Monday, January 11, 2021

It is only because..,

 ...some big money came to Ted Cruz’s campaign during the final weeks of the Senate run against Beto O’Rourke that brought him victory. It is that arrogant now with Republicans. The big money splurge at the end will take care of everything.

But, with the insurrection and Cruz’s endorsement stating he knows what the people of Texas need; he is very wrong. 

These last weeks while Cruz was celebrating extremists, West Texas otherwise known as The Permian by residents (The Permian has no Zip Code, by the way. It is a rock formation. To be completely correct it isn’t so much a rock formation except by oil barrons. The Permian is a point in the timeline of Earth’s history. The correct definition is Permian-Triassic. To add complete context it is correctly stated as the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event. The oil geologists leave out the extinction part because it is less romantic than wealth.) was  dealing with a different extremism. They were first inundated by rain only to have a COLLAPSED Polar Vortex deliver snow and ice. I think it was upwards of six inches. Their news isn’t so much about radical extremism in DC. Their attention rarely left their plight in the latest installment of the Climate Crisis.


When Ted Cruz states he knows what Texans want, he actually has no clue. Everyone can now call him, “Out of Touch Ted.”

I remember...

 ...when President Obama first took office and named Janet Napolitano as Secretary of Homeland Security. One of the first warnings she sent out was about White nationalist groups. She was excoriated by Republicans for doing what she believed was prudent given our first Black President.


She wasn’t wrong now was she.

Rep. Nancy Mace

Republican of South Carolina is calling the discussion about the insurrection “rhetoric.” She needs to realize talking about lawbreaking rioters after the fact is not rhetoric. She needs to recognize the difference between discussing facts and hate speech that Trump carried out for an hour that killed Americans.

The New York Times clearly outlines the anti-American hate speech by Republicans in their article, “The Roots of Josh Hawley’s Rage.” 

I think it breaks down to money and the religious right. His speeches insult the USA Constitution. The speeches are an assault. It absolutely is about conformity. The problem is Hawley’s demand to conformity hacks away at the USA Constitutional separation of church and state. 

It has been tried before, just not from the presidency with a self-righteous, self-centered billionaire. People, including Hawley are allowed to have their own sense of society, just not seeking oppression through government policy for their personal preferences.

Hawley reminds me of a former Pennsylvania Senator. Oh, what’s his name???? Oh, yeah, Santorum. Man, you talk about a racist. He wrote a book that was suppose to cure all of the USA’s ills. The problem actually was racism, not the lazy “Welfare Queens.” His rhetoric, not mine.

I actually watched the “700 Club” today. That is a rarity. Oddly enough the presentation was full of facts and truth. Absolutely no rhetoric and a Christian journalist was in the Capital and moved to prayer for what he saw. So. When it comes right down to decisions as to whether the USA Constitution stands, the rhetoric stops among men who know when to “get real.”

25th Amendment

A vote about the 25th Amendment in the US House and/or US Senate does not preclude the removal of Trump by the US Cabinet.

I had wondered if the legislature was actually able to compel the institution of the 25th Amendment. The Cabinet is housed in the Executive Branch. Trump may have been able to appealed the legislation to the Supreme Court.

The US Cabinet is free to act on their own to end risk to the country. They can carry out that act immediately.

President Biden... correct in that once in office the US Senate and House has to be guided by his leadership, especially his first 100 days. Trump’s impeachment does not require an immediate hearing if McConnell does not carry through.

Trump continues to incite violence as the Acting Homeland Security Secretary is stepping down nine days ahead of the inauguration. Maryland and DC should keep their National Guard in place. The other 49 states, including Alaska and Hawaii, should put their national guards in place now until credible threats stop.

It is unfortunate Melania Trump is standing by her man stating there is salacious gossip about the riot at the Capital. She is a USA citizen as is her parents, it would be wise for her to discern the difference between loyalty to her husband and the threat his speeches pose to the democracy her family enjoys. Her husband and her freedom is not the same subject. She should not contribute to the confusion her husband sows to Americans.

But, what did they say about Trump’s incitement of the insurrection.

The Washington Post cites a Quinnipiac poll whereby 62 percent of Trump voters state the rioters were undermining democracy. The Republican base is intact at 38 percent of Trump voters were evenly divided and had no opinion or thought the rioters reinforced democracy.

Eighty percent of those same Trump voters state Trump is doing a good job. 

THERE IS A GIGANTIC DISCONNECT with these people in seeing the truth. Trump incited the protesters into becoming rioters for over an hour. Trump spewed hate, lies, deceptions and in that he stated he would be at the Capital with them to makes weak Republicans strong to overturn the vote.

Did these Trump voters hear the speech?

Did these Trump voters understand the words that lead to an incitement of hatred and violence?

After hearing that inflammatory speech and inciting the violence that followed how could Trump voters disconnect the mob from the mob boss? But, they do. They separate the mob from the boss that sent them to overturn one of the most hard fought and transparent elections in USA history.


