Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Michael Moore - Always Seeking Justice

December 28, 2004

December 27th, 2004 11:20 pm

Pentagon: Rumsfeld misspoke on Flight 93 crash; Defense secretary's remark to troops fuels conspiracy theories

From Jamie McIntyreCNN Washington

A comment Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made during a Christmas Eve address to U.S. troops in Baghdad has sparked new conspiracy theories about the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

December 27, 2004

Rumsfeld Forgets Sept. 11 Heroes

(Did somebody say "let's roll"?)

"And I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon, the people who cut off peoples' heads on television to intimidate, to frighten -- indeed the word "terrorized" is just that. Its purpose is to terrorize, to alter behavior, to make people be something other than that which they want to be." -- Donald Rumsfeld, December, 24th, 2004

December 26th, 2004 4:19 pm

Top Iraqi General: Troops Willing to Fight
By Bassem Mroue /
Associated Press

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq's top general on Sunday rejected President Bush's criticism that some Iraqi government troops were unwilling to fight insurgents and have deserted the battlefield, saying the president had been misinformed.

I am quite certain Iraq's top general is absolutely correct in his estimation of George Walker Bush the Commander and Chief of the USA military and NOT the Iraqi military. INDEED !!

December 25th, 2004 6:33 pm

Bush Calls Service Members to Thank Them

By Deb Riechmann /
Associated Press

Stationed on the farthest island in Alaska's Aleutians, Coast Guard Fireman Michael Joseph feels like he's living at the end of the earth. But he wasn't too far away to receive a Christmas Eve greeting from President Bush.

As a side note to this entry there were plans for the Bushies to meet in Florida. For some reason that has changed.

Michael Moore Link of the Week

Monday, December 20th, 2004

Buy Blue

You may have voted blue... But every day you unknowingly help dump millions of dollars into the conservative war chest. By purchasing products and services from companies that donate heavily to conservatives, we have been defeating our own interests as liberals and progressives. is a concerted effort to lift the veil of corporate patronage so consumers can make informed buying decisions that coincide with their principles.


In Today's America there is a more powerful act than voting blue, and that's BUYING BLUE!

Michael Moore Today (12.23.04)

December 23rd, 2004 12:34 pm

New Michael Moore project gives drug companies a sick feeling

By Elaine Dutka /
Los Angeles Times

America's pharmaceutical industry is putting out an advisory about the latest potential threat to its health: Michael Moore.

Main Page :: Rumsfeld Always on the Defensive

December 20th, 2004 2:14 pm

Deputy Homeland Security Chief to Retire
By Leslie Miller /
Associated Press

WASHINGTON - James Loy, the No. 2 official at the Homeland Security Department and former head of the Transportation Security Administration, is retiring, the agency announced Monday.

THE MARCH OF FREEDOMA bigshot in the main Nicaraguan opposition political party runs into problems with the Department of Homeland security. So long as you aren't a Central American leftist, you women will have a "modified patdown" at the airport. And despite budget problems, Big Brother shuttles off to Hawaii. What sort of commission does a travel agent get for booking a $23 million getaway?

Michael Moore Today (12.22.04)

Ohio: A Crime Against Democracy

December 21st, 2004 1:02 pm

Ohio: A Crime Against Democracy

By Stuart Comstock-Gay /
Tom Paine

The Bush electors in Ohio have
cast their votes, even though the bitterly contested ballots that allegedly gave them standing as electors have not been recounted. When asked, the mainstream media will admit that there were rampant problems with this election. But there's no juicy story for them to cover because they don't believe a recount would change the outcome of the election. Thus, they neglect what's happening in Ohio. Here Comstock-Gay explains why it matters. For the best of's coverage of the problems with election 2004, click here.

Stuart Comstock-Gay is executive director of the
National Voting Rights Institute.

Michael presented this case back in December. Evidently, Jeb Bush hasn't been able to resolve the child's issues yet.

Lauren Rainey still waiting to hear from GovernorLast Update: 12/6/2004 2:35:31 PMPosted

Bruce Mildwurf
Watch this video

(Mobile, Ala.) December 3 - The story of Lauren Rainey, a 13 year old disabled girl from Mobile, Alabama has gone worldwide and it is still gaining momentum. She is tied to an oxygen machine 24 hours a day. With an artificial breathing tube, an enlarged heart, asthma, bone abnormalities and scoliosis, Alabama Medicaid is threatening to drastically reduce her nursing care.

A Commitment to Wind Power

Island wind-turbine factory project set to create 80 jobs JOHN ROSS

EIGHTY jobs are expected to be created in the new year when work starts again at a wind- turbine manufacturing base in the Western Isles. The Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) network has agreed terms with Camcal, formerly Cambrian Caledonian, to lease the former oil-fabrication yard at Arnish, near Stornoway, as part of a multi-million-pound project to establish an operation producing steel towers and other equipment for the renewables industry.

Wind giant sets course for 10 per cent growth

SPANISH wind power firm Gamesa has said it expects net profit to fall four per cent in 2005 but to turn around after that and grow at more than ten per cent a year. Net profit is expected to come in at £150 million next year, which is lower than this year because no one-off windpark sales are included in the forecast. In 2004, the firm booked £18.22m in one-off profit.

Green power will be hit by rates system, claims electricity industry

PROPOSED rate changes for electricity-generating companies to be announced by the Executive today amount to a "stealth tax" on householders’ domestic bills, and will unfairly penalise the growing renewables industry north of the Border, according to industry representatives.

