Thursday, September 26, 2019

I don't care if the Whistleblower actually is a spy. She or he is a damn good one.

The brevity of the words of this Whistleblower has never been more important. I thank the Whistleblower for being on our side, of which Donald J. Trump is obviously not. To him, and I have said this from the beginning of his occupation of the White House, everything is politics. That is not in the job description of the President of the USA.

Trump is a case in point that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The Whistleblower complaint will be a part of history that elevates the honor of the American people's demand of their country. Can't say thank you enough.

This what he did with "Executive Time."

I am sure I am not alone in thinking a task force needs to be set up by the US House to subpoena all Trump's phone records. It would take too long to include any of that information in an impeachment inquiry, but, for the sole purpose of understanding how world leaders might be compromised by Trump, Guiliani and Barr.

I am concerned with this new understanding of Trump and his ruthlessness along with Guiliani and Barr.  This is probably not an isolated incident. That Helsinki meeting went on for something like 3 and a half hours. They talked about a lot. I didn't trust him before and this only solidifies that profile of Trump.

Trump's economy is built on CREDIT and not sound policy. Americans can't afford the Trump economy.

August 2, 2019
By Michael Collins

Washington - Donald Trump promised during his campaign (click here) that if he won the White House, he would wipe out the national debt in just eight years.

But in his first 2½ years in office, he has gone in the opposite direction.

Trump Friday signed into law a budget bill hammered out with leaders of the Democratic-led House and the Republican-controlled Senate. It was a rare bipartisan agreement but some in the GOP were furious over the increase in spending.

The legislation will add an estimated $1.7 trillion to the national debt over the next decade, according to an analysis by the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

That’s not all: When other bills that Trump has signed are factored in, Trump’s total contribution to the national debt is projected to top $4.1 trillion, the budget watchdog group said.

“Our national debt is a self-inflicted wound,” said Maya MacGuineas, the group’s president. “It will take the kind of leadership that currently doesn't exist in Washington to fix.”...

The US economy is in bad shape as I write this, never mind about next year, the financial agencies are buoying this economy in spite of Trump and Secretary Muchkins's mess. The financial markets are getting bailouts even though it is not as evident as the global economic collapse of 2008.

Trump's economy is a very expensive failure. He is waiting for the country to be grateful for an economy that is paid for by the USA Treasury.

September 21, 2019
By Colin Harper

This week, (click here) the Federal Reserve leveraged one of its tools for tinkering with U.S. financial markets — one that it hasn’t used since the Great Recession.

The New York branch of America’s central bank financed some $278 billion worth of repurchasing agreements (repo) from September 17 to 19, 2019. For some market watchers, the move raised an alarm because, as Nobel laureate Paul Krugman put it, the financial turmoil that necessitated this intervention “was at the heart of the 2008 financial crisis.” Still, other economists have posited that the cash injections came in response to a hiccup and that markets are doing just fine.

That “hiccup” was a spike in the overnight money market interest rate in response to a cash crunch. Typically, this rate stays on track with the Federal Reserve’s fed funds rate — an interest rate set by the Federal Reserve to guide the lending rates for bank-to-bank loans. At the beginning of the week, the money market rate decoupled from the funds rate — surging from the target 1.75 to 2 percent rate to 10 percent. By pumping more dollars into the cash-strapped lending market, the Federal Reserve brought the market money rate back in line with its funds rate.

What started as a single act on September 17, 2019, has now snowballed into four straight days of repo agreements to inject more than a quarter of a trillion dollars’ worth of capital into the system....
Let me say this, I believe Director Joseph Mcguire is in the class of federal employee along with Robert Mueller. We are lucky to have him and we cannot afford to lose a highly qualified Director at this point in our history. I am sure the intelligence community would agree.

It isn't easy living in a vice that tightens when someone in the chain of command is corrupt. But, he managed just fine.

Congress has the complaint and letter. That is a victory for the USA. Everyone should be congratulated.
Donald J. Trump had NO RIGHT to place a sovereign allied country in the breach with Russia for the purpose of political gain. IF there ever was legitimate crime blackmail would not be necessary!

The Republicans on the US House Intelligent Committee will not pretend this is the Democrats instigation.

The whistleblower complaint is profound and that cannot be sacrificed for Republican rhetoric.

President Donald J. Trump was blackmailing a lesser country's President for his own purposes. 


Ukraine is very vulnerable to Russian interference and violence. The current war depends on the backing of The West, the USA came forward to offer munitions to Ukraine to end this hideous war with Russia. That is not minor matter. There is nothing that stands the line between Ukraine and Russia than the USA. NATO is vital to the Post Soviet countries and to LEARN President Donald J. Trump was blackmailing Ukraine's president for his own selfish political purposes WHILE he not only exposed Ukraine to more violence from Russia, but, NATO as well.

