Thursday, March 25, 2010

Scott Brown is lying. Why believe anything he says?

Couldn't find a naked picture of Ms. Maddow for equity purposes.


Believe me.

I looked.

Evidently, Brown seems to believe he can say anything, remain credible and get away with it. In recent emails to past contributors to his campaign he stated he was running in 2012 against Rachel Maddow. He's lying. Other than just in bed.

He might be running against Ms. Maddow, BUT, only in his dreams.

In her news hour last night she stated, she is voting for him in 2012 as a Massachusetts resident because she loves his stand on the Easter Rabbit.

So, you see, he might be just delusional enough to believe he actually is running against Ms. Maddow and her phenomenal popularity, but, in REALITY there is basis of truth in it.

I guess everyone just wants to humor the guy until his competency is actually tested. If it ever will be as a Republican.

Huffington Post

Danny Shea First Posted: 02-19-10 05:11 PM

Updated: 02-19-10 05:24 PM

"Meet the Press" has benefitted from another Maddow Bump.

The NBC Sunday morning program moderated by David Gregory averaged 4.162 million total viewers for first place. That's the show's highest total viewer delivery since March 22, 2009.

Gregory interviewed Vice President Joe Biden and the roundtable included David Brooks, Rep. Aaron Schock, Harold Ford, and Rachel Maddow.

Maddow's first appearance, in August, brought the show its highest numbers since April. She battled Schock in a particularly memorable clip on this Sunday's episode.

"Meet the Press" beat CBS' "Face the Nation" (3.025 million) by the widest margin since May 17, 2009, and it beat ABC's "This Week" (2.508 million) by the widest margin since December 7, 2008. The 2.508 million total viewers represent ABC's lowest total viewer delivery since August 23, 2009.