Sunday, September 25, 2011

I listened to Steve Forbes speak the other day and it made me realize...

...the business community are wealthy by sheer luck and not expertise.

The problem with Wall Street is that they want THEIR 'Business Model" all wrapped up in a nice little package, like the one Senator Brown made for them.

But, it is more than corruption and crony politics, it is a sincere lack of ability to adjust to changes in any business climate.  Basically, what occurred in 2008 with the global economic collapse is the Wall Street was given a bailout.  They considered it theirs to be happy with and to be safe with so they walked away to play with billions of $US to 'set themselves up' because they are unable to sincerely understand the market or predict it.

Forbes was having a fit over Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae.  He felt they needed to be dissolved.  That the Wall Street answer, but, it isn't an answer for a nation of people, some unable to reach for that gold ring without some help.  

The USA is a country, not a bank account and Wall Street can't seem to get their minds around that.  Heck, the Republicans can't get their minds around it either, they allow the USA Treasury to be used as a Treasury to their cronies, so why expect Wall Street to think morally about a nation of people?

This is what Housing and Urban Development, Shaun Donovan said on August 17, 2010:  "Given where we are today, our footprint needs to be smaller." (click title to entry - thank you)

I guarantee you Wall Street doesn't agree with that statement and doesn't even begin to understand it because they would have to understand the federal government besides having the ability to accumulate monies from taxpayers to be used at their beacon-call.

If Republicans are weak minded but loud mouths, then the people that they call cronies aren't at all different, except, they might be quieter until they have to ask for money of course.

Perhaps, Mr. Forbes and his pals on Wall Street need to take some 'government and public policy' courses for their degree on how best to have their companies serve the CITIZENS of this nation so they actually don't do stupid things like bundling mortgages.