Tuesday, June 18, 2019

"Lock her Up"

Misogynist Witch Hunt

Trump fully expects Barr to make a case against the former Secretary of State. Barr has handed the challenge off to another attorney so he can blame him when nothing is found.

The 33 thousand emails deleted from the Clinton PERSONAL Server, which was the server of a Former President, Secretary of State, US Senator, First Lady and Former First Lady of Arkansas were all personal. Her attorneys decided to use their own classification system that eliminated Hillary's personal emails from the server. These were emails that contain facts and sentiment about her daughter's wedding. 

Hillary Clinton is above reproach. She is from a family that served the people in government long before Hillary was ever involved in politics. Her life is to be admired, not crucified. I don't know if I have ever seen such misogyny of a woman in politics like this. This is harassment. It is using a wonderful woman for a political campaign that intends to create slanderous characteristics.

Donald J. Trump intends to character assassinate a woman of the highest esteem.

There are some very powerful, highly qualified women running for the Democratic nomination for President. His "lock her up" misogyny is directed at them as well. No woman should work, but, know her place. That is not just a social slight of working women, it is an abuse of women and the choices they have in a great democracy.

Don't take this attack on Hillary Clinton lightly. She also needs to take this seriously and end the personal attacks against her, her husband and her family.

Just to be clear about the wrongful direction of Trump's maligning of the Former Secretary of State, the "electronic White House" was new under Obama. The regulations regarding it didn't take effect for most of the Former Secretary of State's four years in that office.

H.R.1233 - Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014  (click here)

(Sec. 10) Prohibits an officer or employee of an executive agency from creating or sending a record using a non-official electronic messaging account unless such officer or employee: (1) copies an official electronic messaging account of the officer or employee in the original creation or transmission of the record, or (2) forwards a complete copy of the record to an official electronic messaging account of the officer or employee not later than 20 days after the original creation or transmission of the record. Provides for disciplinary action against an agency officer or employee for an intentional violation of such prohibition.

11/26/2014 Became Public Law No. 113-187 (click here)

It isn't like the Trump White House followed the rules. Where is Sessions' investigation of all this?

September 26, 2017

By Bill Chappell

News that at least six current or former (click here) senior members of the Trump administration have used private email accounts as they conduct official business has prompted the White House to clarify its policy.

"All White House personnel have been instructed to use official email to conduct all government-related work," press secretary Sarah Sanders said. "They are further instructed that if they receive work-related communication on personal accounts, they should be forwarded to official email accounts."

Private email use by public officials was a hot topic in the 2016 presidential race — and one that then-candidate Donald Trump used to accuse rival Hillary Clinton of breaking federal laws after she used private email to handle official business as secretary of state....

Page 19 of Volume I of the Special Counsel Report and 27 on the PDF

IRA employees were aware that Prigozhin was involved in the IRA's operations.

In no way in the report does the Special Counsel exonerate the Russians involved in the organization of the IRA or the implementation of their plans. If anything it is quite the opposite. The more the Special Counsel learned about the operations of the Russians the more the realization of their danger became evident. There is absolutely no reason to drop charges or vacate any of the proceedings against the Russians.

The Special Counsel's work focused on the effect of Russia and Russian agents on the 2016 elections. We know for a fact the Russians, including Putin, was directly involved in the hacking of the political campaigns of Hillary Clinton and the DCCC. Vladimir Putin is not directly named in the Special Counsel report that I have read, at least not yet, HOWEVER, he made television appearances to deny the Russian involvement before the elections and since. We know a fact Vladimir Putin is lying.

Reading from this report (click here)

Harm of Ongoing Matter except for footnote 29 and 30.

May of 2016 is about 6 months before the election in November.

In May 2016, IRA employees, claiming to be U.S. social activists and administrators of Facebook groups, recruited U.S. persons to hold signs (including one in front of the White House) that read "Happy 55th Birthday Dear Boss," as an homage to Prigozhin whose 55th birthday was on June 1, 2016.) 31

Got that?

