Sunday, March 17, 2013

The search for Polly was conducted through the internet which was never done before. The foundation that now carries her name seeks to find missing children.

Twelve year old Polly Hannah Klass (click here) was having a slumber party when a strange man holding a knife entered her bedroom, tied up all the girls and put pillow cases over their heads. The intruder then took a sobbing Polly off into the night.

Her friends stood back-to-back trying to untie themselves. When that didn't work, one girl was able to bring her hands under her feet to free herself. The girls then awakened Polly's mother, who immediately called the police.

It was October 1, 1993.

A stranger had invaded a private home in Petaluma, CA and snatched an innocent child from her very own bedroom. There were witnesses to tell the story. People in her home town and throughout the world helped search for her.

By the time Polly's body was found on December 3, 1993, over 2 billion images of Polly Klaas had been distributed worldwide.