Friday, August 09, 2024

Wacko jihadist out to claim his manhood.

(Click here)

That is exactly what this is. As an Islamic man coming of age, why not get all the virgins you deserve while in prime shape? Why wait to go through life with a real job and family responsibilities and risk messing up and not getting all your virgins in your afterlife?

It has nothing to do with Taylor Swift or her fans. Whoever the Cleric or Imam involved with this disaster of a human being is should be imprisoned as well.

This the same stupid stuff we see in the USA with online recruitment of White Supremacists. Same mess. These young men fall in with extremist culture and they turn into killers. 

This religious exercise should be banded globally as a cultural flaw in interpretation of modern scripture in the Quran. ISIS needs to be banded from existence on planet Earth. 

The violence cultures within extremist entities needs to be addressed through a UN convention to correct the ancient path of what was once survival. The cultural value of violence within the social structure of any country is outrageous in the year 2024.

Yes, religion is a segment of social culture and not the Rule of Law.

The Rule of Law states murder is a crime. Jihadism is not only a crime but a hate crime. NO DAMN holy man or woman has a right to preach death and mass murder!

The Pope tries holding multi-religious inclusive events to demonstrate humanity and the common ground of all people, but, he gets nowhere in a real way. One can preach peace and acceptance of others, but, unless there is a formal dialogue that ostracizes violence with ANY cultural construct this will be a part of modern human existence and it can cause a destabilizing effect on civilization.

Freedom of speech is not absolute and espousing hate, violence, and/or murder is NOT a right of any society. It certainly has no place in any religious practice or dialogue.