Friday, September 28, 2012

Voter ID Laws are expensive.

The problem is people age, they have accidents and plastic surgery. The voter 

ID laws rely on the photo as a means to providing proof. The frequency of

which a photo ID has to be produced is yet to be determined.

I have a passport I am about to renew. It is ten years old. I look different on 

my current passport than I do today. I was told by a TSA employee about 3

years ago I should have a back up ID as my physical features had changed 

enough to challenge the validity of the passport. I don't lie. It occurred.

..."What I'm thinking is blocking (click here) implementation of one '

specific section that contains disenfranchisement language," Simpson 

said from the bench.

"The provisional ballot seems to be the sticking point," he said. "It's not the 

smoothest part of" the voter ID law....

The voter ID laws have to be challenged as a poll tax. They also have to be

challenged as an inaccurate way of providing identity for voting.

If the state provides free Voter ID cards that does not end the problem. The

Voter ID legislation has to provide for BUDGET provisions in any state's

budget. So, in the case of free voter ID cards it will be an ongoing budget 

problem which will have to provide for replacement cards whenever there is 

a problem with the ID matching the facial features of the voter.

In the case of a requirement for a Voter ID not paid for by the state, it

definitely is a poll tax. Absolutely. And if voters have to repeat the expense 

frequently it will oppress the vote. A state could require Voter IDs as current

as a month before any balloting. If the voter has to pay for those IDs it will

be a cost they may not be able to afford and will be obstructive to any


Voter IDs are a new toy to oppress the vote. This is not the end of it. It will

morph into permission to cause chaos year after year. This dynamic of a 

Voter ID is prohibitive to our democracy.

I have a suggestion.

If a state wants to prove positively a voter is who they say they are

throughout their balloting lifetime, then technology has to be put in place.

It has to be put in place at the time of balloting.

The only way to secure a person's identity 

with any assurance and without 

manipulation is through the electronic 

ready of a thumb, finger or toe print.

A simple mechanism whereby any person 

lightly presses on its surface is then 

matched automatically to a data base. 

First time IDs can be registered at the 

polling station as people enter for 

balloting. That print can follow them

everywhere forever. 

It only requires the current balloting system 

and technology in place to start the process.

It is the only valid means of providing proof of identity without changing 

circumstances beyond the first data grab.

The Photo Voter ID is insufficient in its ability to assure the integrity of

balloting today or in the future. It is far too costly and will cause tampering

with balloting integrity. Voter ID laws will require trained personnel at the 

balloting stations who are certified to read the Voter ID card or photo ID.

The Voter ID Laws provide no assurance of accuracy of the personnel at the 

polling station to ascertain a positive identification of an individual to cast

a ballot. Voters will be turned away by people with challenged eyesight and 

the inability to understand how to look at the ID picture and then the voter.

The Voter ID Laws can allow bigotry, racism and discrimination with a new 

procedure never proved to be effective and fool proof.