Monday, September 11, 2017

What does Bannon have to hide?

Perhaps his memory lapsed as to what occurred the day after Mr. Comey was fired. Perhaps, rather than sending planes to attack the country, it is easier to do it from the Oval Office, right, Steve?

See, if it were me and I wanted to completely clear my name in treason to the USA, I would welcome and cooperate with any and all aspects of the Mueller investigation.

Steve Bannon is longing to have his face transposed on Darth Vadar's face similar to "Darth Cheney." Someone should provide him his reality in sympathy of his lack of regard for the country, so much it's power. It might give him more reason for rhetoric. Please by all means make Bannon's dream come true as he is subpoenaed regarding his fraudulent voting record (click here).

His political fantasy of himself also includes evil and the devil. He should not be spared his pride. He should be identified as evil as he desires and deserves. 

September 11, 2017
By Aaron Blake

...Here's the exchange: (click here)

ROSE: Someone told me you described the firing of James Comey — you’re a student of history — as the biggest mistake in political history.

BANNON: That’s probably too bombastic even for me, but maybe modern political history.

ROSE: The firing of James Comey was the biggest mistake in modern political history?

BANNON: If you’re saying that’s associated with me, then I’ll leave it at that.
