Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Rep. Elise Stefancik is incorrect.

The complaints in the US House and US Senste are not balanced with reality. They are all ideological arguments.

No election is perfect. Americans make mistakes and not all complaints matter. There maybe some valid concerns with “the vote” however those valid concerns serve no impact to the unmarred vote.

We have a presidential election by majority. It is the majority that matters and if a small number of mistakes are real, that isn’t going to matter because it has no effect on the outcome.

So while some people want to knit pick, no matter how loud they cry about a few votes it isn’t going matter. They can seek to improve the election in the future, but, there will be new mistakes because the rule changed. These issues are superfluous to reality.

The complaint about Pennsylvania and a law being unconstitutional is an invalid complaint, the judges ruling that it is too late to complain is correct. An entire state’s vote cannot be thrown out after the fact. Campaigns, especially those of major parties, MUST do their research about balloting BEFORE the voting by citizens begins. There has been many elections won and lost because candidates or campaign organizations never bothered to read and approve the ballot. There are deadlines to when changes to a ballot can be carried out because the ballot must be finalized for voting.

Senator Pat Toomey is basically saying the same thing in defense of the Pennsylvania vote.

At one time, I think it was Pennington, New Jersey, horse either ridden or pulling a carriage had more rights than autos. Anyone can understand that as there was once a time when autos were an oddity and trucks didn’t exist. That law stayed on the books for decades until it was brought to the attention of the town. Then signs went up to tell motorists that horses maybe found along the road that lead to a favorite nearby park.

Laws can be completely obsolete and yet they are still law. Their obsolescence is what negates their effectiveness. Laws, in the hearts and minds of people can be nostalgic as well and allowed to lay fallow. Many, but not most, American are unaware of this dynamic. 

Unfortunately, it is my concern that the conman named Donald John Trump preyed on the naiveté of people, hence, the violence today. Trump actually expected it to work and the American democracy would lie in chaos allowing him to come forward as king.

Donald John Trump is not a bright man. Law Enforcement is loyal to the country of laws, not a country ruled by one man. A police officer spends his/her day at work enforcing the rule of law. They write tickets and summons based on the rule of law. Trump could never move this country away from the people.

I never guessed he would try such a folly as this and neither did anyone else. Protesters turned into rioters by words of Donald John Trump when he turned them toward the Capital building. 

At one time Trump stated to the Proud Boys to stand by and stand down. Odd thing for a president to say, unless the Command and Chief planned his assault on our democracy today. The evidence is circumstantial because no one is a mind reader.

Peace to all Americans. One of us is dead because of the folly by a man that hates. We should never forget that.


As I listen to Trump Supporters speaking to journalists on FOX News they sadly believe they were doing the right thing for the right reasons. They appear to have an alternate reality.

They are not bad people. Not that bad people doing bad things were absent from the scene in Washington, DC, they were very much there. But, as a country that embraces freedom we need to understand these Trumpy Americans and their derailment from the truth.

They are good people that are very misinformed. Very, very misinformed. They need outreach to bring them back home. I am very serious. They need outreach into the community to bring them back to reality. We can’t or should abandon them.

As a country we have an obligation to bring reality to all citizens. They vote. The misinformation is the enemy, not the people. We need to take this on and it needs to be an outreach no less determined than any government outreach into Appalachia. They deserve that. They need to understand what brought them to the precipice of destroying their own constitution.

Law Enforcement needs eye protection

It appears at least one rioter has a laser gun site. He/she was firing toward the lawn area from a hall entrance on the second level of the Capital building.

The side of the Capital building where rioters have congregated looks stable. Those that have dedicated there lives to occupy the Capital building seems to be stable. Those that were going to leave, have and what is left are dedicated rioters.

Those are the police with strobe lights. Good.

I think law enforcement has used great restraint in opposing this insurrection by Trump.

It will be a long night in Washington, DC.

The woman that was shot has died.


At some point there needs to be arrests of the rioters to discourage others.

No matter how much support Trump has endorsed these people; he has abandoned them in the name of peace.

President Joe Biden has the US House and US Senate

Jon Ossoff is now Senator Elect Jon Ossoff. Congratulations to him and his dedicated campaign.

Congratulations to him, his family. and all those that supported his campaign including donors.

Trump belongs no where near the President-Elect at any point in time.

Trump doesn’t care if people die.

In order to remove rioters from the Capital building and grounds, those furthest from the building will have to be moved first.

Never in anyone’s imagination did Americans believe this would happen. No one expected violence. This is a new low for Trump.

Tear gas.

Trump knew this was coming, ie: the blast wall fence at the White House.

 Criminals protecting a criminal.


Everyone assaulting the Capital building along with Don, Jr. and Eric Trump are committing an act of sedition. This cannot be ignored.

No one is going to give in to criminal intent, especially, against the USA Constitution. The president should demand protesters to stand down or he can be charged with conspiracy.

This is all criminal activity.

The National Guard in the USA capital should also have plans to protect the USA Congress at this point.

I am not surprised these attacks against our government. They criminals have been taunted for months to act on their beliefs which were drummed up by Trump. I am surprised it has taken this long. Senators such as Rand Paul need to stop inciting violence and accept the elections of 2020 without question.

It is easy to say that if such a coup actually worked the instigators, including the president would not be in control. They think they are in control, but, they are figure heads and would be removed at first opportunity to instill others such  as the leader of the KKK. Fools are every one of them. This is what happens when a political party embraces hate. While they only want to be elected, those marginalized voters have plans of their own. Zero 

Today is a great day.

Congratulations to Senate-Elect Warnock. We are losing Former US Senator Harris to the Executive Branch and now we have a new minority member to the US Senate. Senator Schumer must be elated at the election of Raphael Warnock to his distinguished Senate Democrats.

This is wonderful. But, I never worried one day he would be the one to win. He had the support of many people. He is also loved by the people of Georgia. 

Congratulations to him, his family, his vast number of supporters, and generous donors. It is a special day today.