The arrogance of the Russian influence is astounding. These Russians weren't worried about derailing their influence. They began it in 2014, grew more and more confident to the point in May of 2016 they were able to push Americans to carry a sign in front of the White House as homage to their financer. It is obvious to me the Americans involved on Facebook with these Russians had no idea what they were pledging allegiance to in the way of honoring a Russian financier efforts to sabotage the elections, hence the USA constitution and the USA's democracy. The Russians were so emboldened in their influence they were confident they had people on Facebook in the palm of their hands to end their sense of freedom.

For as minor an example of the Russian assault on freedom was this sign carrying in front of the White House that most people might find it insignificant. It did not pass under the radar of the Special Counsel undetected. Every American should be concerned that the Russian government assaulted not just their elections, but, the hearts and minds of fellow Americans.

Any Congressman or Congresswoman that doesn't read that paragraph with horror and a determination to stop this insidious assault on the sovereign elections of the USA has to be considered an enemy of the people. Seriously. Any elected official that can simply blow this paragraph off as insignificant is more a danger to the USA Constitution than the Russians are.

The US Senate needs to take H.R. 1 very seriously with more than a year before Americans register their votes in 2020. That is plenty of time to end the assault and ensure the integrity of the sovereign elections of the USA.

Harm of Ongoing Matter

Footnote 32

Harm of Ongoing Matter

I will resume my reading tomorrow morning here:

C. The IRA Targets U.S. Elections

1. The IRA Ramps Up U.S. Operations As Early As 2014

continued in a following entry

One other thing about the needs of the 911 First Responders...

...we are approaching the 20 year window.

Severe disease, the kind that sneaks up on a person, occurs approximately 20 years after exposure. 

We are there for the most part and it makes complete sense the numbers are increasing. The numbers of victims of the 911 First Responders will continue to increase for another 3 to 4 years. The country has to address this on a permanent basis. Partial plans are not a sincere effort.

This is just about predictable. We know the chemicals and the concentrations they were exposed to and we know the dangers they face. There can be no disease process within this population that can be excluded. Everyone has some degree of genetic difference, so there can be many different types of response to the same toxins. We need to accept their word as to their diseases and how they are being afflicted. They are 911 First Responders. They are our heroes, without question or doubt. They would not lie to the country. If they need our help it simply needs to be there.

The point is we need to plan for more people that need help. If there is targeted research that can help this population then that needs to part of the picture as well. Any research for these folks will benefit us all.

I wish them all the best.

Watch Jon Stewart's entire testimony before Congress for 9/11 first resp... (click here for reaction of US House)

Jon Stewart is absolutely correct in being worried about the 911 First Responders.

Jon Stewart is an American citizen, he is not a legislator. Any retaliation by anyone, especially the majority leader of the US Senate, against him is grossly inappropriate. The US House has moved a bill out of committee to address it in a floor vote. That occurred after Mr. Stewart's testimony. This is one victory Mr. Stewart has won. I am sure he is following the progression of the bill to a vote and onto the US Senate for passage. I would expect the bill to have veto proof majorities in both the House and the Senate so the president will sign it.

Any retaliation against an advocate for such causes is nothing short of verbal assault. The last thing anyone suffering from injuries and disease needs is a majority leader of the US Senate causing them more stress. Healing takes place best when stress is minimized.

I think Jon Stewart represents the feelings of many Americans about the current Senate and White House which does nothing to solve the problems of citizens, including the 911 First Responders. It is wonderful the First Responders have him as an advocate. He is a sincere hero as well.

I watched the testimony of some of the First Responders that attended that meeting. It is heartbreaking. They put their lives on the line to find people in that rubble and it is a national shame to put them through this. Their help should be automatic.

