Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Why the booster vaccination may be necessary.

The first issuance of the booster vaccine is for Americans that are immune-compromised. People that are immune-compromised for any reason are not going to have as much immunity available against the viruses as people with a normal immune system. 

In recent weeks, I believe it was Dr. Fauci that stated the immunity by 90 percent of vaccinated Americans that received 2 vaccines. The other 10 percent was divided between immuno-compromised and others each with 5 percent of Americans. Compromised people can include Americans fighting for their lives with cancer and others that have these immuno-compromised problems. The booster vaccine is to address those 5 percent that Dr. Fauci talked about. Keeping their immunity up is important because their health is compromised and the virus takes advantage of that.

There is also an article in "VOX" that attempts to explain the immunity acquired and maintained by those that received two injections. "VOX" looked at two studies about the issue of immunity and the need for a booster. This is their article.

January 19, 2021
By Julia Belluz

For the nearly 100 million people (click here) around the world who’ve been infected with the coronavirus, new science offers some comfort: Reinfections appear to be rare, and you may be protected from Covid-19 for at least five months.

The study, the largest of its kind, followed more than 20,000 health workers in the UK, regularly testing them for infection and antibodies. Between June and November, the researchers — from Public Health England (PHE) — found 44 potential reinfections out of the 6,614 participants who had tested positive for antibodies or had a previous positive PCR or antibody test when they joined the study. Meanwhile, of the 14,000-plus people who had tested negative for the virus at the start of the study, there were 409 new infections.

Only two of the 44 potential reinfections were designated “probable” and the rest were considered “possible,” “based on the amount of confirmatory evidence available,” according to the health agency. Fifteen people — or 34 percent — had symptoms.

So if all 44 reinfections are real, that translates to an 83 percent lower risk of reinfection compared to health workers who never had the virus. If only two are confirmed, that rate of protection goes up to 99 percent. Either way, it suggests natural immunity might provide a similar level of protection as the approved Covid-19 vaccines....

What concerns me is that I read a report on a television program at the gym two days ago that stated the CDC did their own testing for continued immunity following 2 initial injections. It found that after six months Moderna offered 84 percent immunity down from 94 percent after the initial two injections. Pfizer on the other had only had 34 percent immunity down from the initial two injections of 95.4 percent.

I haven't been able to find the written report of the CDC, but, these percentages, especially for the Pfizer vaccines are worrisome because the virus is not confirmed dead and under control, either in the USA or the world.

I do believe there is a reason to fast-track the Pfizer vaccine booster because it has a poor performance over time. The Moderna can be fast-tracked because there is at least 10 percent of their vaccines are not proving permanent immunity. Both these vaccines are in use in the USA and need to be provided boosters to return the higher levels of immunity. There is just no feasible way to have one or the other totally in the USA immune regime. That level of vaccine is impossible to produce at this point.

The long-term goal is to end the need for vaccines by removing COVID-19 from the face of the earth. It is possible as we have had that success with Small Pox. The Small Pox vaccine worked and ended the disease from ever invading human beings again. In the case of COVID-19, the long-term goal is out of reach at this point and the dangers of the virus mutating to a Level Three Virus is still possible.

Two of the variants are proving to be a problem, Delta and Lambda. Lambda is less understood than Delta and that is not good. We know Delta is blocked by the vaccine, hence, the speedy need for a booster in some people. But, we are uncertain about Lambda. Lambda may be the first of the variants that is successful in infecting people even those with healthy immune systems and are vaccinated with good immunity.

So, the most dangerous variant in the USA that is spreading quickly is Delta and it would be a good idea if the people vaccinated received a boost. Ultimately, all those fully vaccinated should receive a booster, but, the ones in most danger at the moment are immunocompromised.

One other aspect to this is the global community and it's problem in being vaccinated to end the virus. Some countries only recently started their vaccination process and may not have started at all. If the USA uses vaccines for boosters that reduces the number of vaccines for the rest of the world.

There is no easy answer for any of this and why the New Zealand Model is so very, very valuable even today with vaccines and continued outbreaks of variants.