or EMTALA.

The court hasn’t announced an opinion, meaning the briefly posted version isn’t necessarily the final ruling. Bloomberg reported that it got the copy that appeared briefly on the court’s website as the justices were issuing two other opinions Wednesday morning, and a reporter later published the document....

Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) (click here)

In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) to ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay. Section 1867 of the Social Security Act imposes specific obligations on Medicare-participating hospitals that offer emergency services to provide a medical screening examination (MSE) when a request is made for examination or treatment for an emergency medical condition (EMC), including active labor, regardless of an individual's ability to pay. Hospitals are then required to provide stabilizing treatment for patients with EMCs. If a hospital is unable to stabilize a patient within its capability, or if the patient requests, an appropriate transfer should be implemented.

Memorandum Summary (click here)

Pursuant to the preliminary injunction in Texas v. Becerra, No. 5:22-CV-185-H (N.D. Tex.), HHS may not enforce the following interpretations contained in the July 11, 2022, CMS guidance (and the corresponding letter sent the same day by HHS Secretary Becerra): 

(1) HHS may not enforce the Guidance and Letter’s interpretation that Texas abortion laws are preempted by EMTALA; and 

(2) HHS may not enforce the Guidance and Letter’s interpretation of EMTALA—both as to when an abortion is required and EMTALA’s effect on state laws governing abortion—within the State of Texas or against the members of the American Association of Pro Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) and the Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA).

June 26, 2024
By John Fritz

...The court’s three liberals (click here) argued in a concurrence written by Justice Elena Kagan that the court erred when it allowed the state to enforce the law temporarily while the Supreme Court considered the case. The state ban, Kagan wrote, “prevents hospitals from doing” what the federal law commands. The decision “will again give Idaho women access to all the needed medical treatments that EMTALA guarantees.”

Justice Amy Coney Barrett, in a separate concurrence joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, made a slightly different point. Barrett argued that Idaho appears to be able to enforce its ban “in the vast majority of circumstances.”

Barrett’s point is that she doesn’t believe there’s a significant conflict between the Biden administration and Idaho because of changes that were made to the Idaho law as the litigation unfolded.