After 911 there was a victim's fund set up by then President George W. Bush, yet when it comes to the victims we have today in our 911 First Responders, they are not regarded in the same way. This is the same exact thing. They are victims to those attacks as well. They are sick and they are dying.

It is morally reprehensible to realize these people have to make this level of an appeal to Congress. Their needs should be known and taken care of without asking. The families of these responders are being met with devastation as well. As a country we cannot turn our backs on the very people we count on to help with emergencies, especially when the emergencies are as serious at the attacks on September 11, 2001.

The numbers of the 911 First Responders are growing. The USA Congress needs to pass legislation that will provide for every one of them as they need help. These wonderful people not only responded to an emergency, but they were also a focus of a country of people that hoped beyond hope there would still be survivors. The 911 First Responders were there for us and it is our turn now to be there for them.

There is no debate and they have the right to peace of mind. It is important this legislation is taken care of now. I applaud Mr. Stewart for bringing this to the country's attention. He is correct there is absolutely no reason for a delay.

Well, looky thar, a handshake. I'll be darn.

June 13, 2019
By David A. Wemer

Iran is unlikely (click here) to agree to negotiations with the United States in the absence of US concessions, according to Barbara Slavin, director of the Atlantic Council’s Future of Iran Initiative.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who has offered to serve as a mediator between Washington and Tehran, traveled to Iran this week—the first Japanese prime minister to visit Iran in nearly forty years—in an attempt to facilitate negotiations. However, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei rebuffed Abe’s effort.

“I do not see Trump as worthy of any message exchange, and I do not have any reply for him, now or in future,” Iranian state media quoted Khamenei as telling Abe on June 13.

What Khamenei is saying to President Trump,” Slavin explained, is that “‘you say you want negotiations but you have made no concessions and no offer of concessions and we will not respond to pressure.’” It is unlikely that Tehran would want to start negotiations, she said, unless there is “some sort of gesture from the United States. Otherwise it would be too huge a loss of face at this point to agree to talk to Trump.”...

Call me crazy, but, it doesn't appear Iran is succumbing to pressure.

We need a president, not an entertainer.

It is easy to say the entire Trump administration doesn't know what it is doing.

"Throw the book at him" is not a well run DOJ. I don't want to hear how they inherited this from Obama, the Trump administration has been in existence over two years and is facing re-election.

Trump removed the USA from a nuclear agreement with Iran and he is now using terrorist attacks as extremist campaign fodder. He is endangering American troops with his extremist statements and tweets to the point where now the USA military has to beef up their presence simply to protect American lives. 

This is an administration out of control and the USA is far less safe then it ever has been.

Another example is the DeVos advocacy for charter and private schools. When she wants to end the funding for the Special Olympics, there is money in the country unaccounted for and the charter school system is failing in many instances. The public school teachers have never been so burdened and stressed and funding to failing charter schools can't be found. 

June 17, 2019
By Carly Sitrin

Report claims shortcomings (click here) in federal accountability processes mean millions of dollars in New Jersey and billions nationwide cannot be tallied.

Dozens of charter schools in New Jersey have closed over the past few years with millions of dollars of federal taxpayer money unaccounted for, a report alleges.

The report, titled “Asleep at the Wheel”from the Network for Public Education, the advocacy group co-founded by education policy expert and charter school critic Diane Ravitch, found that of the 100 charter schools in the state that were awarded grants by the federal Charter Schools Program (CSP) between 2006-2014, at least 42 have since closed — or never opened in the first place. And what happened to the total of $8,226,311 awarded them in federal taxpayer dollars is largely unknown....

If a significant war ever broke out in the Middle East, Libya's anarchy is not far away.

"The Libya Observer" (click here) is awash with chaos.

13 June 2019
by Anelise Borges

Once again (click here) Libya is a country at war. For the third time since the fall of strongman Muammar Gaddafi warlords and their militias are battling over the ruins of the country.

Now, in addition to the thousands of refugees trapped by a European Union deal that blocked the Mediterranean frontier, Libyan families find themselves their livelihoods and lives threatened by war....

