Saturday, August 19, 2006

Kiwis more patriotic than Poms, less than Aussies

The article linked to above appeared in the New Zealand Herald on June 28, 2006. I read the article coming away somewhat 'bothered' by it's content and assumptions. In the list of MOST to LEAST Patriotic countries in the world the USA ranked number one right in front of Venezula. That, was a very peculiar list to me. What did the USA have in common with Venezuela? Not much really, the governments are very different and the social dynamics are extremely different. This study was measuring the 'degree symbolism' played out in a country as an expression of patriotism. It mentioned items such as "The Patriot Act." The survey itself is somewhat disturbing to realize all this symbolism is supposed to be a 'good thing,' postive in the measure of people with somehow the 'best' spirit of loyalty to their country.

I examined my own feelings about it and then pondered the study to make sure I wasn't biased to tainting my perspective. I came to a conclusion that I am confident many Americans would share. The reality was all too clear to me, the USA was practicing nationalism in a far greater way than Venezuela. That to me was plenty reason to be concerned about my country, especially in the face of 'flag waving' titles to legislation that basically removes the privacy of many Americans. To add to that we now are faced with a highly illegal government, especially again, in the Exective Branch. The more I thought about this the more disturbing this perspective of the USA was to me. It was like a 'front' to a lie.

Nationalism -is an ideology which holds that a nation is the fundamental unit for human social life and take precedence over any other social and political principles. Nationalism makes certain political claims based upon this belief. Nationalism also refers to the specific ideologies of various nationalist movements, which make cultural and political claims.

The entire movement that brought Nazi Germany to it's pinnacle resulting in overwhelming hatred of any entity that did not 'fit' the Aryan Race resulted in World War II. The 'idea' that nearly half, at the very least, of Americans don't accept the methodology of the Bush Administration and corrupt Republican House and Senate. Yet. This study, or list, highlights such overt 'American' symbolism, that I really became concerned about the way some venues of international awareness were 'accepting' the gross changes in this country. All of a sudden it became all too clear to me that the USA had a grossly faux image to a vital aspect of international understanding. I sincerely feel it is very dangerous, especially now. It is grossly dangerous when one realizes even Rumsfeld's wars, "Enduring Freedom" and the like are named in patriotic fashion. I really do think Americans need to rethink the way their patriotism is being received by the world.

The power of the USA government over it's citizens has become exponential under this administration. So much so, that the very balance of power of the three branches of govenment is becoming extinct. The judicary while in the lower courts are still equitable, the Supreme Court is becoming a rubber stamp to a tyrannt in the Oval Office as has the Legislative Branch already taken it's place as a party to a tyrannt. A tyrannt that breaks the law, while proclaiming the USA is a model for "The Rule of Law."

I began to examine my life and how I grew up feeling about the USA. As a child, a teenager, a young adult and into progressive adulthood. I have never felt about my country the way I do now. I consider it my enemy. I hold no reservations in saying that. So, to have my country place first in a list of patriotic countries is more than a worry and I began to realize the USA has undergone an image subversion by very dangerous people. People who believe in war before they believe in peace.

When I think of my country and it's image in mind, my role within that image and how I find pride in living in a 'FREE' and 'OPEN' society, one based in the understanding that 'every vote matters.' Where a voter and their vote is sacred. An act of responsibility for one's 'best' government that holds the future and the lives of generations yet to walk this land in high esteem.

When I think of my country it is with the understanding that the people I vote into office are honest. To a fault. So honest that people such as Abramoff could never line the hallways, literally, of the White House and the Capital Dome. So, honest that an Abramoff would be a joke rather than a threat. So honest it would be a waste of time for men to entertain the idea of corruption or bribes or illegal campaign funding.

A country where voting is the least likely place to be manipulation at the voting mechanisms of the country. A simple act requiring simple mechanisms for counting votes. Oh, I'm not naive, I do realize there are ruthless people, I've already admitted that, but that isn't the way I think of my country to be.