Donald J. Trump needs to be removed from office and this complaint is the catalyst to other misdeeds that CLEARLY illustrates the power of the presidency is compromised by a man that favors Russia over his own country. I have had enough of the Republican election nonsense over a man that is no more loyal to the USA than he is NATO.

As far as the Whistleblower Law, Mr. Mcguire repeatedly has stated this is unprecedented. REPEATEDLY STATED THIS COMPLAINT IS UNPRECEDENTED. The law is not adequate when it comes to a disloyal president. The law has to be clarified to include a statute that moves a Whistleblower Complaint to a committee of US Senate and US House members as well as members of the Intelligence Staff. 

That said, the Republicans need to end this USE of the power of the USA for their own profiteering and stand up for the US Constitution. It would be refreshing to have a Senate Majority Leader that actually lead instead of being a follower too scared for his own misdeeds.

The assault against Ukraine by Trump is foundational to democracy and reintroduced Russia corruption.

September 26, 2019
By Matthew Knott

The Donald Trump who fronted the media to speak (click here) about his bombshell phone call with Ukraine's President was unrecognisable from the ebullient showman we have come to know.

At Trump's press conference in New York on Wednesday, local time, he appeared more demoralised than at any other point in his presidency. His voice was soft, his energy levels low. He sulked and stewed, reminiscing about the days when he received positive media coverage as a celebrity citizen.

It scotched the idea that Trump feels enthused by the prospect of an impeachment battle with Nancy Pelosi, or triumphant after the release of the summary of his phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky....

Western nations involved with Ukraine need to recognize the corrupt Russian influence with the Donald J. Trump administration. There is no guarantee that he will be removed from office if the US Senate ignores the US Constitution. It is astounding to realize that fact, but, there is a definite anti-democracy movement in Western countries, including the UK as demonstrated by the Prime Minister's proclamation to shut down Parliament.

Trump is introducing corruption back into Ukraine by carrying out personal directives I believe were discussed in Helsinki with Putin. I believe much of what is happening with Ukraine is sabotage of the fledgling democracy by Putin. I sincerely believe more than ever that Trump is Putin's puppet. Obviously, that is the case with this latest Trump episode. Just imagine what would happen in Ukraine if they were completely denied the weapons they need to defend their country. The whistleblower was entirely correct to make the complaint. It is very plain what was transpiring. And there is no defense by any of the parties involved for carrying out such diabolical plans.

The US House has not overreached. If nothing else comes out of this impeachment inquiry, Ukraine is safer today than two days ago. Nothing is wasted on the efforts by the US House. They are taking very brave measures and it is necessary.

September 26, 2019

Donald Trump is facing the biggest crisis of his political career to date. (click here)

It all revolves around a controversial phone call he had with the President of Ukraine in July that was investigated after a whistleblower complained of corruption, reports

Now, thanks to that complaint, a formal impeachment inquiry has been launched against him. Joe Biden, who is also at the centre of the scandal, just went on Jimmy Kimmel's tonight show to say the President had committed a "blatant abuse of power" that "cannot stand"....

...The Short Version

On July 25,  Trump had a 30-minute phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

In August, a whistleblower from within the US intelligence community complained that Trump's behaviour during the phone call was highly unethical.

On September 19, it was revealed that the complaint alleged that Trump attempted to coerce the Ukrainian government into investigating alleged corrupt acts involving former vice president Joe Biden and his son Robert Hunter Biden.

Specifically, he wanted Ukraine to probe Joe Biden's role in the dismissal of the country's prosecutor-general, Viktor Shokin, who was axed in 2016....

It is no coincidence Trump's ideology parallels that of Russia and China. I believe he is groomed by Putin and his leanings that favor dictators in the world.

September 26, 2019

International cooperation (click here) is crucial for coordinating the interests of each country and maintaining a stable world order. It is important to continue advocating the significance of this approach and prevent the spread of excessive “country first” policies.

In a speech at the United Nations, U.S. President Donald Trump declared: “The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots.” Trump also said, “Wise leaders always put the good of their own people and their own country first.”

Of course, every country’s leader gives priority to the interests of one’s own nation. However, terrorism, climate change, poverty and other issues that transcend national boundaries cannot be resolved if each country acts alone. It is obvious that pursuing only the gains of one’s own country will cause conflicts to spread and also harm wider economic interests.

The United States led the creation of the United Nations, which was spurred by reflection on two world wars. The United Nations’ basic principle is that every nation must work together to protect global peace and security. It is unfortunate that the leader of a major country that stood at the forefront of this initiative is clinging to a self-centered approach.

During his speech, Trump suggested that each nation’s independence and sovereignty should be prized above international frameworks. China and Russia use the same argument to reject interference in their affairs by the international community. This line of thinking could result in more heavy-handed politics and human rights violations going unaddressed....

