Wednesday, October 13, 2021

This video is by "Carbon Brief."

What reason does the rest of the world have to end the climate crisis? Other countries look at their greenhouse gas history and current contributions in comparison to the USA and wonder what is their outcome if the USA does not do it's part?

The United States of America MUST lead in alternative energies (not carbon based so called green energy such as natural gas) and the car industry MUST go electric, without exception!

The ONLY role for coal anywhere in the world is in making diamonds. Coal under pressure that produces diamonds are natural diamonds. Close the lousy mines in South Africa that go down miles in the planet. Build diamond plants there instead. Import coal from every country that has it and make diamonds. Honestly.

Do you know what really is astounding to me? The mechanism to pull CO2 out of the air, is made in Iceland. Excuse me? There is no excuse anymore.

I have to figure out how to put a video on YouTube. Is shows miles and miles and miles of the greenhouse effect. It is definitely here. I took that video a month or so ago. What I observed today has me extremely worried. I watched sections clouds evaporate right before my eyes. Water vapor leaving stratus clouds to higher elevations. After the clouds evaporate, the water vapor heads to the stratosphere. I already discussed what happens when the stratosphere and the troposphere have no reason to be two different atmospheres. They homogenize and there is no more Earth that is inhabitable.