Previously, industry sector rates were considered and decided by the Executive under a scheme known as prescription. However, with the introduction of a policy to end this method of taxation, the rates of industries will, from next April, be set by the Scottish Assessors Association (SAA).

Wind farms add to crisis for diving


SCOTLAND’S rapid expansion of offshore wind farms and a rejuvenated North Sea oil industry have led to skill shortages, including an urgent demand for commercial divers. With as many as 200 windmills set to appear in Scottish waters to meet increasing energy demands, the provision of divers for maintenance and servicing work will also come directly from the North Sea oil and gas sector, putting pressure on an already depleted diving community.

Important Earth Events

Sustainable Development

Peace Prize winner welcomed to Oslo

Wangari Maathai of Kenya arrived in Oslo this week to accept the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday. She's a controversial winner, but she was warmly welcomed by the Nobel Committee and a host of dignitaries.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai was welcomed to Oslo by the director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Geir Lundestad, on Wednesday.

Maathai, who won the prize for "her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace," has a busy schedule while in Oslo. On Thursday she met reporters and criticized the US' war against terror.

She noted that Kenya has experienced several terrorist attacks, "so we know what terror means." She claimed, however, that today's war against terrorism was unfortunate because innocent victims were dying. She said she sought better ways of solving conflicts.

Maathai, a government minister in Kenya, also said she regretted making earlier remarks that offended some of Kenya's native peoples. She's been criticized for an alleged lack of sensitivity to Kenya's aborigines.

Maathai faced a series of meetings and appearances before she was to be formally awarded the Nobel Peace Prize during a traditional 1pm ceremony at City Hall.

The ceremony will be followed by an interview on CNN and then she'll be hailed by another traditional event, a torchlight parade through downtown Oslo that ends in front of the Grand Hotel, where the Peace Prize winner traditionally stays.

The Nobel banquet will also be held at the Grand Hotel Friday night. On Saturday afternoon, Maathai will be the guest of honor at a Peace Prize Performance conducted by Oslo schools, and then she'll also be the guest of honor at the annual Nobel Peace Prize Concert.

The concert, at the Oslo Spektrum arena, is being hosted this year by American talk show host Oprah Winfrey and actor Tom Cruise. Performers will include Tony Bennet, Diana Krall, Andrea Bocelli, Patti LaBelle, Sondre Lerch and Cyndi Lauper.

The Risks were known to Halliburton and it's Employees.

(This post was made while Jim Morrison is playing with the Doors, 'Babe Light My Fire.' The unedited version.)

We don't belong in Iraq. We never did. We are there to bail Dick Cheney out of trouble with his stockholders.

The stockholders are responsible for their own greed. Not the American people. The Iraqi people never asked for 'Freedom and Democracy' the exiles like Chaibi did.

Halliburton's Sacrifice - A Relief for Richard Cheney, Vice President of the USA

New York Sun Staff EditorialDecember 22, 2004

News that among those killed in the attack at Mosul, Iraq, yesterday were seven Halliburton workers prompted us to recall some of the political criticism leveled at the company during the presidential campaign. "Halliburton got billions in no bid contracts in Iraq. Dick Cheney got $2 million. What did we get? A $200 billion bill for Iraq. Lost jobs. Rising health care costs.


It is easy to see how bad Vice President Cheney feels regarding his former employees.

Posted on Wed, Dec. 22, 2004

Cheney hunts ducks in Lowcountry
Associated Press

WALTERBORO, S.C. - Vice President Dick Cheney made a special trip to South Carolina to hunt ducks in the ACE Basin with a group of elected officials from the state, Colleton County authorities say.

Cheney arrived in a military helicopter at the Pon Pon Plantation Monday night and left before lunch Tuesday, said sheriff's Maj. Steve Bazzle.

"It wasn't a state visit," Bazzle said. "He just came in to do a little bit of duck hunting and left."
The vice president was joined by Republicans Gov. Mark Sanford, Sen. Lindsey Graham and Rep. Jim DeMint, on the brief but secretive trip, though spokesmen for the officials declined to confirm or deny the reports.

Because Cheney has a heart condition, a Colleton County EMS ambulance was on the property throughout his visit.

Pon Pon is a large, private estate in the ACE Basin owned by George Dean Johnson. It sits adjacent to the Hope Plantation, which belongs to media mogul Ted Turner. Johnson is an entrepreneur and former state legislator.

Despite the secrecy, local residents said they couldn't help but notice the large volume of cars with tinted windows driving back and forth on Bear Island Road, a dirt path that leads to the plantation.

Bazzle, who said authorities prepared for about a week before the visit, said he's glad it went off without a hitch. "Nothing happened and I'm happy," he said.
Information from: The Post and Courier,


From the Press & Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York on December 22, 2004

Letter: Think peace, and bring troops home from Iraq

In this spiritual time of the year, and after the religious showing in the November election, it would seem appropriate to actively seek peace in the horrible war against Iraq.

While large corporations such as Halliburton and Bechtel rake in billions of our hard-earned tax dollars from everybody's paychecks, U.S. soldiers and the people of Iraq are dying. Where is the death toll noted in our media of the women and children of Iraq? Where is the consideration of what we are doing to our younger generation?

The vice president's company should be there for peace, not for spending our money in the black hole of war. After all, as the head of Halliburton, Dick Cheney became the head of President Bush's committee to find a vice president. And look whom he chose.

So, while looking out at our beautiful snow-covered fields, and while thinking of the true meaning of this season, we should think of peace. If the American people want peace, it will happen. Bring our young people home now.