Sunday, June 09, 2024

System that passed overhead in 4 photos


Photo 4 of 4

Photo 3 of 4 true color

Photo 2 of 4


Photo 1 of 4 Overhead and moving through

Photo 6 of 6


Photo 5 of 6

Photo 4 of 6

The pictures are loading slow because the clouds are so thick and I am working off a satellite. Lots and lots of water vapor in those clouds. There has been large differences of day and night temperatures. That is trouble when clouds are holding a lot of WARM water vapor.

Photo 3 of 6


Photo 7

Just saw this. This is out of sequence.

Photo 2 of 6


There are some wicked clouds over Midland, Michigan.

Been watching this system for awhile. There are mamantus clouds, updraft clouds, and meso-tornadic clouds. 

It looks like a heat transfer system at the moment that might become more after sunset. 

Photo 1

Trump is getting an ankle bracelet.

(Click here

There are body guards. The Secret Service will probably have instructions, too. But, Trump will have to answer to a probation officer and if he breaks probation there will be consequences.