Monday, November 15, 2010

The war is over for them, it is why they are veterans and they need to stop solicitus behavior that endanger children's lives.

There is a reason why schools have policies and they are usually to protect all the students.  The veterans are out of line and involving a child in a statement when all he needs to do is attend school.  I believe riding rough shod over a school administration that is trying everything they know how to equalize all the factors in preventing violence is abusive.  Are the veterans going to be body guards from now on?

Flags have become a 'demonstration' content among children and it needs to stop.  There is too much violence in our schools at nearly every grade and there needs to be sincere understanding to the 'idea' that children's safety comes first.

There have been issues within the USA that are surrounded with danger.  Illegal immigration is one of them.  It is not a topic for a child and wearing 'flag emblems' are becoming a source of 'gang' behavior.

It is that behavior and what danger it elicits for children creating the problem,  NOT the fact everyone is proud to be an American.  Children are NOT to be put in the middle of conflict, they simply have to FIRST grow up and learn their school lessons, do their homework and respect their teachers and parents.

Cody Alicea, 13, is now a victim.  It is just that simple.  

He is the focus of anger and hatred and people are taking up sides.  Shame on every adult involved in the opposition demonstration of the school policy.   Shame on all of you.  You need to grow up FIRST and then attend School Board Meetings.  His parents did not use good judgment in allowing a 13 year old child to become the center of a national debate.  It was some of the poorest judgment I have witnessed and I sincerely don't care what Palin or any other political figure has to say about it, Mother Grizzly or not.  It is poor judgment and this is going to become a harassment issue of someone.  Either Cody or a classmate that is Hispanic or of another ethnicity.

There is an American flag flying over every public school in the country.  There is an assignment daily of students to raise the flag at the beginning of the day and take it down at the end of school.  This is not about respect for our nation or the flag.  This a political stunt and a child has been victimized.

The PROPER way of handling this is for parents to attend School Board meetings and defend their child to the administration and ELECTED officials.  If children are allowed to wear flag emblems there needs to be an understanding that it isn't going to result in a 'gang' behavior that will result in injury of a child or worse.  

Now, if PARENTS feel strongly about the topic they need to attend school board meetings and stop brow beating administrators that are simply doing their jobs and attempting to protect every child in their school.  Attending school board meetings and PTA meetings isn't glamourous, or doesn't get national media attention, but, it gets LOCAL issues settled.

ATTITUDES is not what a mentally healthy child needs in learning and growing.  Shame on everyone, including the media that wants to make a child a 'darling' for no clear reason at all.