When I think of my country I think of a promise. A promise kept to me by men over 200 years ago. Men who were 'set free' of tyranny. Men who sought a unique government of representation. Men without a desire for a king or dictator. Men and women willing to take the chances of a frontier of unknown dimension in trusting a simple act of voting to regulate the fairness of it's government. Think about that. We take for granted because of more than 225 years of a simple act of voting that it is cast in stone as the profound way of having a government. Over 225 years of regulations, laws backed by a treasury that funds those measures to insure every life in this country is protected from any dictator or any king. Basing a government on 'common people' willing to place 'a single vote' to insure their freedoms guaranteed by a Constitution and Bill of Rights.

I don't know about you, but, that is a dimension in human experience that no one has ever attempted before. Not in a nation of such size and DIVERSITY.

When I think of my country it is innovation. It is that same spirit of bravery to launch into areas of science, technology, medicine, genetics. The same spirit of bravery of my founding fathers to bring to each citizen the right to happiness. The promise of happiness of every citizen is as unique as each one is. The needs to fulfill that promise of happiness is based in complete freedom of adventure. Happiness is not complacency. It is living life in a fulness which includes being benevolent in the face of survival.

Benjamin Franklin was a great stateman as well as a great scientist. His sense of adventure was not about sailing the world in a wooden boat to bring great riches to a queen or king, but, seeking satisfaction in finding the wonders of nature so enthralling it was more than his life happiness could contain. Being alone in a country that allowed his life to exist and blossom into productive adventure. I can only imagine the elation of the signators of the USA Constitution when they left the assembly hall and traveled home to deliver the news that they finally lived in a country where potential was as promising an aspect of life as restrictive oppression had been their reality.

When I think of my country it's holding responsibilty to my fellow citizens. Those less able to care for themselves. After centuries of an agrarian economy along came the industrial revolution and where the elderly once were cared for by their families on family farms they now were living autonomously in cities and growing old alone or in a way they could no longer produce an income. Due to that there came a great conscience of the people of this nation and "The New Deal." A way of providing for those that could not provide for themselves. Then eventually to realize because of the failures of society to include all it's members, there were social programs to provide monies for a minimal existence, food stamps to keep food on the table, minimal medical assurances to keep ill health away from individuals as well as any catastrophe to a larger society from ever becoming so overwhelming people die by the thousands or today by millions. The 1900 Bird Flu was such a tragedy. In the USA we are promised by our Consitution that our government will protect us from any foreign invasion including that of communicable disease.

When I think of my country it is with the understanding that every citizen is provided a promise of a future. Every citizen. Every citizen is promised happiness. Every citizen. No second thoughts. No ideas of racism, religious bigotry, sexual identity discrimination. No exclusion from Civil Rights.

When I think of my country it is in defense of it's right to exist. Not an aggressor. Not misdirected into immoral wars by illegal acts of lying. I think of the USA as being honest. To a fault. To the point above reproach and no matter the other nation they have no grievance against us as we handle misunderstandings of culture with grace and insight. Insight with a long view and not a 'short ordered' apology.

When I think of my country I think of the excitment of saving lives from genocide such as Darfur, ravages of ignorance such as the HIV pandemic that threatens even the sovereignty of nations. Innovatively seeking to cross cultural divides in the excitement of the hope of bringing lives of other citizens of other nations to the standard of living that has come to be showered on those of the USA. When I think of my country it is in outreach and not war to achieve those goals. Providing life and not death as a means to an end.

When I think of my country I think of the least of the creatures that call Earth home. Realizing it is my duty and call to stewardship that dominates the pride of being an American. Conservation is not an option but a mandate. Laws that provide Clean Water, Clean Air, protections for endangered species, special protections for migratory birds and oceans that should be teeming with fish and huge, beautiful marine mammals. National Parks. State Parks. Protected areas above any designs of millionaires. Working together with international efforts to protect the biotic Earth and responsibly showing, as example, conservation of Earth including being the first in line to sign hallmark international directives such as The Kyoto Protocol.

