Friday, July 12, 2024

Congratulations to Alex Baldwin.

I never thought he should have been charged. Live rounds should have never been on the movie set.

Responsibility must lie with the people that are hired to ensure the safety of all lives involved. There has to be protocol that works and it didn’t work this time.

He world lost Halyna Hutchins to negligence. It is a little too late to say things should have gone better.

Putin’s plans fit movements within the USA, right Clarence?

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See, Putin has hated the USA since the collapse of the Soviet Union. His aspirations have been to split the USA into autonomous states as occurred when the USSR fell apart.

When you follow the actions of the Roberts’ Court that is exactly the plan. It is a bloodless coup to date.

Trump’s disgusting ambitions to be king and turn the USA into his personal empire fits right in with Russian ambitions as well as the theocratic goals of the Federalist Society. Russia’s plans are long term while taking advantage of any opportunity that presents itself. Right, Clarence? Or, maybe Clarence hasn’t figured that out yet and is just pandering to any wealth and power opportunities that come along. No one ever accused the Supremes as actually being scholars.

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The USSR broke up because it was far too big in territory. That is why Ukraine is such a threat, regardless, of a comedian turned President to have peace and joint economic ventures with Russia and the EU.

The USSR loaded its western front with its most powerful threats, namely nuclear weapons and missiles of all kinds. There are plenty of abandoned silos to prove it. But, it also grew its national security brain trust there in what became the current Post-Soviet States. There are still nuclear experiments that allow nuclear drift into Europe by Russia.

Putin wants to put it all back together again. He is obsessed with nostalgia. If he were to do that the same problems would emerge IF the USA was intact. But, if he could successfully throw the United States of America into chaos as the 50 independent Post-USA states that would no doubt breed border wars for more wealth and power, then he could cement the communist legacy. Communists love Putin.

When one realistically looks at the divisions of the world it is obvious what transpired and is transpiring with the communists, including China. The East is strongly communist influenced by two large communist countries. China is always pushing its borders to justify any burgeoning conflict with the USA and its friendly alliances. The West is Democratic primary. It isn’t as though the communists haven’t tried to turn The West red, with large remembrance like the Cuban Missile Crisis, and currently having turned Venezuela on it’s head with Hezbollah securing it’s own drug cartel with ambitions of near border wars with the USA as it sinks into chaos with undetermined borders of its new independent states.

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So, what does all this meandering through USA national security have to do with the USA Supreme Court?

For some time now, the Robert’s Court has been moving toward de-federalization of the United States of America. John Roberts knows that delving into social content might alarm the American public. So, he throws us a bone every once in awhile as with marriage equality and lately the abortion pill. Most Americans are busy within their own lives and expect those in power to do the right thing for the country and it’s nations of people within its borders and living abroad where it applies. 


The Roberts’ Court has proceeded in assaulting achievements of LEGISLATORS and it actually harms the country. Americans tend to pull together during large emergencies and it benefits citizens immensely. For the most part Americans do embrace diversity almost by instinct as we have become a melting pot of cultures. Those values of Americans would stop if the USA Constitution was dissolved either actually or in spirit. These ideas of de-federalization come from texts that are not the USA Constitution and therefore should never carry that much brevity in the Supremes decisions. But, the Roberts’ Court is chock full of conservative wet nursed and nannied by the Federalist Society. Of course, these life long jobs make the ideologues grateful and willing to move forward with ideologies derived from text outside the USA Constitution.

De-federalization plays right into Putin’s plans and the FACT Associate Justice Thomas is more than willing to bend a knee to Putin for free digs is concerning and completely without a doubt unethical.

Additionally, the political hubris is taking form in Red States like Texas where it’s Governor enjoys moving outside of respect for federal jurisdiction at the southern borders and in states that want to have biblical teachings as a permanent curriculum in public schools. Not all Americans are Christians and that is plain arrogance on a political scale.

The movement easily noticed in today’s political right wing is partly given a nod by a Supreme Court that installs ideology into decisions while breaking legal precedent. There is definitely a political movement toward ideology by these governing structures and is at least partially a bloodless coup.

It is a hell of an assignment but it is up to the Democrats to protect the USA Constitution from political hubris gone wild.

What?!?!?! Is this!!!!!

(Click here)

This is over the top. Whose side is he on?

Clarence Thomas has accumulated loan forgiveness and gifts, including the Putin gift of this trip, nearing a million US. That doesn’t even account for what may be going on with Ginny.

Garland needs to see this for what it is and called corruption and influence peddling and get with it.

Oh, yes, Clarence loves loan forgiveness as long as it is his own. Right, Clarence?

He went to Russia to be briefed on how the Russian judiciary operates in an autocracy. Right, Clarence?