Thursday, January 20, 2005

January 7, 2005 is the top photo of tsunami damage of Meulaboh, Indonesia, while the photo below is from May 18, 2004.
 Posted by Hello

The Ice at McMurdo Sound January 2005. Posted by Hello

In the USA the Wabash and Ohio Rivers are flooding. The top picture taken January 5, 2005 and the bottom picture taken November 25, 2004. Posted by Hello

Tsunami Damage to Thialand - Left picture taken December 31, 2004 - Right picture taken as stable both November 15, 2002 and February 28, 2003. Posted by Hello

The Heat Conduit moves from Equatorial South America at the Mouth of the Amazon to the African Continent and onto the 'heat' of the war torn areas of Iraq where there is a huge heat deposit on a daily basis. Due to the warring there the 'biotic areas' are absent and a place where there is chronic heat producing explosions, etc. Also noted in this photo is the heat of southern Africa moving into the South Polar Cap. Posted by Hello

The more astounding aspect of this pattern is seen in The Western Hemisphere. The 'Heat Conduit' in the Atlantic between South America and Africa has changed direction as of about a weeks ago and is moving now with the North Polar Vortex rather than moving East to West (from Africa to SA). The next Satellite of Posted by Hello

The heat building over Indonesia due to Intrared Wavelength as a result of Solar Radiation is moved by a Classical Global Warming "Heat Transport System" into the Antarctica Continent, also known as The South Pole. 1.20.05 Posted by Hello

Afghanistan adds to the war heat into the north polar cap. 1.20.05 Human Induced Global Warming. No it is not acceptable. Posted by Hello

Phi Phi Island of Krabi Province, Thialand Posted by Hello

1.20.05 The Heat of War transported north to the Arctic Ocean resulting in dissoluton of the ice cap. Posted by Hello

Unrelenting Weather Pattern of Indonesia compliments of Global Warming 1.20.05 Posted by Hello

Indonesia is caught in the Crosshairs of Global Warming/Climate Change

Jakarta Now

BRAVING THE FLOODS: A number of residents of Cililitan Kecil in East Jakarta help evacuate several women who are trapped on the second floor of their flooded home. As of Wednesday, there were still a number of people who refused to leave the rooftops of their houses, despite the flooding caused by incessant rain in the city and floodwaters coming down from Bogor along the Ciliwung river. JP/P.J. Leo
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The Land is too saturated. Indonesia

The Jakarta Post

Thousands flee homes as floods paralyze Jakarta

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta
Panic, fatigue and confusion were etched on Wagino's face, a resident of Kalibata in East Jakarta whose house on the Ciliwung river bank was swept away in Wednesday's floods.