Ah, yes, the sounds of neverending war. Peace talks have broken down. Tripoli is under siege and the Western government continues to try to piece authority together. (click here for trauma map)

At the far reaches of this map, in southwest Libay, is small town, Al Awaynat, desperate for peace. It is probably the only place in Libya willing to be peaceful.

The Tuareg Tribal Council declares its support for the initiative of President of the Presidential Council Faiz Al-Sarraj and any initiative that will end the current crisis

Holding Trump's hand as his favorite defense attorney trickles down to ineffective trials against terrorism.

June 17, 2019
By Spencer S. Hsu

Mustafa al-Imam (click here)

Washington - A U.S. judge declared a mistrial (click here) Monday after a federal jury convicted a second Libyan man of conspiracy in the deadly 2012 attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, but deadlocked on 15 of 17 counts in connection with the deaths of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

U.S. District Judge Christopher "Casey" Cooper found jurors hung and dismissed them after they reported themselves unable "to come to unanimous agreement on any of the remaining counts" in a note sent at 11:27 a.m....

Deadlocked on 15 of 17 counts? This DOJ is a joke!

...The dismissed counts included the most serious charges of murder and attempted murder against the Americans, and also counts involving a second round of attacks on the nearby secret CIA annex in which two contractor security agents were killed and another CIA and State Department security officer injured....

Well, there is nothing like "...we will never forget..." as a consolation prize. The slogan makes for good politics, I am sure.

That is the view of most of the world, actually.

The world primarily views USA federal leadership as inexperienced and ungainly. No one really wants to deal with the current administration because it doesn't make policy but only military threats. The exception is Russia which has been testing it's limits in new ways. The Russian threats to the Western Hemisphere and USA borders are tolerated by Trump, but, when it comes to Iran there is zero allowance for patience, including a dissolved participation in an international treaty that served the purpose of peace in the Middle East.

18 June 2019
By David Smith and Julian Borger

...The Iranian president, (click here) Hassan Rouhani, replied on Tuesday that Iran had no desire for conflict.

“Iran will not wage war against any nation,” Rouhani said in a speech broadcast live on state TV. “Those facing us are a group of politicians with little experience.”...

The inexperience and bombastic behaviors and priorities of Trump and his administration is not only viewed as internationally inappropriate but, also as easily taken advantage of by leaders such as Kim Jong Un. They toy with him. Trump is not an important international partner. He has no policies. He has an empty piece of land named after him in anticipation of Israeli expansionism. That is what he understands and seeks. His ego is stroked by international leadership. There is no SERIOUS ANYTHING in the Trump administration. His behavior is supreme and it is nothing but hubris, domestically and abroad. He demands loyalty because he is an empty shell and uses retaliation in order to maintain any hold on power.

Supposedly there are 1000 more USA soldiers needed in the Middle East for security reasons. EXACTLY. (click here) ...Katyusha rockets fell on Camp Taji," Camp Cooke and Balad air base....  Katyusha rockets really need defenses like B52 bombers.

...On Tuesday, the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, is also due to visit the Florida headquarters of US Central Command (in charge of all operations in the Middle East) and US special forces.

It is unusual for a secretary of state to visit military headquarters, especially as the acting defence secretary is reported to be staying in Washington. Pompeo has taken the lead role in the administration’s campaign of “maximum pressure” on Iran, since the US withdrawal from a multilateral nuclear deal in May last year....

Is Pompeo receiving two salaries, Defense Secretary and Secretary of State? 

Trump readied his USA military in the Middle East for WW III, not terrorism. At this point the USA in Iraq is defending themselves, if this escalates out of control, Iraqis will start to die again. Iraq is not an ironclad safe haven for the USA military. This is 2003 all over again.

How many of layers of blast walls exist today between the people of Iraq and the USA military? Six? I think six was the last count.