Why are people who think of themselves as good Americans and good Republicans unable to see the truth about Donald John Trump? 

They don’t have the truth available to them. Their image of Trump remains unblemished and they only blame the crowd for the insurrection and violence. These Americans need to not only hear the words but understand Trump is more to blame than those that crowded together to assault the Capital with hate and lies.

The disconnect has to end. Pollsters need to ask the questions of those that voted for Trump their understanding of his role in the insurrection. He is not exonerated for the events of that day.

His voters need a huge portion of reality about how close they have come to destroying this democracy.

Final insurgent words of Donald John Trump,

 ...”I will meet you there!”

Stop living with lies, deception, and shape shifting!

The Republicans are cowards...

 ...or out of touch with reality or both. 

Nancy Pelosi has been under hideous political attack since she became Speaker in 2006 and even now she shows more strength and pride for this country’s Constitution than the entire Republican Party rolled into one.

The country huddles behind the Democratic Speaker in hopes a vicious president intent on destroying this democracy can be removed. She is their hope at this point in time. The mob that reeked of insurrection would have killed her if they could and where is the resolve of her Republican counterparts? 

Nowhere. The Republicans are absolutely nowhere. They are in hiding in hopes this will all blow over.


The Republican extremists, including people like Hawley, wanted to destroy the rule of law of the USA Constitution.

THIS is not going away!

Nord Stream 2 Pipeline is a national security issue.

One of the reasons Donald John Trump vetoed the USA Defense Bill, which the Congress handily instituted an override, was due to the listing of the Russian pipeline to Europe within the bill. I believe a Dutch company has pulled its pipe laying ship from the project.

Nord Stream 2 Pipeline from Russia to Germany is a threat to NATO. It is now listed in Russian sanctions.

Trump will sell out his country to Russian interests in a heartbeat because he fears Putin.

At any rate, Russia so much wants a hideously long gas pipeline to Europe it sent its own pipe laying ship to continue the job. See, that is how Russia ropes in capitalism based Western countries, it promises jobs in exchange for power. Or, better said, perceived power. Ask Moscow Mitch McConnell who is afraid of Trump, hence, afraid of Russia.

But, to finish the story, Russia is so desperate to finish this pipeline and throw a lasso around Europe for energy dependence the ship it sent had to sail half way around the world in order to get there.

The USA rather send its own LNG to Europe. The problem there is in a time of war the LNG ships will require their own naval fleet. But, Europe would be cut off from Russian gas if a conflict broke out anyway. Europe must become energy independent through alternative energies. Truly.

But, this pipeline is noteworthy when considering national security priorities. See, Trump really wanted to sabotage the USA democracy for a communist dictatorship. There is no doubt.

His world view is completely toxic to freedom, liberty, democracy, and ultimately capitalism. Russia’s oligarchs are owned by the state, not free enterprise. The same is true of China. Why Wall Street mourns Democrats in the federal legislature is ridiculous unless of course one lives with bubble and bust rather than real investment.

Curious, other than the jobs and a Dutch pipeline ship contract, Gazprom is the only real interest making money out of THE DEAL, in the long view. I mean Gazprom pays a dividend once a year and the last paid out was a little over 1500 Russian Rubles (20.00 US). Difficult to get bubble and bust out of that.

The reason Wall Street likes the idea of HAVING Russia, but more the case, China the idea of “ growth.” Adding consumers in the way of a billion. Similar to India. And then there is cheap labor, of course. It isn’t at all about improving anyone’s quality of life, including Americans, it is just about high dividends and CEO bonuses. Not much of that now that Trump’s paradigm has killed hundreds of thousands and infected millions.

So. Nord Stream 2 is now sanctioned as a national security issue. Unfortunately, Trump never saw it that way. I think that would have been the second presidential debate. The REAL second one.

Nancy is correct, the 25th Amendment is in order. Seriously.

There is an alternative to “Zoom” for learning.

Remember “Kindle?” It is by Amazon. Well, it can’t create a classroom atmosphere but it has been used successfully in teaching. For some students it may be an answer.

I am not convinced a classroom is necessary and may even be detrimental.

“Oxford University Press” has been facilitating distant learning for all age students using a “Kindle.” The lessons/books can be downloaded as well as tests. The teacher can be viewed on television through a pre-recorded class much the same as some university learning already takes place. Then for students that need one on one learning a cyber connection could be utilized.

If the circumstances the USA finds itself are going to be a problem much longer, it is an option since a child vaccine isn’t even on the horizon yet.

Unions will have objections. There are reasonable answers to objections as one teacher can provide help to a classroom of children and not an entire school. Capitalism can be really stupid. But, the students need to be safe in a country out of control. Of course, locking down the USA to end this hideous paradyme is actually a real solution.

“Kindle,” by Amazon. One variety is even waterproofed. “Oxford University Press” has the model for sale.