Monday, February 10, 2020

February 10, 2020
By Jessie Yeung

..."To date, (click here) no one has tested positive for novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) among the 195 in quarantine. Two individuals with symptoms were retested and also found to be negative, and have since recovered," said Public Health Officer Cameron Kaiser, in a statement from the Riverside County Public Health Department....

None of the State Department employees can be accused of spreading the virus.

...The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has listed 398 people under investigation for the novel coronavirus in 37 states, according to an update posted to the agency's website on Monday. Of them, 12 have tested positive, 318 negative and 68 are still pending...

It is long overdue in getting the passengers off the cruise ship. The air is unfiltered and the chances of it spreading are considerable. However, they should be tested as they exit the ship into New Jersey. Precautions have to be maintained and the testing on the ship may have been inadequate. It is wrong to continue to allow them to stay on the ship. The ship itself will have to be decontaminated, especially sources of food and water.

...After being delayed when four passengers became ill, The Anthem of the Seas will take off today at 3 p.m. ET, according to Royal Caribbean. The ship was docked in New Jersey while the family of four and other passengers were tested for the coronavirus....

This is Hong Kong construction? Like, what?

"As the pipeline that transfers feces is connected to the air pipe, it is very likely for the virus in the feces to be transmitted through the air fan into the toilet," Professor Yuen said. 

Hong Kong basically has three sewage treatment plants. (click here)

Two of the latest four coronavirus infections in the UK are healthcare workers, and British authorities are now “working urgently to identify all patients and other healthcare workers who may have come into close contact” with them, Public Health England Medical Director, Yvonne Doyle, said in a statement.

The UK has a real problem if the health workers involved were not exclusively taking care of patients with the virus.

February 10, 2020
By Keith Bradsher

...More than two week (click here)
after China locked down a major city to stop a dangerous viral outbreak, one of the world’s largest economies remains largely idle. Much of the country was supposed to have reopened by now, but its empty streets, quiet factories and legions of inactive workers suggest that weeks or months could pass before this vital motor of global growth is humming again....

...New figures show the authorities still have a long way to go before the outbreak can be tamed. On Monday, the authorities reported the most deaths from the new coronavirus in a single day, raising the death toll by 97 to 908....

It is extremely sad to see China go through this, but, it is serious. The United Nations needs to consider developing a method to get humanitarian aid to the people. Methods of clean water and food are very important. The idea China can sustain itself without assistance is a bit unrealistic. While other countries contain the virus, China has to maintain its' people. A weak body is a weak immune system and could act as a facilitator to the virus.

China is still an emerging economy and while that is all very interesting it is also a communist country that takes the people seriously. They won't be putting profits before survival, nor should they.