Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Israel and Ukraine Aid

I expect the Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies to be out front leading a strong vote in the U.S. House. Max Boot has an interesting opinion in the Washington Post.

The House Speaker is not capable of governance so much as politics. I would think US Intelligence is more damning than Max Boot, too.

Johnson has no conscience. He and Trump are scared of losing their majority along the southern border. That is all they focus on. Today, under Johnson’s leadership the USA national security is in danger. There is no turning away from allies and expect USA national security to be intact.

2 hostages saved

According to what I am reading 67 others were killed in the raid. What I am not reading is how many of those 67 were Hamas? 

The King of Jordan was at the White House to advocate a ceasefire or more. There is an understanding that MBS is vital to ending the violence with Hezbollah. 

This is very simple in many ways. I think most everyone agrees Hamas is a terrorist organization and not a governing authority. Hamas needs to surrender, provide proof of hostage death or release and end the Palestinians’ bondage as human shields.