Saturday, June 01, 2024

Anti-American Trump Voter

He plans on winning by promising tax cuts that will increase the national debt as before.

Then to further weaken the USA’s national defense, he will turn his back on Article Five of our treaty with NATO countries that don’t pay up.

Trump is Putin’s puppet and the assault he plans on NATO Article Five proves it.

Should Trump be elected there will be an all out assault against women’s rights. These people want to roll back voting rights to pre-revolutionary war 1775. Trump becomes King and the States will have reorganized borders under MAGA governors. There will be no more New York State.

Trump wants a communist country like Russia with governors that are private owners of land no different than Putin’s oligarchs. It is understandable that a billionaire would provide a lot of money to Trump and Kennedy to defeat Biden. Those winning billionaires are anticipating their own states bought and paid for to use at free will. 

It gives a whole new meaning to live free or die. 

Trouble in Paradise for those that love freedom.

These polls are the reason Trump is out there. The GOP should be looking for a better candidate for their upcoming convention. They never bargained for a convicted felon. The Harris polls show Biden losing support to Kennedy, Stein, and West. In a one on one Biden wins. In a ballot where Kennedy is the third candidate, Biden still sqeaks a win.

The Democrats need to address Kennedy’s policies and the current loss by Biden only because of a third candidate. I would think most, if not all, Kennedy voters love democracy, embrace Ukraine and Israel. They probably vote with a conscience and have trouble voting for Joe for one reason or another, but, they really don’t bargain for a Trump distatorship.

It is time to wake up voters. On some of the message boards I am reading where voters won’t vote for a convicted felon for President. Those voters need to search their conscience for the best way forward and that is a vote for Biden. He is a God fearing man, aged but fully capable of leading this country into peace.

Joe Biden is very truthful and morally centered. He has served the people for decades while keeping America great, it is time all freedom loving Americans wake up to Joe and close the door forever on Trump, Putin’s favorite puppet.

This year there is no national defense vote for a third party candidate. It is that important.

Oh, and the billionaire widow dumping tons of into the Trump campaign and that of Kennedy because she doesn’t like tomoay her fair share in taxes, is Un-American and should be ashamed of herself. If she wakes up to a Trump win after the November election she will be losing her freedom and her money to Vladimir Putin.