"China Daily"

September 25, 2019

Washington - US President Donald Trump (click here) asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a July telephone call to investigate whether former Vice President Joe Biden shut down an investigation into a company that employed his son, a summary of the call released by the Trump administration on Wednesday showed.
House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday announced that the Democratic-led House was moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry and directed six committees to proceed with investigations of the president's actions.
Democrats have accused Trump, who is seeking re-election next year, of soliciting Ukraine's help to smear Biden, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, before the 2020 election.
"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that, so whatever you can do with the attorney general would be great," Trump said in the call, according to the summary provided by the Justice Department.
"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it. ... It sounds horrible to me," Trump said, according to the memo.

The call occurred after Trump had ordered the US government to freeze about $391 million in American aid to Ukraine....

The Three Biden Mentions (click here)

The "evidence field" of the Trump coercion of Ukraine is larger than one conversation. President Zelenskyy is not alone in Ukraine in knowing the degree Trump was leveraging Russia's influence. Zelenskyy advisors were not as timid as he.

25 September 2019

By Jonah Fisher

A year ago (click here) Volodymyr Zelensky was a comedian and an actor who starred as a fictional Ukrainian president in a hit television series. Many people assumed he'd take the straight-talking, principled style from TV to the office with him. It was seen as a big factor in his election win.

The memo of the phone call, detailing President Trump's requests that he speak to Mr Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, shows a very different side.

There were frequent, embarrassing displays of flattery directed at President Trump. This is now considered standard practice among world leaders looking to curry favour with the White House, but if President Zelensky was still a comedian, he'd be using this material.

At one point Ukraine's president told Mr Trump he had modelled his election win on him, that he too wanted to "drain the swamp" and cringingly said how much he enjoyed talking on the phone to him.

When Mr Trump said that he had heard that the previous prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, was "very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair", Mr Zelensky accepted it.

In fact Mr Shokin was widely seen, both by international donors and activists in Ukraine as an awful prosecutor general and an obstacle to fighting corruption.

Then Mr Trump rubbished the former US ambassador to Ukraine calling her "the woman" and "bad news". Mr Zelensky said he agreed with him "100 percent". Most reformers in Ukraine consider Marie Yovanovitch to have been an ally and a friend.

Then there was the surprise.

It had previously been assumed that President Zelensky had politely declined Mr Trump's request to launch a new investigation into the Ukrainian company that Joe Biden's son Hunter worked for.

To most it seemed a smart decision. Despite the best efforts of Mr Giuliani, no evidence has been put forward to support the claims of President Trump that the former US vice president intervened in 2015 to help his son's company.

Many thought the absence of a Biden-related investigation was the reason US-Ukraine relations went into the deep freeze this summer. Defence funding and a trip to the White House had after all been put on hold.

In fact the phone call shows that President Zelensky appeared to roll over and agree to start an investigation.

"We will be very serious about the case," he told Mr Trump before agreeing to talk to Rudy Giuliani and Attorney General William Barr.

Whether this subsequent phone call happened - and indeed what happened to the promised investigation - is not clear.

Perhaps one of President's Zelensky's advisers had a firm word....

2019 Global Teacher Prize winner, Kenya’s Peter Tabichi meets U.S. President Donald Trump on September 16, 2019.

15 September 2019
By Francis Mureithi

The world's best teacher, (click here) Peter Tabichi, will set a record yet again as the first such professional in Kenya to address the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Brother Tabichi is a member of the St Franciscan Friars, a religious order founded by St Francis of Assisi in the 13th century.
He teaches science at Keriko Mixed Day Secondary School at Pwani village in Njoro, Nakuru County.

In March, the teacher won the 2019 Global Teacher Prize that came with a $1 million reward..

Not a word about the impeachment inquiry, but, Uganda is complaining about sanctions. Johannesburg's local news isn't mentioning Trump's impeachment inquiry, but, they receive a lot of their news from the BBC.

From "Buenos Aires Times:"

September 26, 2019


Top Democrat and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (click here) dramatically announced on  Tuesday the opening of a formal impeachment inquiry into US President Donald Trump, saying he betrayed his oath of office by seeking help from a foreign power to hurt his Democratic rival Joe Biden.

The dramatic move – the first step in a complex process that stands little chance of driving Trump from office – pushed US politics into a perilous new chapter just 14 months before new elections over control of the White House and Congress.

Following the bombshell developments from Trump Tower in New York – after addressing the UN General Assembly – the president denounced the inquiry as "Witch Hunt garbage" while also claiming it would help his re-election chances in 2020.

"The actions of the Trump presidency revealed the dishonourable facts of the president's betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security, and betrayal of the integrity of our elections," Pelosi told a highly anticipated press conference in the US capital....