The nation I hold dear is not the nation of flag waving, so much as a nation with the freedom to not wave a flag when ashamed of the very lack of character this nation now shows. The list the USA is on that sparked this journey of affection and ego of the country 'I love,' doesn't find my admiration in putting the USA first. It finds from me a sense of concern, apprehension as the world must be wearing blinders to put the USA first on any list. It causes me more than pause to realize the 'denial' that hangs over this country by the greater world we live in. In realizing the blinders could be used by a political power that seeks to make the average citizen miniscule in stature of importance of their own right to exist as they see fit within the freedom guaranteed by my forefathers; there comes a very unsettling picture of oppression, leading to prisons full of otherwise innocent people except those that fall under Aryan, or in this case Extremist-Christian. The USA does not belong at the top of the most patriotic nations of the world. It's citizens do have the esteem the world obviously thinks they have. They are only numbers to manipulate to insure elections of people that will steal their rights covertly disguised as patriotic when it sincerely is a dangerous nationalism that is fatal to citizens both domestic and foreign.

I love my country.

I don't love the changes that have engulfed it over the past six years. No terrorist should ever have the power to overwhelm the USA Constitution. No electorate should ever be so scared of being American they commit their freedoms to history and learn to walk under an oppressive dictatorship.

The USA does not belong at the top of the list that appeared on June 28, 2006 in the New Zealand Herald. The symbolism of the USA is empty for at least half it's citizens while the damage that symbolism currently carries to the international community causes more deaths daily than any Global Warming Climate Event does in that same time frame.

I don't appreciate faux identities of my country. It directly threatens my freedom, my happiness and my life.

What is our National Ego? Does the USA have one?

August 15th was the Anniversay of VJ Day. It came and went without a notice.

‘VJ Day will always be remembered’

VJ Day marks the moment on August 15, 1945, when Japan surrendered after the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Citizens of the USA died in that war, not just in Germany.

I'll continue the essay tomorrow evening, however, there is plenty to think about when this country does not pause to recognize the people lost in that war on both sides. Japan experienced huge death tolls, but, I don't have to remind everyone of that. Two atomic weapons were unleashed on that nation. The only two atomic weapons ever released in the world. That was 1945. Long time ago. We learned from that experience as did the world.

At a time in the USA when so much is backwards, and we have a president that is our adversary rather than a leader for this country, freely breaking the law to suit his political agenda. This past week, quite literally, General Hayden and George Walker Bush have been found guilty of treason against the USA Constitution while conducting a covert operation against Americans. There was no reason for it, at all.

I believe as people of this great nation we carry a lot of 'jazz' for lack of a better word in our hearts and minds regarding the 'identity' of the USA. If a country has an identity, then it enhances 'the ego' of the people within it, hence, the country through it's citizens has an ego. Does the 'ego' of the USA truly 'fit' the people of this grand land?

I'll explore some thoughts about that tomorrow. For now. Have a great Saturday Night.

It's Saturday Night

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"Ego" Music by Elton John Lyrics by Bernie Taupin

Take a look at me now and take a taste of the money
I'm not in it for the bread I'm in it for the gravy, honey
Step on the thin ice lightly
And check out the show twice nightly
'Cause I'm on the stage tonight
And if the price is right
I will amaze before the light I crave the light
Blinding white I need the light tonight

Take a look at me now and take a look at my billing
I'm not in it as an extra, I'm in it for the killing
Inflate my ego gently, tell them heaven sent me
'Cause I'm so expressive and I'm so obsessed with my ego
My ego and it's message
Oh inform the press, invite the guests
I need the press tonight

Do you remember acting out your youth
A Romeo resplendent on an orange case
Do you remember how I would recite
And how I'd blow my lines and hide my face

Well maybe it was childish, foolish, before schoolish
Immaturish, lose your coolish
But I had to grow and prove my ego

Take a look at me now and take a taste of the money
I'm not in it for the bread I'm in it for the gravy, honey
Inflate my ego gently, tell them heaven sent me
Oh 'cause I'm so expressive and I'm so obsessed with my ego
My ego and it's message
Oh inform the press, invite the guests
I need the press tonight

The Origins of Morning Papers

The Rooster

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