Monday, July 11, 2005

July 11, 2005. The next hurricanes are on their way as seen in the lower right corner. Noted: Just as a hurricane locally cleans the air and is refreshing when it passes, "Dennis" has done that to the aire masse over the USA. I have a different satellite picture that better illustrates it. But, basically all the pollution was blown away. The storm is huge. Noted, the 'dirty' aire (white color) is returning to the North American continent on both coasts. It' was temporarily moved around by "Dennis" but the pollution of the USA is so dense it simply rolls back in over the continent. It won't completely blow away.  Posted by Picasa

July 11, 2005. The next hurricane is on the way. A current tropical depression spinning in a more traditional pattern is on the way. This is the same only earlier Global Warming pattern as 2004. The reason the pattern has become more traditional is because Dennis was churning the ocean and sending heat into the water enough to cool the troposphere enough to all the traditional pattern to emerge. The interesting aspect of Dennis is the size of the air masse that was cleaned as it came into North America, nearly the entire continent. It's a lot of explanation.  Posted by Picasa

July 11, 2005. The next hurricane is in the making in the upper right corner of this satellite. It's considered a tropical depression at this point at 30 mph. This is Global Warming.  Posted by Picasa

July 11, 2005. The eye wall of "Dennis" came in at Gulf Breeze, Florida. This resident lives on Santa Rosa Sound, states, "The storm surge was perhaps 4 to 5 feet less than Hurricane Ivan." Posted by Picasa

July 11, 2005. The Nation's Fires.  Posted by Picasa

July 11, 2005. The Mason Fire started due to lightning. It is said there are '0' (zero) acres involved. That would not seem to be the case. Local residents are evacuating.  Posted by Picasa

July 10, 2005. Wetmore, Colorado. The Mason Fire.  Posted by Picasa

July 10, 2005. Wetmore, Colorado. Residents watch helplessly while Slurry Planes and helicopters deliver water to the fire without much of a change to The Mason Fire. Posted by Picasa

July 10, 2005. Wetmore, Colorado. The Mason Fire.  Posted by Picasa

July 11, 2005 at 3:00 AM. Watching the Mason Fire Glow. Posted by Picasa

July 11, 2005. Wetmore, Colorado. Watching the Mason Fire at 3 AM. Enhanced picture. Posted by Picasa

July 11, 2005. Wetmore, Colorado. The Mason Fire. Posted by Picasa

July 11, 2005. Wetmore, Colorado. This sky crain helicopter can deliver a drop of water equivalent to 2000 gallons per minute.  Posted by Picasa

July 11, 2005. Wetmore, Colorado. Refugees from the Mason Fire.  Posted by Picasa

July 11, 2005. Wetmore, Colorado. Picture taken after the evacuation of the photographer. Posted by Picasa

July 10, 2005. Journalists braving "Dennis" at Panama City, Florida. Posted by Picasa

July 10, 2005. The Gulf of Mexico and "Dennis" at Okaloosa Island near Destin, Florida.  Posted by Picasa

July 10, 2005. The security barrier at A Ram, Jerusalem. Posted by Picasa

July 10, Jerusalem Arabs have access across the barrier at A Ram. They just don't like being controlled to prevent violence. The complainers are more than likely Hamas who sees and escalation of violence and not a ceasation of it.  Posted by Picasa

"March of the Penguins" Go see the movie, young and old alike. Posted by Picasa

The Prospective Designs of our future space program. Let's do it right this time.  Posted by Picasa

I think we are just asking for the same trouble we have with the current shuttle design A ship hanging on the side of very disasterous fuel. It is repeating the same mistake regardless the reassurance.  Posted by Picasa

A More Cost Effective Design - One Crew launch = MULTIPLE Cargo launches . Far more efficient besides safe.

This is a much better design to carry crews into orbit. It places the crew at the tip of the rocket AWAY from any explosion with a much better chance of survival if it is designed to protect the astronauts regardless of what happens to the booster rocket. The orbiter could be designed to 'link' to a cargo ship lauched separately. I don't see one vechicle doing every job that is needed in space. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A ' ONE FITS ALL' for every task. The crews have a right to have their own SAFE launch vehicle. I like this design for breaking Earth's gravity for the crews alone much more than any other. Posted by Picasa

The Cargo Launch Vehicle. Unmanned. More fuel for heavier launches.

This design is still too dangerous for crews. However, it is an excellant design for cargo carriers to be put into orbit to be met by crews that launch separately. Posted by Picasa

The Flight of "Columbia"  Posted by Picasa